常春藤解析英语【96】Tchaikovsky's Magic 悲怆大师─(在线收听

Tchaikovsky's Magic 悲怆大师─柴可夫斯基

by Kevin Lustig

This Russian composer left a lasting mark on the world of classical music.


On May 7, 1840, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in a small town in Russia. His family had no way of knowing that he was destined to become one of the greatest musicians of all time. However, he began to show his incredible talent when he was just a boy.
When Tchaikovsky was five years old, he began taking piano lessons. Soon, he could play better than his instructor. However, Tchaikovsky's parents ignored his talent and sent him away to school to study for government service. Not long afterwards, Tchaikovsky's mother died and the boy was heartbroken. He turned back to music for comfort and began to write his own pieces.
Over the following years, Tchaikovsky studied, graduated, and worked for the Russian government. Meanwhile, he continued writing music. Finally, a teacher he was studying with noticed his talent. In 1865, the teacher offered Tchaikovsky a job teaching and writing music. After just a couple of years, Tchaikovsky wrote his first big hit, Romeo and Juliet, based on the play by Shakespeare.
Tchaikovsky's life was unsuccessful in some ways. For example, his marriage to Antonina Miliukova failed after just six weeks. However, his music was another story. Tchaikovsky's goal was to write music that had a traditional Russian feel, but that was good enough to be enjoyed all over Europe. He succeeded. By the time he died in 1893, Tchaikovsky was recognized as one of Europe's greatest composers.
Tchaikovsky's reputation didn't end when his life did. His music is still enjoyed not only in Russia and Europe but all over the globe. Now, even more than when he was alive, Tchaikovsky is a musical legend.


1. musician n. 音乐家
2. incredible a. 惊人的;难以置信的
3. instructor n. 讲师;指导员
4. afterwards adv. 之后(= afterward)
5. heartbroken a. 感到心碎的
heartbreaking a. 令人心碎的
6. piece n. 一支(乐曲),一篇(艺术作品)
7. traditional a. 传统的
8. composer n. 作曲家
9. reputation n. 名声
10. legend n. 传奇人物


1. a couple of...  几个∕若干……
2. be based on...  根据……
3. For example, S + V  例如,……
= For instance, S + V
4. not only...but (also)...  不仅……而且……


by the time + S + V  等到……时
by the time 作副词连接词时,其所引导的副词子句用来修饰主要子句,用法如下:
a. 表过去状态:
By the time + 主词 + 过去式动词, 主词 + 过去式∕过去进行式(was/were + V-ing)∕过去完成式(had + p.p.)∕过去完成进行式(had been + V-ing)
例: By the time I got to class, my classmates were already taking the test.
b. 表未来状态:
By the time + 主词 + 现在式动词, 主词 + 未来进行式(will be + V-ing)∕未来完成式(will have + p.p.)∕未来完成进行式(will have been + V-ing)
例: By the time you get this message, I will be riding on a plane to Paris.


1. be destined + to V/for N  注定……
be doomed to V/N  注定……
be bound to V  注定……
"be destined to/for" 之后接表正面、负面意义的原形动词或名词均可;"be doomed to" 之后所接的都是表负面意义的原形动词或名词(如失败、死亡等);而 "be bound to" 之后则可接正面、负面意义的原形动词。
例: Charles is destined for greatness.
例: This project is doomed to fail.
例: A hardworking person is bound to get somewhere.

2. of all time  空前的,有史以来
* 该词组常与有最高级形容词修饰的名词并用。
例: This movie is rated as one of the most popular of all time.

3. ignore vt. 忽视,忽略
例: The influence of advertising on people's spending habits can't be ignored.

4. comfort n. & vt. 安慰
例: A kind word can comfort a person who is feeling down.

5. meanwhile adv. 同时
= in the meantime
例: John and I went for a hike. Meanwhile, our parents went for a walk on the beach.

6. offer vt. 提供
offer sb sth  提供某人某事物
例: The insurance company offered Arthur a settlement of two million dollars.
(那家保险公司提供阿瑟 2 百万元的理赔金。)

7. be recognized as...  被公认为……
例: Einstein is recognized as a great scientist.


公元 1840 年 5 月 7 日,彼得‧伊里奇‧柴可夫斯基出生在俄国的一个小镇。当时他的家人不知道他命中注定要成为有史以来最伟大的音乐家之一。然而,他在小时候就开始展露无比的天份。

柴可夫斯基 5 岁开始学琴,不久便弹得比他的老师还好。但是他的双亲无视于他的天份,还把他送去学校,希望日后他能从事公职。过没多久,他的母亲去世,让还是孩童的他非常伤心。他转而向音乐寻求慰藉,并开始创作自己的作品。

接下来几年,柴可夫斯基历经了求学、毕业,并开始担任公职。在这段期间,他继续创作音乐。终于,一位指导老师注意到他的才华。这位老师在 1865 年时提供柴可夫斯基一份工作,内容是教导并创作音乐。不到几年时间,柴可夫斯基以莎士比亚的戏剧为蓝本,写下生平第一个广受欢迎的作品《罗密欧与朱丽叶幻想曲》。

柴可夫斯基的一生在某些方面不尽如意,他和安东妮娜‧米露科娃的婚姻只维持 6 星期便宣告破裂便是一例。但是他的音乐之路则恰恰相反。柴可夫斯基的目标是创作具有俄罗斯传统风格的音乐,但也能让全欧洲的人陶醉其中。他办到了。 1893 年他去世时,柴可夫斯基已被公认是欧洲最伟大的作曲家之一。

