新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册 Unit 10b(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  ||<1>dot         |n. |[C] a small round mark |点;小圆点
  ||||Join the dots up to complete the drawing. |把小圆点连接起来,完成这幅画。
  ||||Her skirt was blue with white dots. |她的短裙是蓝底白点。
  |||vt. |mark sth. with a dot |加小点
  ||||Your handwriting is difficult to read because you don't dot your i's. |你写的字很难认,因为你写的i上面不加小点。
  ||||The doctor dotted the location of the first incision with a pen before he picked up a scalpel. |医生在拿起手术刀之前用笔在第一切口处作个记号。
  ||<2>drift |vi.    |move slowly on water or in the air |飘动;漂流
  ||||She watched the birds as they drifted up into the sky. |她看着鸟儿飞上天空。
  ||||Early that morning, a mist drifted in from the sea. |那天一早从海上飘来了一层薄雾。
  |@|<3>explode |vi.    |1. burst with a lot of force and a loud noise |爆炸
  ||||A bomb exploded at London's busy railway station this morning. |今晨一枚炸弹在伦敦繁忙的火车站爆炸。
  ||||He was driving so fast that his car tire exploded. |他车开得太快,以致车胎都爆了。
  ||||2. suddenly increase in number, amount, or degree |急剧增加;激增
  ||||The rapidly exploding population in some countries is a serious problem for their governments. |一些国家迅速增长的人口成了其政府面临的严重问题。
  ||||Even economists were shocked to see the inflation rate explode overnight. |甚至经济学家对通货膨胀一夜之间爆发也感到震惊。
  ||<4>lightning |n.|[U] flash of bright light in the sky during a storm |闪电
  ||||There was a flash of lightning and then it started raining. |先是一道闪电,接着就开始下起雨来。
  ||||That tree was struck by lightning last week. |那棵树上星期被闪电击中。
  ||<5>outward     |ad.|toward the outside |向外
  ||||The door opens outward. |这扇门向外开。
  ||||New suburbs are pushing outward into previously wooded areas. |新的郊区正向以前的森林地带推进。
  ||<6>weed |v.|take out wild plants from the ground |除杂草
  ||||I've been busy weeding in the garden. |我一直忙着在园子里除杂草。
  ||||I'm weeding the vegetable garden—would you like to help? |我正在为菜园除草,你愿意帮忙吗?
  ||<7> <em>underclothes</em> |n.     |(pl.) |内衣;贴身衣服
  || | |All his underclothes, his sports socks and his trousers were smeared with dirt. |他所有的内衣、运动袜和裤子都被弄脏了。
  ||<8>stagger |vi. |walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall |蹒跚;摇晃
  ||||She staggered and fell. |她踉踉跄跄地摔倒了。
  ||||After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and to call for help. |遭到袭击后,他摇摇晃晃地走到电话亭打电话求救。
  |@ |<9>expose |vt.    |1. fail to protect sb. from sth. dangerous or harmful |使暴露
  ||||Don't expose your skin to the sun too much. |不要长时间把皮肤暴露在阳光下。
  ||||The soldiers were exposed to great danger. |士兵们面临着极大的危险。
  ||||2. make sth. secret known |揭露;将...暴光
  ||||His remark exposed his ignorance of the subject. |他的话暴露了他对该学科的无知。
  ||||The newspaper story exposed him as a cheat. |新闻报道揭露出他是一个骗子。
  ||<10> <em>exposed</em> |a.     |not covered or protected |暴露的;未受保护的
  ||||You should cover your exposed skin with suntan lotion. |皮肤露在外面的部分你应该擦上防晒伤。
  ||||The exposed electric wire is very dangerous. |那根裸电线十分危险。
  ||<11>luxury |n.     |1. [U] great comfort and pleasure, such as one gets from expensive houses, cars, etc. |奢侈;奢华
  ||||a luxury hotel/car |豪华旅馆/高档汽车
  ||||2. [C] sth. expensive but one does not really need |奢侈品
  ||||We can't afford many luxuries. |我们买不起很多奢侈品。
  ||||It would be a luxury to be able to have a day off work. |能休一天假是一件奢侈的事。
  |@ |<12>sector |n.     |1. [C] a part of an area that is separated from others |区域
  ||||There is an enemy attack in the southern sector. |敌人在南部地区发动进攻。
  ||||They relocated to a quieter sector of the camp where they could talk comfortably. |他们搬到营地的一个安静区域,以便能更舒适地谈话。
  ||||2. [C] a part of business, trade, etc. |部门;行业
  ||||In the financial sector, banks and insurance companies have both lost a lot of money. |在金融界,银行和保险公司都蒙受了很大损失。
  ||||New government's policy is to change state industries from the public sector to the private sector. |新政府的政策是将国有工业由公转私。
  ||<13>thunder|vi.    |make a loud noise in the sky, usually after a flash of lightning |打雷;发出雷鸣般的响声
  ||||A voice thundered in my ear. |一个声音在我耳边轰鸣。
  ||||The train thundered by, shaking the house. |列车呼啸而过,房子都震动起来。
  |||n.|[U] the sudden noise that comes after a flash of lightning |雷;雷声
  ||||We had thunder and lightning last night. |昨夜雷电交加。
  ||||The thunder from the storm kept him awake all night. |暴风雨中雷声隆隆,使他一宿无眠。
  ||<14>heir |n.     |[C] sb. with the legal right to receive money, property, etc. when the owner dies |继承人
  ||||Despite having a large family, they still had no son and heir. |尽管家里人口众多,他俩仍然没有儿子作继承人。
  ||||She made her fourth son heir. |她将第四子选作继承人。
  |& |<15>roomy |a.     |having plenty of space |宽敞的
  ||||a roomy car |一辆宽敞的汽车
  ||||They live in a roomy flat on the first floor. |他们住在一楼一套宽敞的公寓里。
  ||<16>layout|n.     |[C] a way in which the parts of sth. are arranged according to a plan |布局;安排
  ||||The layout of the house is more a series of spaces opening on to each other than separate rooms. |那幢房子的各个房间不是相互隔断的,而是都相通的。
  ||||Application forms are often very different in layout and length. |申请表格的格式和长度往往差别很大。
  ||<17>mat |n.     |[C] a piece of material for covering part of a floor |席子;垫子
  ||||She put the glass mats on the table. |她把杯垫放在桌上。
  ||||Pubs usually have beer mats to put the glasses on and protect the tables. |酒吧里通常有小垫子供放啤酒杯用,同时还可保护桌面。
  |& |<18>tatami |n.| |榻榻米(日本人铺在房内地板上的稻草垫)
  ||||He didn't know that it was rude to step on tatami while wearing shoes. |他不知道穿着鞋上榻榻米是不礼貌的。
  |@ |<19>limb |n.     |[C] an arm or leg |肢;翼
  ||||She sat down to rest her tired and aching limbs. |她坐下来让疲劳酸痛的四肢放松一下。
  ||||The students mostly had injuries to their lower limbs. |这些学生大多数下肢有伤。
  ||<20>flesh |n.     |[U] the soft part of the body which is between the skin and the bones, or the soft inner part of a fruit |肉;果肉
  ||||The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh. |诱捕器深深地嵌入了兔子的肉里。
  ||||To make apple sauce, you have to remove the skins from the apples and use only the flesh. |要做苹果酱,你必须削去苹果皮,只用果肉。
  ||<21>chap |n.     |[C] a man |小伙子
  ||||He's a friendly sort of chap. |他是个挺友好的小伙子。
  ||||Be a good chap and open the door for me, would you? |乖孩子,给我开开门好吗?
  ||<22>glimpse |n.     |[C] a quick look |一瞥
  ||||One glimpse at himself in the mirror was enough. |他只是想朝镜子里看一下自己。
  ||||I caught a glimpse of the driver, but I doubt I would recognize her if I saw her again. |我只见过那个司机一面,我不知道如果再见到她时能否认得出来。
  ||<23>bandage |n.     |[C] a long narrow piece of cloth which is tied around an injury |绷带
  ||||She offered to put a bandage on his arm. |她主动提出为他包扎手臂。
  ||||She was wearing a bandage round her head. |她头上缠着绷带。
  ||<24>sway |vi.    |move slowly from one side to another |摇摆;摇动
  ||||The trees are swaying in the wind. |树在风中摇摆。
  ||||She swayed as she danced. |她跳舞时摆动身子。
  ||<25>slope |n.     |1. [C] the side of a hill or mountain |山坡
  ||||There's a very sharp slope just before you reach the top of the mountain. |在你到达山顶之前有一段非常陡的山坡。
  ||||It was a beautiful day and there were lots of people on the snowy slopes. |天气很好,积雪的山坡上人很多。
  ||||2. [C] a piece of ground that has one end higher than the other |斜坡
  ||||The roof is at a slope of 30°. |屋顶呈30度斜角。
  ||||The garden was on a south-facing slope which caught the sun. |花园位于可以照到阳光的朝南的斜坡上。
  ||<26>uneasy |a.     |worried or anxious about sth. |心神不安的;担心的
  ||||I'm uneasy about the future. |我对未来很感忧虑。
  ||||She has a rather uneasy relationship with her mother-in-law. |她与婆婆的关系很不融洽。
  |@ |<27>heal |v.     |(cause to) become healthy again |(使)愈合;(使)康复
  ||||The soup will help to heal the broken bone. |这种汤有利于治好骨折。
  ||||His broken heart will take a long time to heal. |他破碎的心需要很久才能愈合。
  ||<28>radiation |n.     |[U] |(核)辐射
  ||||With nuclear power, there is always the fear that there will be a release of harmful radiation. |对核能,人们总担心会有有害的放射性物质泄漏。
  ||||Many soldiers suffered radiation sickness after being present, without protection, at the early atomic tests. |在未作防护参与早期的原子试验后,许多军人患了由辐射引起的疾病。
  ||<29>atomic |a.  | |原子的
  ||||an atomic bomb |原子弹
  ||<30>dizzy |a.     |feeling unable to stand steadily |头晕目眩的
  ||||After another glass of whisky I began to feel dizzy. |又喝了一杯威士忌酒后,我开始感到头晕。
  ||||Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy. |长时间没有睡觉使我头晕目眩。
  ||<31>gum |n.     |1. [C] firm pink flesh at the base of the teeth |牙龈
  ||||If you brush your teeth too hard, your gums may start to bleed. |如果刷牙时太用力, 齿龈就会开始出血。
  ||||2. [U] |口香糖
  ||||It's impolite to talk to others while you are chewing gum. |一边嚼口香糖一边和人交谈是不礼貌的。
  ||<32>bowel |n.     |(~s) |肠
  ||||Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of bowel cancer. |多吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜能够减少肠癌的危险。
  ||<33>ghost |n.     |[C] |幽灵;鬼
  ||||Do you believe in ghosts? |你相信有鬼吗?
  ||||He looked as if he had seen a ghost. |他那样子好像看见了鬼似的。
  ||<34> <em>after-effect</em> |n.     |[C] a bad effect that continues for a long time after the thing that caused it |(不良)后果;副作用
  ||  |  |He felt sleepy; that was the after-effect of the drug. |他感到困倦,那是药的副作用。
  ||  |  |His love affair had left a bitter after-effect. |他的那段情史留下苦涩的后果。
  |@ |<35>historical |a.     |relating to history or the past |历史上的
  ||||Many historical documents were destroyed when the library was bombed. |许多历史文献在图书馆遭轰炸时被毁。
  ||||We have no historical evidence for it. |这方面我们没有掌握历史证据。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<36>break off |1. (cause to) become separated from the main part |(使)折断
  |||The door handle has broken off. |门把手已经断了。
  |||Mary broke off some of the chocolate to give to the children. |玛丽把巧克力掰开,分了一些给孩子们。
  |||2. stop doing sth. or end a relationship |中止;中断
  |||Our trading connection has broken off owing to a disagreement over prices. |我们的贸易往来由于价格上的分歧而中止。
  |||She broke off with her old classmates when she went away to college. |她上大学后,就和原来的同班同学断绝了往来。
  ||<37>sink into |gradually go into a worse condition |恶化,陷入更糟糕状态
  |||Don't let yourself sink into despair. |不要让你自己陷入绝望的境地。
  |||Don't allow yourself to sink into grief. |可别让自己沉浸在悲痛之中。
  ||<38>wanting in sth.|not having enough of sth. |某物不足;缺少某物
  |||His behavior was wanting in politeness. |他的行为有失礼貌。
  |||I think she's perhaps a little wanting in charm. |我想她大概是不够迷人。
  ||<39>expect sth. of sb. |hope or think it likely that sb. will do sth. |对某人有...期望;指望某人做
  ||    |The whole family expects great things of him. |全家人对他寄于厚望。
  ||    |Don't expect too much of him. |不要对他期望太高。
  ||<40>remain of |be left or still present after other parts have been removed or used or dealt with |从...留下;剩下
  |||What will remain of the old city if the new road is built through the center? |如果穿越市中心修一条新公路,那么老城还剩下什么呢?
  |||Nothing remained of the body but bones and ashes. |那尸体除了骨头和灰烬什么也不剩了。
  ||<41>make for |move in a particular direction |朝...走去;朝...前进
  |||It's getting late; we'd better make for home. |天晚了,我们最好回家吧。
  |||After the concert, the crowd made for the nearest door. |音乐会结束后,人群朝着最近的那个出口涌去。
  ||<42>take sb. in |let sb. stay in one's house |收留;接纳
  |||He was homeless, so we took him in. |他无家可归,所以我们收留了他。
  |||Some of the local people take in students to add to their income. |一些当地人为学生提供住宿以增加收入。
  ||<43>be seized with |be suddenly affected by a strong feeling |被(强烈的感情)影响或支配
  |||We were seized with a sudden impulse to run. |我们突然萌生了一种想跑的冲动。
  |||I was suddenly seized with a feeling of loneliness. |我突然产生了一种孤独感。
  ||<44>give way to |be replaced by sth. newer, better, or different |被...取代
  |||Glass has given way to high-tech materials. |玻璃由高科技材料取代。
  |||Due to the efforts made by the two sides, conflicts have given way to cooperation. |由于双方的努力,冲突已转化为合作。
  ||<45>go into |change to a different state or condition, usu. a worse one |陷入
  |||Fur sales went into a sharp decline. |毛皮销量直线下滑。
  |||The thieves have gone into hiding. |盗贼已躲藏起来。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<46>Hiroshima  | |广岛(日本本州岛西南岸港市,1945年8月6日美国在此投下第一颗原子弹)
  ||<47>Kaz Tanaka | |田中和子(日本女子名)
  ||<48>Los Alamos | |洛斯阿拉莫斯(美国新墨西哥州中北部城镇,著名的原子能研究中心)
