新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册 Unit 5a(在线收听

  |<1>solitary|a.   |tending to spend a lot of time alone |独自的;喜欢独处的
  | |   | |a solitary traveler |一位孤独的旅行者
  | |   | |A solitary tree remained standing after the hurricane. |飓风过后,惟有一棵树孤独地挺立在那儿。
  |@    |<2>tame   |vt.  |make sb. or sth. easy to control |驯服;控制
  | |   | |Atomic energy has been tamed and harnessed for useful work. |原子能已被控制并得到实际应用。
  | |   | |He tamed the wild horse. |他驯服了那匹野马。
  |    |          |a.     |(esp. of animals) not afraid of people, and used to living with them |(尤指动物)温顺的,驯化的
  | |   | |The birds in the park are quite tame and will take food from your hand. |公园的鸟很温顺,它们会吃你亲手喂给它们的食物。
  | |   | |He keeps a tame bear as a pet. |他养着一头驯服的熊作为宠物。
  |   |<3>pond   |n.  |[C] a small still body of water formed naturally or created artiicially |池塘
  | |   | |She has a pond at the bottom of her garden. |她在花园深处有个池塘。
  | |   | |She chose a bench beside the fish pond and sat down. |她在鱼塘旁挑了个板凳,坐了下来。
  |@    |<4>inspiration   |n. |[C, U] a sudden good idea about what to do or say |灵感
  | |   | |Wordsworth found (his) inspiration in the Lake District. |华兹华斯从湖区获得灵感。
  | |   | |His hard work is a constant inspiration to us all. |他刻苦工作的态度不断地激励着我们每个人。
  |▲    |<5>solitude |n.  |[U] the situation of being alone |独居,孤独
  | |   | |People need a chance to reflect on spiritual matters in solitude. |人们需要独处的机会来反思精神上的事情。
  | |   | |He enjoys the solitude of his own flat. |他喜欢在自己的公寓套间里独居。
  |@★   |<6>commodity |n.   |1. [C] sth. that is useful or necessary |有用的东西;必需品
  | |   | |If you're going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity. |如果你打算从事教学,精力充沛是个必要的素质。
  | |   | |Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted. |水是一种珍贵的东西,可是它往往不被重视。
  |     |             |      |2. [C] a substance or product that can be bought or sold |商品,货物
  | |   | |The country's most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds. |这国家最有价值的商品包括锡和钻石。
  | |   | |There is an international commodities market in the city. |该城市有一个国际商品市场。
  |    |<7>sunlight |n.  |[U] the light that comes from the sun |阳光,日光
  | |   | |The early morning sunlight shone through the curtains. |清晨的阳光透过窗帘照了进来。
  | |   | |Our garden gets a lot of sunlight. |我们的花园充满阳光。
  |▲   |<8>benign |n. |[C] a soft bag to make a seat more comfortable |坐垫;垫子
  | |   | |She has a benign nature. |她天性温和。
  | |   | |He shook his head in benign amusement. |他亲切并满心欢喜地摇了摇头。
  |@    |<9>cushion  |n.   |[C] a soft bag to make a seat more comfortable |坐垫;垫子
  | |   | |She bought more fabric in the same design so she could make matching curtains and cushions. |她买了更多同样图案的布,这样可以做搭配的窗帘和靠垫。
  | |   | |She leaned back against the cushions. |她向后靠在垫子上。
  |@    |<10>creep  |vi.   |move slowly and quietly |潜行;蹑手蹑脚地移动
  | |   | |She turned off the light and crept through the door. |她关了灯,蹑手蹑脚地走过了门。
  | |   | |John wuold creep into the gallery to listen to the singers. |约翰会悄悄溜进楼座去听歌手唱歌。
  |    |<11>poetry  |n. |[U] poems in general |诗,诗歌
  | |   | |She has just published a collection of poetry. |她刚出版了一本诗集。
  | |   | |She started writing poetry at a young age. |她年纪很小的时候就开始写诗了。
  |    |<12>dictate    |v.  |1. say sth. for sb. else to write down |口授;口述
  | |   | |She spent the morning dictating letters to her secretary. |她花了一上午向她的秘书口述信件。
  | |   | |I dictated my order over the phone. |我通过电话口授命令。
  |    |          |   |2. tell sb. exactly what to do or how to behave |命令;指使
  | |   | |The media cannot be allowed to dictate to the government.|不能容认媒体向政府发号施令。
  | |   | |Don't dictate your demands to me! I'm not going to listen! |别对我发号施令, 我不会听!
  |    |<13>kettle  |n.  |[C] a container with a lid, handle and a spout used for boiling water |水壶
  | |   | |an electric kettle |电水壶
  |    |<14>priest  |n.   |1. [C]  (high ~) a person who is famous for being the best at sth. |代表人物
  | |   | |a high priest of art |艺术宗师
  | |   | |He is regarded as the high priest of modern jazz. |他被视为现代爵士音乐的泰斗。
  |     |             |      |2. [C] |神父;牧师
  | |   | |a remarkable old Irish priest |一位杰出的爱尔兰老牧师
  | |   | |The old priest tried to put them off, saying that the hour was late. |那位老牧师试图把他们搪塞过去,说时候不早了。
  |★    |<15>reliance   |n.    |[C] [U] the state of depending on a particular person or thing |依靠,依赖
  | |   | |The region's reliance on tourism is unwise. |这个地区对旅游业的依赖是不明智的。
  | |   | |You place too much reliance on her ideas and expertise. |你太依赖她的主意和知识了。
  |    |<16> <em>self-reliance</em> |n.  |[U] the state of doing or deciding things by oneself rather than depending on others |自立;自力更生
  | |   | |The Prime Minister called for more economic self-reliance. |首相号召更大程度上的经济自力更生。
  | |   | |We therefore need to make it easier for people to create jobs and to learn self-reliance. |我们需要使人们能更容易地去创业和学会自立。
  |    |<17>hut      |n.    |[C] a small, simple building |小屋
  | |   | |The workmen put up a hut where they could have their food. |工人们搭了一间小屋,可以在里面吃饭。
  | |   | |The people of the village live in neat huts with grass roofs. |村民们住在整洁的茅草屋中。
  |    |<18>axe      |n.  |(AmE ax) [C] a tool with a handle and a metal blade used for cutting down trees or cutting wood into pieces |斧子
  | |   | |He used an axe to chop the old apple tree down. |他用斧子砍倒了老苹果树。
  | |   | |When they returned each carried a handful of small axes. |他们回来时手上都拿着几把小斧子。
  |    |<19>saucer    |n.    |[C] a small curved plate on which one puts a cup |茶托,茶碟
  | |   | |John put his cup and saucer on the coffee table. |约翰把带茶托的茶杯放在咖啡桌上。
  | |   | |She set her cup down, and it clattered against the saucer. |她放下了杯子,杯子与杯碟相碰哐啷响了一声。
  |    |<20>laundry|n.   |1. [U] the clothes and sheets which need to be or have just been washed |待洗或刚洗好的衣物
  | |   | |When shall we do the laundry? |我们什么时候洗衣服?
  | |   | |Has the laundry come back yet? |送洗的衣物送回来了吗?
  |     |             |      |2. [C] a place where clothes, sheets, etc. are washed |洗衣店
  | |   | |a self-service laundry |自助洗衣房
  | |   | |run a laundry |开洗衣店
  | |   | |He worked in a laundry in the small town. 他在这小城的一家洗衣店干活。
  |    |<21> <em>companionable</em>   |a.   |friendly and pleasant to be with |友善的,友好的
  | |   | |He seldom spoke, but he was never impatient with her, always kind, a companionable father figure. |他很少说话,可是他从来没有对她不耐烦过,总是很善良,是一个友善的父亲型的人。
  | |   | |He's a nice companionable sort of a person. |他是那种友善易处的人。
  |    |<22>ego    |n.   |1. [C] the part of the mind that is responsible for your sense of who you are |自我
  | |   | |Unconditional surrender was more than his fragile ego could bear. |无条件投降不是他脆弱的自我所能承受得了的。
  |     |             |      |2. [C] your sense of your own value and importance |自我价值感
  | |   | |That man has got such an enormous ego—I've never known anyone so full of himself. |那个人非常自负,我从来没有见过那么以自我为中心的人。
  | |   | |I'm glad she got the job—she needed something to boost her ego. |我很高兴她得到了那份工作──她需要那份工作来增强她的自尊心。
  |@  |<23>humble   |a.  |1. having a modest opinion of oneself |谦逊的,谦虚的
  | |   | |Many famous people are surprisingly humble. |许多名人出人意料地谦虚。
  | |   | |He strikes me as a very humble person. |他的谦虚给我留下了深刻的印象。
  |     |             |     |2. having a low social class or position |地位或身份低下的
  | |   | |I do quite a humble job at the hospital. |我在医院从事很普通的工作。
  | |   | |We live in a humble little village. |我们住在一个普通的小村庄里。
  |    |<24>inadequate     |a. |not enough or not good enough for a particular purpose |不充分的;不足的
  | |   | |inadequate supplies |短缺的供应品
  | |   | |The system is inadequate for the tasks it has to perform. |这个系统要完成它的任务还不够完善。
  |   |<25>plural   |a.   |of a word or form which expresses more than one |复数的
  | |   | |Most plural nouns in English end in "s". |英语中大多数复数名词以“s”结尾。
  | |   | |"Cattle" and "trousers" are both plural nouns. |“Cattle”和“trousers”都是复数名词。
  |     |             |n.    |[C] a word or form that shows you are talking about more than one thing, person, etc. |复数(形式)
  | |   | |What's the plural of "mouse"? |“mouse”这词的复数形式是什么?
  | |   | |"Data" is the Latin plural form of "datum". |“Data”是拉丁语中“datum”的复数形式。
  |@  |<26>apology  |n.  |[C] a word or statement to say you are sorry for having done sth. wrong or for upsetting sb. |道歉
  | |   | |I made no apology for what I said—it was a fair comment. |我不打算为自己说的话道歉──我的评论是公正的。
  | |   | |I have an apology to make to you—I'm afraid I opened your letter by mistake. |我得向你道歉──我误拆了你的信。
  |   |<27>soak     |vi.    |spend a long time taking a bath |长时间泡浴
  | |   | |Soak in a warm bath to relax. |泡个热水澡放松。
  |     |             |v.     |make sth. very wet or become very wet |使湿透;浸湿
  | |   | |A sudden shower of rain soaked the spectators. |突如其来的一阵雨把观众淋了个透。
  | |   | |The blood soaked through the bandage. |血渗透了绷带。
  |    |<28>pint     |n.    |[C] |品脱(液量单位)
  | |   | |The military requested 6,000 pints of blood from the American Red Cross. 部队向美国红十字会要求6000品脱血。
  |    |<29>waterproof       |a.   |not allowing water to go through |防水的,不透水的
  | |   | |You'll need something waterproof on top of that sweater if you're going walking in the hills. |如果你要在山间行走的话,你需要在那件毛衣外面套件防水的衣服。
  | |   | |Take waterproof clothing with you. The weather there is unpredictable. |带上防水衣服,那儿的天气是无法预料的。
  |@  |<30>slippery  |a.    |dificult to hold or to stand on, drive on, etc. because it is smooth, wet or polished |滑的
  | |   | |The roads are slippery after rain. |雨后道路很滑。
  | |   | |Drive very carefully; the roads are wet and slippery. |开车要特别小心,道路又湿又滑。
  |@   |<31>observation |n.    |1. [C] a spoken or written remark about sth. you have noticed |评论
  | |   | |I wish to make a few general observations about your work so far. |对你们到目前为止的工作我想说一说总的看法。
  | |   | |Paz makes some observations about the role of the critic. |帕兹对批评家的作用作了一些评论。
  |     |               |       |2. [C, U] the process of watching sb. or sth. carefully for a period of time |观察;注意
  | |   | |During our observation of the rats, we made several new discoveries. |我们在对老鼠的观察中有了几项新发现。
  | |   | |He left by the back door to escape observation. |他从后门离去,避开了别人的注意。
  |    |<32>choke     |v.    |1. become unable to speak because of a strong emotion |说不出话来
  | |   | |The surprise farewell party left them all choked up. |这一意外的告别聚会令他们激动得说不出话来。
  | |   | |She was choked with anger. |她气得说不出话来。
  |    |           |    |2. be unable to breathe properly, or be made unable to breathe properly |(使)窒息;(使)呼吸困难
  | |   | |The smoke almost choked the fireman. |消防队员几乎被烟熏得透不过气来。
  | |   | |An elderly man choked to death in his home. |昨天一个老人在家因窒息而死。
  |@    |<33>parcel     |n.    |[C] an object or collection of objects wrapped in paper, etc. so that they can be sent by post |包裹
  | |   | |a parcel of books tied with string |用绳子系住的一包书
  | |   | |Because it was her birthday she got several parcels and lots of cards. |因为过生日,她收到几个包裹和好多贺卡。
  |▲    |<34>parrot     |n.    |[C] |鹦鹉
  | |   | |If you have not kept a pet parrot before, it would be wise to purchase a handbook on the subject. |如果你以前没养过宠物鹦鹉,最好买一本关于这方面主题的小册子。
  | |   | |This parrot will repeat anything and everything you say to it. |这个鹦鹉会重复你对它讲的任何话和每句话。
  |    |<35>sportsman    |n.    |[C] sb. who plays sport, esp. one who is good at it |运动员
  | |   | |He'll be remembered as a true sportsman. |人们将把他作为一名真正的运动员牢记在心中。
  | |   | |He is a very keen sportsman. |他非常热衷于运动。
  |    |<36>skate     |vi.    |move, dance, etc. on skates |溜冰,滑冰
  | |   | |The ice on the river is thick enough to skate on. |河上的冰足够厚,可以在上面滑冰。
  | |   | |She skates beautifully. |她溜冰的姿势很优美。
  |    |<37> <em>skater</em>       |n.    |[C] a person who skates |溜冰者,滑冰者
  | |   | |There are lots of skaters in the park today. |今天公园里有许多滑冰者。
  | |   | |He is a very skilled ice skater. |他是溜冰好手。
  |  |<38> <em>self-centered</em>     |a.    |only interested in oneself and one's own activities |自我为中心的,自私的
  | |   | |Robert is a self-centered, ambitious and bigoted man. |罗伯特自私、有野心,并且顽固。
  | |   | |I care about other people, I pay attention, and I'm not self-centered. |我关心他人,我很留心,不以自我为中心。
  |    |<39>seal  |vt.    |(also seal up) close a container or space by covering it with sth. |封;密封
  | |   | |The windows have been sealed up for years. |这些窗户都已经密封了许多年了。
  | |   | |He sealed the envelope and put a stamp on it. |他封上信封,然后贴上邮票。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<40>on purpose |not by accident; deliberately |故意,特意
  | |   |She did it on purpose, of course. |她当然是故意那样做的。
  | |   |If you joke with him, he'll think you're insulting him on purpose. |如果你和他开玩笑,他会认为你在故意羞辱他。
  ||<41>cast out|make sb. leave a place, or refuse to accept sb. as part of a group |赶走,驱逐
  | |   |He claimed to have the power to cast out demons. |他声称有能力驱鬼。
  | |   |He was cast out of the upper society. |他为上流社会所摈弃。
  ||<42>speak highly of|express a good opinion of sb. or sth. |对...给予高度评价;赞扬
  | |   |They spoke highly of his behavior. |他们对他的行为赞颂备至。
  | |   |She is very highly spoken of. |人们给予她非常高的评价。
  ||<43>seek out |ind sb. or sth. by looking for them in a determined way |找到;找出
  | |   |He managed to seek out his friend in the crowd. |他设法在人群中找出了自己的朋友。
  | |   |The magazine is seeking out readers' opinions. |这本杂志正在征求读者的意见。
  ||<44>set forth |start a journey |出发,动身
  | |   |Columbus set forth with three small ships. |哥伦布率领三只小船出发了。
  | |   |It's getting late—time to set forth. |时间不早了──该出发了。
  ||<45>stretch out |1. lengthen sth. by pulling |拉长,伸长
  | |   |She stretched out the rubber band to one meter long. |她把橡皮筋拉长到了1米。
  | |   |The negotiation process was stretched out to several months. |谈判过程延长到了好几个月。
  | |                |2. lie down, usu. in order to relax or sleep |躺平;舒展
  | |   |Just stretch out and relax on the bed while I cook dinner. |我去做晚餐,  你在床上躺好, 好好休息。
  | |   |He stretched out on the grass. |他平躺在草地上。
  ||<46>back up |1. (cause to) block up |(使)积压;(使)拥塞
  | |   |The correspondence has been backing up for several days. |待处理的信件已积压了好几天。
  | |   |Many vehicles were backed up at the crossroads because of the accident. |由于事故,很多车辆被堵在十字路口。
  | |            |2. support sb., esp. in an argument |支持
  | |   |Harry will back me up wholeheartedly as he used to. |哈里会像过去一样全心全意地支持我。
  | |   |The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't backed me up. |如果你当时不支持我,警察是不会相信我的。
  ||<47>at length |1. for a long time and in great detail |长久地;详尽地
  | |   |He talked at length about his work and family. |他详细地谈了他的工作和家庭。
  | |   |We have already discussed this matter at length. |我们已详细讨论过这件事了。
  | |              |2. after a long time |最终,终于
  | |   |"Yes, I saw him," she said at length, knowing that she had no choice but to admit to it in case she had been seen at the apartment. |“是的,我见到过他,” 她终于说了,知道自己只能承认,怕万一有人曾看见过她在那个房间。
  | |   |"I don't agree," she said at length. |她最终才说:“我不同意。”
  ||<48>in line |in a row of people standing one behind the other while waiting for sth. |(排)成一行,(排)成一队
  | |   |You are not in line with the others. |你没有和别人排成一行。
  | |   |The children stood in line. |孩子们站成一队。
  ||<49>settle down |become quiet and calm or make sb. do this |(使)安定下来
  | |   |He settled down to do his homework. |他安下心来做家庭作业。
  | |   |When are you going to get married and settle down? |你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?
  ||<50>for the time being |for a short period of time from now, but not permanently |暂时,眼下
  | |   |All is well, for the time being. |眼下一切顺利。
  | |   |He wanted to stop but decided to continue for the time being. |他原想停止,但又决定暂且继续干下去。
  ||<51>might as well |used to suggest that sb. should do sth. because there is no good reason to do anything else |只好;还是...为好
  | |   |I might as well go. |我最好还是去。
  | |   |Since you can't win the race, you might as well quit. |既然你赢不了这场赛跑,倒不如退出比赛。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<52>Thoreau | |梭罗(Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862,美国作家,超验主义运动的代表人物,主张回归自然)
  ||<53>Dorothy Wordsworth | |多萝西·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth 的妹妹)
  ||<54>William  | |威廉(文中指 William Wordsworth,1770-1850,英国诗人,作品多为歌颂自然,开创了浪漫主义新诗风)
  ||<55>Milton | |弥尔顿(John Milton, 1608-1674,英国诗人)
  ||<56>Walden Pond | |瓦尔登湖(位于美国马萨诸塞州东北部;1845-1847年梭罗在此隐居,并撰写其名著《瓦尔登湖,或林中生活》
  ||<57>Melissa | |梅利莎(人名)
