新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册 Unit 6a(在线收听

  ★    |<1>bribery    |n.    |[U] the act of giving or taking bribes |行贿;受贿
  ||   ||He is appearing in court on charges of bribery and tax evasion. |他因被指控受贿和逃税正出庭受审。
  |▲  |<2>ethic   |n.  |[C] a general idea or belief that influences people's behavior and attitudes |道德;伦理
  ||   ||The group may provide guidelines for behavior such as a professional ethic or a code of conduct. |这个团体可能会提供像职业道德或行为准则这样的行为指导。
  |   |<3> <em>ethics</em>   |n.  |(pl.) moral rules or principles of behavior |道德准则;伦理标准
  ||   ||The principles of good faith reflect professional ethics and general social morality. |信守诺言的原则反映了职业道德准则和普遍的社会道德观。
  ||   ||Whether you agree or disagree with the death penalty is a question of ethics. |你同意还是反对死刑是一个道德准则问题。
  |    |<4> <em>quick-witted</em>      |a.   |able to think and understand things quickly |聪颖的;机敏的
  ||   ||Brady is quick-witted and articulate. |布雷迪反应机敏,口齿伶俐。
  ||   ||A quick-witted neighbor heard the screams and called the police. |一位机敏的邻居听到尖叫声后便打电话叫来了警察。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<5>on the increase |increasing 在增长
  ||   |Smoking seems to be on the increase among teenagers. |青少年中的吸烟人数似乎在增加。
  ||   |Figures of one-parent families are on the increase in Britain and the US. |单亲家庭的数量在英国和美国在增长。
  ||<6>way of life|the behavior, habits, customs, etc. of a particular society or person |生活方式
  ||   |Communicating in more than one language is a way of life in much of Europe. |用不止一种语言交际,在欧洲许多地方成为一种生活方式。
  ||   |All-night parties with music and dancing have become a way of life for a large section of young people. |在很大一部分年轻人中,整夜地在一起唱歌跳舞的聚会已成为一种生活方式。
  ||<7>pay up|pay all the money that one owes |付清欠款;还钱
  ||   |Eventually they paid up the debt. |最后他们终于还清了债务。
  ||   |If your parcel is lost or damaged, compensation may be paid up according to the fee paid. |你的包裹如遗失或受损,可能会根据所付的费用来支付赔偿。
  ||<8>stand by  |1. remain faithful to a promise, etc.; keep to |遵守;履行
  ||   |After two months' silence, I was informed that the ministers stood by their decision. |经过两个月的沉默,我被告知大臣们仍坚持他们的决定。
  ||   |Washington, he said, stood by its commitment to financially support European countries in their reconstruction after World War II. |他说华盛顿方面信守其承诺,在经济上支持欧洲国家二战后的重建工作。
  | |             |2. stay loyal to sb. and support them, esp. when they are in trouble |支持;忠于
  ||   |Thank you for standing by me while I tried to deal with my drug problem. |感谢你帮助我对付毒瘾问题。
  ||   |Standing by one another is what good friends should do! |互相支持是朋友应该做的。
  ||<9>in practice |in reality |实际上,事实上
  ||   |In practice the distinction between the two is not so clear-cut. |在实践中,这两者的区分并不是那么明确。
  ||   |In practice as well as in theory, Thatcherism is in the process of being abandoned. |不仅在理论上,而且在实践中,撒切尔主义正在被摈弃之中。
  ||<10>accuse sb. of sth.  |say that sb. has done sth. wrong, illegal, etc. |指控;指责
  ||   |He was accused of calling for the violent overthrow of the government. |他被指控号召使用武力推翻政府。
  ||   |He is accused of making a false statement prior to entering the US. |他被指控在进入美国前作了不实的申报。
  ||<11>in private |with no one else present; secretly |私下里,秘密地
  ||   |Few of his ministers are saying, even in private, that they expect him to lose the next election. |即使在私下,他的大臣们几乎没人说他们预料他在下一次选举中会失败。
  ||   |The Act applies to violence and violent threats whether in public or in private. |这个条例适用于在公开场合或者在私下里发生的暴力行为或以暴力相威胁。
  ||<12>a fact of life |a situation that cannot be changed, esp. one that is unpleasant |生活现实;残酷的事实
  ||   |It doesn't matter whether I like it or not; it's a fact of life. |我喜欢不喜欢它不要紧,这就是现实。
  ||   |Gradually she had come to accept it as a fact of life, though the grief was still sometimes there.|尽管悲伤有时还在折磨她,但她逐渐将这作为一个残酷的事实接受了。
  ||<13>throw out |get rid of; make sb. leave because of a fault |抛弃;驱除
  ||   |Inspect stored fruit every week and throw out any that has started to go rotten. |每星期检查储藏的水果,把已经开始腐烂的水果都扔掉。
  ||   |He won't know what to keep and would probably just throw out everything. |他不知道要保留些什么,也许就把什么都扔掉了。
  ||<14>close a deal |complete a transaction successfully |完成交易;生意成交
  ||   |It wouldn't be long before he closed a deal with one of the chain stores. |不久,他与其中一家连锁店达成了交易。
  ||   |They talked and talked until they closed a deal. |他们谈啊谈啊,直到生意成交。
  ||<15>speed up  |make sth. happen or move more quickly |(使...)加快速度
  ||   |It can be argued that computer communications have simply speeded up the whole process of change enormously. |可以说,计算机通信无疑已加速了整个变化的过程。
  ||   |Officials say that unless this can be speeded up, it will take up to three years before the district can be rebuilt. |官员们说除非加速,重建这个地区得花高达三年的时间。
  ||<16>hit upon/on |think of an idea unexpectedly |忽然想出(主意等)
  ||   |It was John who hit on the idea of doing it this way. |是约翰想到这样做的。
  ||   |Howard realizes that he has hit upon a solution to one of the main problems. |霍华德意识到,他已经想出了解决一个主要问题的办法。
  ||<17>amount to |have the same effect as |等于;相当于
  ||   |The court accepted that these facts amounted to a reasonable suspicion. |法庭承认这些事实意味着怀疑是有道理的。
  ||   |To solve the problems, the Committee recommended a number of changes which amounted to an attempt to introduce modern techniques into business management. |为解决这些问题,委员会提出了一些改革措施,这些改革措施实际上是试图在商务管理中引入现代技术。
  ||<18>behave oneself |based on |act in a way that people think is correct or proper |表现得体
  ||   |He did all the things we know he is capable of doing and that he behaved himself as well. |他做了所有这些事情,我们知道他有能力做,而且他自己行为也挺规矩。
  ||   |He had been told at the start of the meeting to behave themselves and not get in the way of others, so he did not have a good time. |聚会一开始,他就被告知要行为规矩点,不要妨碍别人,所以他玩得不痛快。
  ||<19>be caught in |based on |be in a situation that one cannot easily get out of |陷入;被卷入
  ||   |When the ship was caught in a storm, the sailors could hardly handle the sails. |当船遭到风暴时,水手们几乎都不能操纵船帆了。
  ||   |Our car was caught in the center of an enormous traffic jam. |我们的车陷入了严重的交通堵塞之中。
  ||<20>be on the take |be willing to do sth. wrong in return for money |受贿;贪赃枉法
  ||   |I knew he was on the take, but I never had enough evidence to show to the court. |我知道他受贿,可我又没有足够的证据向法庭出示。
  ||   |Is it true that some of the teachers in this school are on the take? |这个学校有些教师受贿,是真的吗?
  ||<21>square... with...|make two ideas, facts , etc. agree with each other; agree or be consistent with another idea, fact, or situation |(使)与...一致(相符)
  ||   |His statement doesn't square with the facts. |他的陈述与事实不符。
  ||   |Her story doesn't quite square with the evidence. |的叙述与证据不太相符。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<22>Switzerland | |瑞士(欧洲中部国家)
  ||<23>Chrysler Corporation | |克莱斯勒汽车公司
  ||<24>US Securities and Exchange Commission | |美国证券交易委员会
  ||<25>Chile | |智利(南美洲西南部国家)
  ||<26>Iran   | |伊朗(西南亚国家)
  ||<27>International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) | |国际商会
