新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册 Unit 9a(在线收听

  |@★    |<1>contend     |vt.    |argue or state that sth. is true |声称;认为
  ||   ||The man contend that it was not his fault. |那人认为这不是他的过错。
  ||   ||I would contend that the minister's thinking is flawed on this point. |我倒认为部长的想法在这一点上有漏洞。
  |        |               |vi.    |compete against sb. in order to gain sth. |竞争
  ||   ||As Crawford contended with heartbreak in his private life, his career soared to greater heights. |当克劳福德在他个人私生活上与伤心事搏斗时,他的职业生涯却上升到了更高点。
  ||   ||Three armed groups were contending for power. |三个武装集团在争夺权力。
  |@★    |<2>contemplate |v.   |think carefully about sth. for a long time |思量;仔细考虑
  ||   ||contemplate the problem from all sides |从各方面慎重考虑这个问题
  ||   ||You are too young to cotemplate retirement. |你考虑退休还太年轻。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<3>shave off |remove hair with sth. sharp |剃掉
  ||   |I've decided to shave off my beard. |我决定剃掉胡子。
  ||   |During that time he was ordered by those criminals to shave off his beard to change his appearance. |那时,那帮罪犯命令他把胡子剃掉,改变外貌。
  ||<4>take sb. to court|begin a case against sb. |起诉某人
  ||   |She threatened to take them to court if they didn't publish an immediate apology. |如果他们不马上发表一个道歉,她扬言要诉讼他们。
  ||   |He was stunned last week to receive a letter from his former neighbors accusing him of "damaging" their land and threatening to take him to court. |上周他感到很震惊:他收到他以前几个邻居的一封信,指控他“破坏”他们的土地,并威胁要把他告上法庭。
  ||<5>put sth. before sth. |consider sth. more important than sth. else |认为...比...更重要
  ||   |He puts his health before all other considerations. |他认为他的健康比别的什么都重要。
  ||   |Putting yourself before anyone else is very selfish. |把你自己看得比任何人都重要,这是很自私的。
  ||<6>for all  |despite |尽管,虽然
  ||   |For all her privilege and wealth, life had not been easy and the experiences of childhood had left an indelible mark on her mind. |尽管她享有特权和财富,可是她的生活一直是很不容易,童年的经历在她的脑海中留下了一个抹不去的印记。
  ||   |For all the talk of "cuts", state spending on health has increased by nearly a third in real terms since 1979. |尽管一直在谈“削减”,但实际上政府在健康问题上的开支从1979年以来上涨了近三分之一。
  ||<7>come into |begin to be in a state |开始进入某种状态
  ||   |The ship had come into service only weeks before the rescue mission. |这条船在救援任务开展前几个星期刚开始投入使用。
  ||   |The planned cable is set to come into service by the end of 1999. |计划中的电缆定在1999年底前投入使用。
  ||<8>so far   |until now; up to this point |到目前为止;迄今为止
  ||   |Meanwhile, health campaigns have largely failed so far to change their behavior. |同时,健康运动到目前为止总体上没能改变他们的行为。
  ||   |The authorities have so far managed to prevent a chain reaction. |到目前为止,当局已经设法避免了连锁反应。
  ||<9>in response to |as a  reply or  reaction  to an event or sth.  that  is said |作为对...的答复;作为对...的反应
  ||   |The product was developed in response to customer demand. |为了满足顾客的需求,开发了这种产品。
  ||   |The law was passed in response to public pressure. |在公众压力下该法规获得通过
  ||<10>in a lash |quickly or suddenly |转眼间
  ||   |It happened in a flash, although in retrospect everything seemed to occur in slow motion. |这是眨眼间发生的,尽管回想起来一切似乎都是慢慢出现的。
  ||   |She thought she saw a flicker of admiration in his eyes, but it was gone in a flash. |她想她看到了他眼神里微微流露出的一丝羡慕,但转眼间它又消失了。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<11>Euro Disneyland | |欧洲迪斯尼乐园
  ||<12>Mickey Mouse | |米老鼠(迪斯尼创造的雄性老鼠动画形象)
  ||<13>TGV | |高速电气铁路
  ||<14>Sleeping Beauty | |睡美人(法国童话中因着魔而昏睡100年的公主)
  ||<15>Snow White | |白雪公主
  ||<16>Peter Pan | |彼得·潘(苏格兰剧作家 James Barrie 所著同名剧本中的主角,一个不肯长大的小孩)
  ||<17>Pinocchio | |匹诺曹(同名故事和电影中的主角,一个木偶男孩,说谎时,他的鼻子就变长)
  ||<18>Walt Disney World | |沃尔特·迪斯尼世界
  ||<19>Jules Verne | |儒勒·凡尔纳(1828-1905,法国小说家,现代科幻小说的奠基人)
  ||<20>the Louvre | |卢浮宫(法国国立美术博物馆,位于巴黎)
  ||<21>Minnie Mouse | |米尼老鼠(迪斯尼创造的雌性老鼠动画形象)
  ||<22> <em>Mona Lisa</em> | |《蒙娜·丽莎》(欧洲文艺复兴时期意大利画家达·芬奇所作的一幅著名肖像画)
