CNN 2010-12-08(在线收听

This meeting takes place at a time of grave concern in northeast Asia amid the provocative attacks from North Korea.We are committed to our partners and we are committed to the preservation of peace and stability in northeast Asia and on the Korean peninsula.

My biggest mistake was not abiding by what I truly believe and that is that people who are involved in-have the privilege to serve the public,should have a higher standard in terms of following the rules.These rules, even though it doesn't amount, in my opinion,to a censure, are so important to the individuals, so important to the House and so important to the integrity of the Congress as a whole,to rely on staff that's not relieved me of any of the responsibilities.

The clear headline here is the Continental Airlines was criminally responsible for that crash which killed 113 people back into 2000.You might remember that an investigation showered a piece of metal fell off the on the Continental Airlines DC-10 onto the runway.The Concorde had run over that speed burst the tyre and break-hit the tank that triggered a leak of fire which broke the plane down so Continental Airlines is guilty of involuntary manslaughter and must pay a fine around $ 260,000.

This is a fight.It broke out in the pregame tailgame in a parking lot I guess before USC-UCLA game Saturday.So this is not exactly you are average drunken sports fans smart talk although witnesses say the drinking started right early, 6:30 in the morning Saturday, two people taken to the hospital with stab wounds after this melee.
