CNN 2010-12-23(在线收听

You can not deal with the materials that are obsecen in  nature that are harmful to  children,and that's what he did ,the real life example in this book,it is a horrific malifastal in destructed things step by step how to sexually battle children.

At XX , hauling wind and blinding snow trapping cars and even four real drivers without extraction,basiclly you can not going anywhere ,you get stuck ,wild out,you cannot see anything you know, it was night ,what you gonna do?sleep in the car.Enough to make you feel  just   a bit like  the wetday  mcdonald's party, It was rainning ,and all of a sudden,it got really bad like in five and ten minutes,and now my car is over there, and it is buried in the snow.

All of a sudden ,it was started to smoke at the end , everybody started  yelling at that is on fire on the back, in this army ,you know , I was sleep like ,oh, wow, this is something really strange going on. open the side window ,jump that gap we get it open , just got it off the bus.

I was shocked ,I mean I heard about this XX on the news in other schools but I was shocked too that it came from passby ,according to the national studying on student's  hazing , it is  a activity expects that someone join in a group ,humiliate,degrades, or risky emotional and or physical harm, regardless if the person's willing  to participate, in the case that XX high ,prosecutor say victimes came forward out being inappropriate touched.

XX told him that the capitain didn't think what he is do was so horrific. XX ,it was really shocking  me ,because I have never had my hair style so long since 1999 , I have never wearing things like this in my life. Tod used to supply the beauty shop in Tennenssee in Missisipi ,he says his customers like his style, his barber described  Chrismas design he now has in his hair,Tod says he is different, and he likes to bring cheers to people during the holidays ,  the way that I decorated my hair like a Chrismas tree was a honnor makes ,I have to say that , I guess it was wringed around.
