王强口语 第一册 long conversation 13.2(在线收听

  B: (In the classroom)
  Miss Mood: Victor! I see you crawling in late as usual! Get up off the floor!
  Victor: Sorry, Miss Mood!
  Helen: What was it this morning?
  Victor: Couldn't find anything to wear! Everything was torn, dirty or out of style!
  Helen: Sounds like my morning!
  Victor: So I like to sleep in longer!
  Helen: But, unlike present company, I tend to get up a little earlier, so I have more time!
  Victor: If we wore uniforms, it would make it quicker and easier to get dressed each morning!
  Helen: True! So, how hard was Miss Mood on you?
  Victor: She assigned two chapters to study of what I missed this morning!
  Helen: Not too bad!
