王强口语 第二册 Dialogue Completion 06B(在线收听

  Dictation: Please prepare your paper and pen.
  ______ knows ___ and ____ the ________ "_______" _______________________ of ______. But ________ people were __________________. Today _________________________that ________________________ is, by consuming ____ amounts, _______ in _____________ cholesterol _____, _______________________, and ______ infections. _____ is a ______.
  Dialogue Completion: Listen to the tape repeatedly and try to complete the following dialogues, using the exact words or phrases that you hear on the tape.
  Woman: Johnson's.
  Man: Hi, it's Robert Kincaid.
  Woman: Hi.
  Man: I ___ your ____. W.B.Yeats _______ . I put it in _________ and I didn't ____ it right away because the ______ was ________. Had to ____________.
  Woman: The _____ was _________.
  Man: But I do ______ your ________. It'll have to be later ________. I'm going to the Holliwell Bridge and do some ________ over there. After nine, how about that?
  Woman: Yes. Get your _________________ what's important. I'll _____ you something nice. We can ____________ when you ________.
  Man: No. It's just a thought. Maybe you'd like to _____________ me.
  Woman: Yes. I would like _____ but I will _____ my pickup and meet you there. All right?
  Man: What time? How about ___?
  Woman: Okay.
  Man: Great. Ok. Bye.
  Woman: Bye.
