王强口语 第二册 Dialogue Completion 014B(在线收听

  Lesson Fourteen
  Dialogue Completion: Listen to the tape repeatedly and try to complete the following dialogues, using the exact words or phrases that you hear on the tape.
  Man: You're not coming with me, are you?
  Woman: ________ how many times I _____ it ___________ in my ____, it doesn't ____like _______.
  Man: For (who)?
  Woman: For anyone. _________ never ____________ live through ________. And Richard will never be able to get his _____________ this. It will _______ him _________. He doesn't _________ that. ______never _____ anyone _________________.
  Man: He can _________. People ______.
  Woman: His family _________ this farm for _______________. Richard doesn't know how to live anywhere else. And my kids...
  Man: They're practically _______. You said they ________ talk to you.
  Woman: Yeah,they don't say much. But Carolyn is _________. She's about to __________ about ____________ for _______. She's going to __________and she's going try to _______________________. If I leave, what does they say to her ?
  Man: What about us?
  Woman: You have to know, ___________, the minute we _______ here, everything will change.
  Man: Yeah, it would...get _____.
  Woman: And _________ how much __________ we put ________ ourselves _____ this house. I ______ it ____ me. I'll ______it _____________ we're together. And I will _______________ loving you for how much it _______. And then, even ______ four beautiful days will seem ___________ something sordid and __________.
  Man: Do you think that _______________ with us _______________ anyone? What we _____________________ ? We're hardly, hardly ____________ people now. And some people _______ all their life for this and never find it. Others don't even think it ________. You're going to tell me that you...You're going to tell me this is ___________________? ___________?
  Woman: _______ the choices that we ___________. You don't understand? _____ you ____? Nobody understands when a woman _____________ to marry and have children _____________her life ________, but _____________, it _____. You build a life of _______ and you just stop and stay _______________ your children can move. And when they leave, they take __________________ with them. You're __________ to move on again, but you don't _________ what it was ________________, because _________________ in so long. Not even yourself.
