王强口语 第二册 Dialogue Completion 016B(在线收听

  Lesson Sixteen
  Dialogue Completion: Listen to the tape repeatedly and try to complete the following dialogues, using the exact words or phrases that you hear on the tape.
  Lawyer: Erin! _________?
  Erin: You never ______ me _____. I left ________.
  Lawyer: You did? Well I didn't know that, er...Donald _________ think that you _____that...
  Erin: ________ two things that aggravate me, Mr.Masery. _______________, and ____________.
  Lawyer: I never ___.
  Erin: You told me things would be ____. They're not. I ______ you.
  Lawyer: Sorry about that. I really ___.
  Erin: I don't need _____ - I need a _________. And I've _____. But when you've __________________________ raising _____, it's real hard to ________ someone ___ giving you a job that pays ___________...are you _____ every word of this ____ honey or am I going ____ fast for you?
  Lawyer: I'm sorry about that, I really am. We have _____________ right now...
  Erin: Bullshit. If you had __________ this office would return a ______ damn phone call. I'm _______, I'm ___________ and I'll do __________ and I'm not leaving here ________ a job.
