王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 15B(在线收听

  Announcer: The following is _____________________.
  Woman: Did you ___ Mercer County was recently _________ Money Magazine ___________________________________?
  Man: I did, but that's ______________. Trenton's really ________________.
  Woman: Oh I know.
  Man: We've got Waterfront Park, ____________________________________.
  Woman: Mercer County's _____________________ is ________________. That's why I can't understand why freeholder Jim McManaman is _______ all that Bob Prinetti _________________________________________.
  Man: Well, it's _________________.
  Woman: Yeah.
  Man: ______ like McManaman's _______ is on ____________ already.
  Woman: Well most people I know have __________________ about Prinetti. He ____________________________________ and has a quality of life _________________ to protect our neighborhoods.
  Man: Have you seen his _____________ about Waterfront Park, the county arena and the new science and technology school he is planning to build?
  Woman: Yeah.
  Man: It's _____________ Bob Prinetti ________________________________________ in Mercer County. Makes me ___________________ how important it is to ____ County Executive Bob Prinetti ______________.
