美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2011-01-04(在线收听

1. High winds are being blamed for a chair lift accident on Maine's tallest ski mountain. Several people fell and were hurt. Winds were about 40 miles per hour at the time, and there were about 220 people on the lift.


2. It’s still a struggle to fly out of the New York City area after a snowstorm forced the cancellation of 5,000 flights since Sunday night. Flights slowly resumed at the city's three major airports today. Experts warn it will take several days to rebook passengers.


3. Authorities believe that carbon monoxide from a running car killed five friends whose bodies were found in a South Florida motel room. A Hialeah fire spokesman says a maid called 911 Monday after seeing people unconscious through a window. A police spokesman says the teenagers' deaths appear to be accidental.


4. Cold weather in Florida is forcing manatees to seek warmer waters. Hundreds of them were gathering in waters around a power station in Apollo Beach on Tuesday.
