美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2011-01-05(在线收听

1. A top House Republican says GOP lawmakers will go after President Barack Obama's healthcare law piece by piece to see if they can make it crumble. Michigan Congressman Fred Upton says he thinks Republicans can garner enough Democratic support to override a veto.

2. A ride at Universal Orlando Resort was evacuated Saturday after a fire engulfed a roof structure. The ride and surrounding areas were evacuated, but there were no major injuries.

3. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez exchanged a rare handshake at the inauguration for Brazil's president. The two countries are embroiled in a dispute over their ambassadors.

4. And Spain becomes the latest European Union country to enact a strict smoking ban. The law went into effect Sunday, and is one of the strongest on the Continent.
