美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2011-01-15(在线收听

1. Doctors say they’ve left a breathing tube in Representative Gabrielle Giffords to protect her airway, but the congresswoman is drawing breaths on her own. She's alert and responding to doctors. The doctors now think Giffords may have been shot in the front of his head not the back.


2. Temperatures are expected to stay low enough to keep snow and ice on the ground for several more days in much of the south. The storm system is now moving to the north. New York and its suburbs could get eight to 14 inches of snow.


3. Verizon Wireless says it will start selling a version of iPhone 4 in early February. That gives US phone buyers a choice of carriers for the first time.


4. And Haitian national amputee football team faced off against another amputee soccer team. Three of the Haitian team members lost limbs, following the Haitian earthquake that happened a year ago Wednesday.
