听电影学英语-盗梦空间CD2 09(在线收听

  [00:06.50]You built all this? This is incredible. 这些都是你建的? 太震撼了
  [00:09.04]We built for years. 我们花了几十年建的
  [00:12.11]Then we started in on the memories. 我们凭记忆建造出来的
  [00:21.15]This way. 这边走
  [01:04.23]This was our neighborhood. 这是我们小区
  [01:06.50]Places from our past. 我们过去生活过的地方
  [01:09.00]That was our first apartment. 那是我们第一所公寓
  [01:10.93]Then we moved to that building right there. 后来我们搬到了那边那座房子
  [01:13.34]After Mal became pregnant, that became our home. 玛尔怀孕后我们住那儿
  [01:16.04]You reconstructed all of this from memory? 你们根据记忆重建了这一切?
  [01:19.01]Like I told you, we had lots of time. 我说过的 我们有的是时间
  [01:21.44]What is that? 那是什么
  [01:24.58]That's the house Mal grew up in. 玛尔长大的地方
  [01:26.52]Well, will she be in there? No. 她会在那儿吗      不会
  [01:29.29]Come on. 来吧

  [01:30.49]We both wanted to live in a house, 我们都想住独栋别墅
  [01:32.26]but we loved this type of building. 但又都喜欢这种风格的建筑
  [01:33.99]In the real world, we'd have to choose, but not here. 在现实里 我们只能二选一 但在这就不用了
  [02:17.50]How are we gonna bring Fischer back? 我们怎么把费舍尔带回来
  [02:19.94]We're gonna have to come up with some kind of a kick. 我们要找到某种穿越方法
  [02:22.54]What? 什么
  [02:24.94]I'm gonna improvise. 到时候再想
  [02:26.21]Listen, there's something you should know about me. About inception. 有些事该让你知道 关于我的 关于奠基的
  [02:43.96]An idea is like a virus. Resilient. 观念就像病毒一样 生命性极强

  [02:48.67]Highly contagious. 极具传染性
  [02:50.40]And the smallest seed of an idea can grow. 哪怕零星的想法也能发展成熟
  [02:54.80]It can grow to define... 它能塑造一个人
  [02:57.81]...or destroy you. 也能毁灭一个人
  [03:02.51]The smallest idea, such as: 最小的念头 比如
  [03:05.88]''Your world is not real.'' "你的世界不是真实的"
  [03:08.52]Simple little thought that changes everything. 一个小小的想法能改变一切
  [03:13.52]So certain of your world. Of what's real. 那么肯定你的世界 肯定什么是真实
  [03:18.19]Do you think he is? 你觉得他也肯定吗
  [03:21.80]Or do you think he's as lost as I was? 或者说 他和我当初一样迷茫?
  [03:25.84]I know what's real, Mal. 我知道什么是真实的 玛尔
  [03:29.41]No creeping doubts? 没有丝毫的怀疑吗
  [03:32.41]Not feeling persecuted, Dom? 你就没有遇到困扰吗
  [03:35.35]Chased around the globe... 被不知名的组织和警察
  [03:36.85]...by anonymous corporations and police forces... 满世界追逐
  [03:39.68]...the way the projections persecute the dreamer? 像潜意识的投射追逐梦主一样?
  [03:43.92]Admit it. 承认吧
  [03:46.72]You don't believe in one reality anymore. 你不再相信现实了
  [03:49.73]So choose. 选一个吧
  [03:51.43]Choose to be here. 选择留下来
  [03:54.20]Choose me. 选择陪我
  [04:21.56]You know what I have to do. 你知道我不能留下
  [04:22.99]I have to get back to our children because you left them. 我必须回到孩子身边 是你抛弃他们的
  [04:27.00]Because you left us. 因为你抛弃了我们
  [04:28.70]You're wrong. I'm not wrong. 你错了      我没错
  [04:30.67]You're confused. 你糊涂了
  [04:33.80]Our children are here. 我们的孩子就在这
  [04:36.64]And you'd like to see their faces again, wouldn't you? 你想再看看他们的模样吧
  [04:40.08]Yes, but I'm gonna see them up above, Mal. 是啊 但我要回到现实去看他们 玛尔
  [04:56.79]Up above? 现实?
  [04:59.70]Listen to yourself. These are our children. 听听你在说什么 他们是我们的孩子啊
