听电影学英语-恋恋笔记本 10(在线收听

  [00:04.72]Thank you.  谢谢
  [00:08.56]Bye, Fin.  再见,费
  [00:52.20]She's gone.  她走了
  [01:08.59]Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons.  夏日的恋情 总是因为各种各样的原因而终结
  [01:13.02]But when all is said and done,  但不管是什么原因
  [01:15.06]they have one thing in common:  它们都有一个共同点:
  [01:16.93]They are shooting stars--  它们都像是划过天堂的流星
  [01:20.00]a spectacular moment of light in the heavens,  拥有壮观的一刻
  [01:23.10]a fleeting glimpse of eternity.  虽然只是一闪而过
  [01:24.87]And in a flash, they're gone.  却拥有短暂的永恒
  [01:30.74]Noah was desperate.  诺亚很绝望
  [01:32.48]He wrote to Allie that he was sorry and stupid  他给艾丽写信 说他很抱歉说那样的话
  [01:34.68]for breaking up with her.  做出那样的蠢事
  [01:36.65]He wrote to tell her that he still loved her, and he wanted to see her.  他在信中说他仍然爱着她 想见她
  [01:40.45]And that if she would write back, he would come to wherever she was.  而且说如果她回信的话 他就会去找她,不管她在哪儿
  [01:47.46]He wrote one letter a day for a year--  他每天都写一封信 写了一年——

  [01:50.33]365 letters,  365封信
  [01:52.80]but they all went unanswered.  但是所有的信都像是石沉大海
  [01:54.57]Hey Fred! Nothing?  嗨弗莱德! 没有我的信么?
  [01:57.37]Sorry.  很抱歉
  [01:58.70]All right, thank you.  没关系,谢谢
  [02:01.47]Finally, after a year of silence,  最终,在一年都没有收到回音之后
  [02:03.51]he decided to put it all behind him and start a new life.  他决定把这一切都抛到脑后 开始一段新的生活
  [02:07.68]So he wrote a farewell letter  所以他写了一封告别信
  [02:09.65]And he and Fin packed their bags  然后和费打起行装
  [02:12.28]and headed for Atlanta.  去了亚特兰大
  [02:14.15]Noah! Noah!  诺亚!诺亚!
  [02:16.09]Noah!  诺亚!
  [02:19.06]Come on, listen to this!  来,听听这个!
  [02:20.89]A state of war has existed  美国和……之间
  [02:26.70]between the United States and the...  已经进入战争状态
  [02:29.67]The Constitution of the United States,  我向美国宪法宣誓
  [02:31.47]against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  打倒一切敌人 不管是外国的还是本国的
  [02:34.84]Noah and Fin enlisted together.  诺亚和费一起参军了
  [02:37.91]And after two years of chasing Rommel  在北非的沙漠中
  [02:39.94]through the North African desert,  追击隆美尔两年之后
  [02:41.78]they were deployed to Patton's Third Army in Europe.  他们被分到 巴顿在欧洲的第三军团
  [02:54.83]Go!  冲啊!
  [03:01.37]Fin!  费!
  [03:26.96]Do I contradict myself?  我是不是自相矛盾了?
  [03:28.93]Very well then, I contradict myself.  没错 我的确是自相矛盾了
  [03:31.13]Allie was in her third year of college  艾丽在读大学三年级的时候
  [03:33.36]when she volunteered as a nurse's aid.  志愿做了护士
  [03:36.47]To her, the broken men with shattered bodies,  对她来说,病房里到处躺着的
  [03:39.27]who filled the ward were all Noah.  那些遍体鳞伤的战士 都好像是诺亚
  [03:42.37]Or someone who fought beside him in the jungle  或者是在丛林或冰天雪地里
  [03:45.44]or frozen snow swept road.  和他并肩战斗的某个人
  [03:48.25]I'm gonna lift you up.  我要把你抬起来
  [03:49.68]Ready?  准备好了?
  [03:51.25]There we go.  起来
  [03:54.49]Now, I'm gonna bring this leg over.  现在我要把这条腿搬过来
  [03:57.92]- Set it on the stool. - All right.  - 搁在凳子上 - 好的
  [03:59.12]- You okay? - Yeah.  - 你还好吧? - 是的
  [04:01.76]Miss, can l ask you a question?  小姐,我能问你个问题吗?
  [04:05.13]Hmm?  嗯?
  [04:07.13]I noticed that you aren't wearing a ring.  我注意到你没有带结婚戒指
  [04:09.00]And I was wondering if I could take you out.  我在想能不能约你出去
  [04:14.84]- Excuse me? - On a date.  - 你说什么? - 约会
  [04:20.28]Now, before you go and say no,  在你拒绝我并离开之前
  [04:23.18]I'll have you know that I am an excellent dancer  我想让你知道 我舞跳得很好
  [04:26.65]and my intentions are completely dishonorable.  而且我的意图 完全是很无耻的

  [04:34.19]Okay, okay "Casanova," come on.  好了,好了 “卡萨诺瓦”,来吧
  [04:37.53]Let's just get you better,  先把身体养好
  [04:39.66]then we'll talk about a date, okay?  然后我们再谈什么约会,好吗?
  [04:51.64]Would you get a load of him?  看看那边
  [04:56.41]Oh my gosh, he is dreamy.  哦我的老天 他简直是太完美了
  [04:59.98]- What is he doing here? - Mmm.  - 他在这儿干嘛? - 嗯
