听电影学英语-海上钢琴师 14(在线收听

  [00:11.56]Come on you can do better than that 加油啊  你可以比他弹得更好的
  [00:18.23]Jelly, show them how to sink a ship 杰里  让他们知道船是怎么沉的
  [00:27.41]You stick this up your ass 你给我好好听着
  [01:26.75]Hey, Max 嘿  麦克斯
  [01:29.50]Give me a cigarette, will you? 给我根烟  行吗
  [01:31.01]You're not handling this well 可你连烟都拿不好啊
  [01:33.26]Just give me a cigarette 就给我一根烟吧
  [01:34.68]You don't smoke 可你不抽烟的啊
  [01:36.97]What is the matter with you? You could lick this guy with one hand 你是怎么了  你一只手就足以打败他了
  [01:41.51]Come on 去啊
  [02:00.28]Are you going to give me a cigarette? 你到底给不给

  [02:01.53]We'll be chucking coal a couple hundred years 我们将要挖上几百年的煤
  [02:03.99]and all you can say is... 而你只是说...
  [02:05.08]Give me a fucking cigarette will you? 给我一根烟!
  [02:29.18]You asked for it, asshole 混球  你逼我的
