常春藤生活英语【9】YouTube 一夕成名(在线收听

YouTube 一夕成名

If you want to share movies with the world, you don't need to be a famous movie star. With YouTube, anyone can make their own videos and put them on the Internet. Three friends founded the website http://www.youtube.com in February 2005. These former PayPal co-workers set out to start the company in a garage. Over a year and a half later, they sold it to Google for US$1.65 billion.

How does it work? YouTube is a free video-sharing website. People upload their videos, which can be watched right on YouTube's web page without another video player. You can also link its videos to your own personal sites. YouTube is very popular because it is free of charge and user-friendly. A hundred million video clips are viewed every day, and nearly 20 million different people visit YouTube each month.

At first, big American TV stations like NBC and CBS were annoyed that people were watching their shows for free on YouTube. However, the site became so popular that these stations now have official pages on YouTube. As the saying goes, "If you can't beat them, join them."
如果您想和全世界分享电影,您不必是个有名的电影明星。有了YouTube,人人都可以把自制的影片放上网。三位好友在2005年二月时创立了 www.youtube.com这个网站。这些之前在PayPal工作的同事,在一个车库里着手创办公司。一年半之后,他们以十六亿五千万美金的天价将公司卖给了Google。

它是如何运作的?YouTube是一个免费的影片分享网站。人们上传影片,使用者不需透过影片播放器就可以直接在YouTube的网页上观看这些影片。您也可以将其影片连结到自己的个人网站上。因为YouTube免付费又易于使用,所以它大受欢迎。每天有一亿部短片被人观赏,而且每个月有将近两千万人连上 YouTube网站。


Building Your Vocabulary

1.upload vt.(将计算机数据)上传
Tim uploaded his photos to his own website.

2.annoyed a. 恼怒的
Mr. Chen was annoyed that his son lied.

3.official a. 官方的;正式的
According to the official news, the mayor will visit Singapore.

Phrases for Learning

1.set out to + 原形动词 开始……
We set out to paint this wall.

2.free of charge 免费
You can pick these flowers free of charge.

3.As the saying goes, 主词 + 动词 常言道……
As the saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy."


1.former a. 前任的

2.user-friendly a. 易使用的

3.clip n. 短片

Enjoy Box


PayPal 是在线拍卖公司 eBay 旗下的公司,提供网上收款及付款服务。PayPal 是属于信用卡支付款项的系统,有以下两种付款方式:使用信用卡和使用 PayPal 账户内的余额。若账户内没有余额,就只能以信用卡支付款项。相反的,若账户中有余额(例如有买家付款到账户内),使用者可以把余额放在账户里当购物基金,也可以把余额提领出来。

PayPal以快捷、安全、方便为号召,一旦使用者设好在线账户,往后的交易就只需透过 email 便可轻松进行。如此机制可免除在在线使用信用卡时,每交易一次就得经历一次的繁复手续,并同时降低账号数据被黑客盗用的风险。由于 PayPal 能帮助使用者解决跨国交易时收付款项等较麻烦的问题,并加速网上交易的步伐,因此受到拍卖网站卖家和买家的欢迎。这使 Paypal 目前拥有约一千万名注册使用者,去年透过它完成的交易金额便达三十五亿美元。现在,全球正慢慢掀起一股 PayPal 的热潮。

Tips In Use

...put them on the Internet.

Three friends founded the website...


link vt.      连结
post vt.      张贴
download vt.    下载
homepage n.     首页
(web) page n.    网页
video player n.   影像播放器
(video) blog n.   (影像)部落格,网志
Internet (= net) n. 因特网
site (= website) n. 网站
