常春藤生活英语【10】Pricing Strategy 定价策略(在线收听

Dialogue A 
Adam and Sheila are talking about the pricing strategy for their new drinks.
Adam: I love the peach flavor. It's delicious.
Sheila: It's my son's new favorite drink. Now, all we need to do is introduce it to the public.
Adam: I've been going over the figures and we need to decide on a plan.
Sheila: First, let's talk about the market. Who are we targeting?
Adam: Everyone. The people who buy All- Fresh juice are the average citizens.

亚 当:我很喜欢桃子口味。它真好喝。
席 拉:这是我儿子新爱上的饮料。现在我们所要做的就是把它介绍给大众。
亚 当:我一直在检查数据,我们得决定好一套计划。
席 拉:我们先来讨论市场。我们要以谁为销售对象?
亚 当:每个人。买鲜多汁的人都是一般市民。

Dialogue B 
Sheila: Let's start things off with some huge promotions at department stores around Taiwan.
Adam: Great. How about having contests where we give away free prizes?
Sheila: If we invite some celebrities to join the games, we'll get more media attention.
Adam: That'll get the job done. But we need to think about what to do afterwards.
Sheila: Wait, first things first. What about the price? How much should one bottle of juice cost?

席 拉:我们先开始在台湾的各大百货公司举办一些大型的促销活动好了。
亚 当:好极了。你觉得我们来办比赛,送出免费赠品如何?
席 拉:如果我们邀请一些名人参赛,我们会得到更多媒体的关注。
亚 当:这样定能成事。但是我们需要想想之后要做些什么。
席 拉:等一下,事有轻重缓急。那价钱呢?一瓶果汁要卖多少?

Building Your Vocabulary

1.target vt. 把……选作目标
Our sale targeted teens and their parents.

2.average a. 普通的,平常的
Eddie is a student with average abilities.

3.afterwards adv. 之后,后来
We'll have curry for dinner and some ice cream afterwards.

Phrases for Learning

1.go over...  审查∕检查……
Go over the data first before you make a decision.

2.give away...  赠送……
The shop on the corner is giving away balloons.

3.first things first  凡事应有轻重缓急
First things first. Stop complaining and start doing your homework.


1.pricing strategy n. 定价策略

2.figure n. 数据

3.promotion n.(商品的)促销

Enjoy Box

市场占有率(Market Share)可帮助企业体了解市场上谁的商品卖的比较多、比较强;或商品在市场如何定位上;营销时要采高姿态或低姿态的策略等。企业通常会委托具公信力的市调公司,针对该商品来广泛列出同质或近似商品。调查方法包括分发问卷、电话访问等。所得的数据量化后,可呈现商品在市场上的占有率。现今的市场占有率大都以『产值』来表示,计算公式为:某产品销售量除以市场上该同型产品总销售量,再换算成百分比。


Grammar Check

But we need to think about what to do afterwards.

句中的"what to do"表『做什么』之意,为名词词组。名词词组乃由『疑问词 + 不定词词组』形成,名词词组同名词子句,在主要子句中可作主词、受词或置于 be 动词后作主词补语。此处的"what to do afterwards"即作介词 about 的受词。『名词词组』依疑问词的种类可分为下列两种:

1.疑问代名词 + 不定词词组
I don't know which to buy for his birthday.

2.疑问副词 + 不定词词组
Matthew doesn't know how to swim.
