常春藤生活英语【13】Julius Caesar 西泽大帝(在线收听

Julius Caesar, the Roman military and political leader, was born in 100 BC. He is considered to be one of the ancient world's mightiest leaders. Caesar caused a civil war in 49 BC. After winning the war, he became the head of the Roman world. He gained control of the government and began to make changes to Roman law and life.

Citizens of Rome between the ages of 20 and 40 were not allowed to leave Italy for more than three years unless they were on a military assignment. This law was established so that local farms and businesses would still operate and corruption4 from abroad would also be prevented. This law showed that Caesar had the best interest of his country at heart.

There were many festivals in his honor, and people built statues and temples to celebrate the great Julius Caesar. However, all of the money that was being spent on ceremonies started to anger many members of the Roman Senate. One of them was Caesar's closest friend, Brutus.


Building Your Vocabulary

1bmighty a. 强大的,强有力的
A mighty empire once ruled the world.

2.bestablish vt. 建立
The new company tried to establish its name in the market.

3.boperate vi. 营运,经营
Gary's company operates all over China.

4.bcelebrate vt. 颂扬,赞美
These poems celebrate the beauty of life.

5.banger vt. 使发怒,使生气
What you said really angered your mother.

Phrases for Learning

have the best interest of...at heart  (极为)关心……的利益
Miss Nien always has the best interests of her students at heart.


1.Roman a. 罗马(人)的

2.civil war n. 内战

3.assignment n. 任务,工作

4.corruption n. 腐化;贪污

5.ceremony n. 仪式,典礼

6.Senate n.(古罗马的)元老院
 Senator n. 元老院议员

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成为罗马最高统治者的西泽,因独裁和大幅改革,引发元老院议员不满,最后遇刺身亡。在莎士比亚的名剧《西泽大帝》中,布鲁特斯对众人说:『Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.(吾爱西泽,但吾更爱罗马)』。据说西泽遇刺时,本可逃出生天,但当他发现挚友布鲁特斯持刀相向时,他永不认输的精神心防瞬间瓦解,无奈地将生命奉上,悲剧性地结束了风光的一生。他临终前的最后一句话为:『You, too, Brutus?(你也有份,布鲁特斯?)』。

Tips In Use

...leave Italy for more than... (……离开意大利超过……)

1."more than..."在本句中表『多于……』。
More than 10 apples are in the basket.
=Over 10 apples are in the basket.

2.此外,"more than..."也可以用来表示『不仅∕非常……』,之后可置名词、形容词或副词以供修饰。
Tammy is more than curious about the singer's scandal.
