听电影学英文-蒙娜丽莎的微笑 23(在线收听

  [00:01.26]I’ve heard her called a quitter for leaving... 我听说她把没有目的的漫游者...
  [00:03.73]...an aimless wanderer. ...称作懦夫
  [00:06.37]But not all who wander are aimless. 但不是所有漫游者都是没有目的的
  [00:10.74]Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition... 特别是那些超越传统,追求真理的人...
  [00:17.25]...beyond definition... ...难以界定...
  [00:22.18]...beyond the image. ...难以描述
  [00:24.69]Get the hell out of the way! 走开!
  [00:36.70]I’ll never forget you. 我永远不会忘记你
  [00:44.17]Betty! Betty! 贝蒂! 贝蒂!

  [01:18.11]What about after this war, Lee? 战后呢, 李?
  [01:19.91]Well, this job belongs to some soldier. 这是正在外面打仗的男人该干的活儿
  [01:22.84]When he comes back... 等他回来了...
  [01:24.28]-...he can have it. -Oh, that’s swell. -...让他来干 -哦,很好
