听电影学英语-玩具总动员3 12(在线收听

  [00:01.64]- Hallway, lobby, playground ...  - Yeah, yeah. What about the wall? - 走廊 休息室 操场...  - 好的 好的 围墙呢?
  [00:04.80]8 feet high. Cinder block. No way through it. You go over or under. 8英尺高的焦渣石 不可能穿过的 你只能从上面或者从下面绕过
  [00:09.96]- That’s it? Doesn’t seem so bad.  - It’s not. - 就这些? 不算太糟糕么  - 不只这些
  [00:12.56]Your real problem’s the monkey. 真正的麻烦是那个猴子
  [00:15.90]The monkey’s the eye in the sky. He sees everything. 猴子是总监控 他能看见每个地方的情况
  [00:21.41]Classrooms ... 教室...
  [00:33.42]hallways ... 走廊...
  [00:43.68]even the playground. 甚至操场
  [00:53.10]You can unlock doors, sneak past guards ... 你可以打开门 绕过守卫...
  [00:56.27]climb the wall, but if you don’t take out that monkey ... 爬上墙 但是如果你不制服那只猴子...
  [00:59.61]you ain’t going nowhere. Do you want to get out of here? 你就哪儿都别去 你想逃出去吗?
  [01:02.62]Get rid of that monkey! 那就除掉那个猴子!
  [01:05.76]Recess. Come on, kids. 课间休息 快点 孩子们
  [01:14.37]- Hey guys.  - Woody?  - 嘿 伙计们  - 伍迪?
  [01:17.06]Woody! 伍迪!
  [01:22.10]- Thank goodness!  - You’re alive!  - 谢天谢地!  - 你还活着!
  [01:23.30]Of course I’m alive. 我当然还活着
  [01:25.42]My hat. Wait. Where’s Buzz? 我的帽子 等等 巴斯呢?
  [01:28.91]- Lotso did something to do with him.  - He thinks he’s a real Space Ranger again. - 抱抱熊对他动了手脚  - 他又以为自己是真的太空守护者了

  [01:32.99]- Oh no!  - Oh yes. Return of the astro nut. - 哦 不!  - 哦 是 又变回一个太空狂了
  [01:36.38]Woody, we were wrong to leave Andy. I... I was wrong. 伍迪 我们不该离开安迪 我... 我错了
  [01:41.16]Jessie’s right, Woody. She was wrong. 翠丝说的对 伍迪 她的确错了
  [01:43.38]No, no, it’s my fault for leaving you guys. 不 不 是我不该离开你们
  [01:46.83]From now on, we stick together. 从现在开始 我们要团结在一起
  [01:49.19]But, Andy’s leaving for college. 但是 安迪马上要离家去上大学了
  [01:51.35]College! Flag down the mailman! We gotta get you home before Andy leaves tomorrow! 大学! 我们必须在明天安迪离开前把你送回家!
  [01:56.19]- Tomorrow? But that means ...  - That means we’re busting out of here. - 明天? 那也就是说...  - 也就是说我们要逃出这里
  [01:59.01]- Tonight.  - What? Impossible! - 就今晚  - 什么? 不可能!
  [02:01.44]- There’s no way out of here.  - No, there is a way out. - 根本没有办法逃出这里  - 不 有一个办法可以出去
  [02:05.67]One way. 只有一个办法
  [02:16.07]- Slinky Dog?  - Present. - 弹簧狗?  - 到
  [02:18.43]Green guys? Cowgirl? 太空外星人? 女牛仔?
  [02:21.85]- Here.  - Horse? - 到  - 马?

  [02:25.32]- Piggy Bank.  - Yup. - 存钱罐  - 到
  [02:27.60]- Tyrannosaurus?  - Here. - 恐龙?  - 到
  [02:29.96]- Barbie?  - Here. - 芭比?  - 到
  [02:32.07]Potato Head? 蛋头?
  [02:37.44]Hey! Hey! Super Troop Man. Wake up! 嘿! 嘿! 捣蛋的蛋头 醒醒!
  [02:40.80]Impossible. 不可能
  [02:58.41]Little late for a stroll isn’t it, Potato Head? 现在散步有点晚了吧 蛋头?
  [03:01.10]That’s Mr. Potato Head to you smoothie! 叫我蛋头先生 你这个小白脸!
  [03:12.40]You ascot-wearing pink nosier! You’re not a toy! 你个打领带的闲事儿王! 你就不算个玩具!
  [03:15.35]You’re an accessory! You’re a purse with legs! 你不过是个配件! 你就是个绣花枕头!
  [03:18.72]- Take him back to the box!  - No, not the box! - 把他带到盒子里去!  - 不 我不去盒子里!
  [03:22.08]I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I like ascots. 抱歉 我不是那个意思 我喜欢你的领带
  [03:27.91]- Ok check.  - Good work, Lightyear. - 好了 搞定  - 干得好 巴斯光年
  [03:30.31]All right. Resume your ... uh ... space guy thing. 好了 你可以继续你的... 呃... 太空事业了
  [03:33.12]Yes, sir, well-groomed man. 是 先生 潮男
  [03:35.68]Ken? Ken? 肯尼? 肯尼?
  [03:41.05]- What do you want?  - I can’t take it here, Ken. - 你想干什么?  - 我在这呆不下去了 肯尼
  [03:43.78]I want to go to the Butterfly Room. With you. 我想去蝴蝶之屋 和你在一起
  [03:45.95]- Yeah, well, you should have thought of that yesterday.  - I was wrong. - 是嘛 你昨天就该这样想了  - 我错了
  [03:49.43]I want to be with you Ken, I do, in your Dream House. 我想和你在一起 肯尼 我真的想和你一起住在你的梦之屋里
  [03:52.26]Please take me away from this! Take me away! 请带我走吧! 带我走!
  [03:57.16]Darn it, Barbie. Ok, but things are complicated around here. 见鬼 芭比 好吧 但是这里的情况很复杂
  [04:01.54]- You gotta do what I say.  - I will Ken. I promise. - 你要按照我说的做  - 我会的 肯尼 我保证
  [04:06.00]Wait! I’ll do anything! I’ll change your diapers! 等等! 我可以做任何事! 我可以帮你换尿布!
  [04:56.30]Get the tape! 快拿胶带来!
