听电影学英语-给朱丽叶的信 16(在线收听

  [00:02.46]When we are speaking about love, it’s never too late. 说到爱 永远都不算晚
  [00:24.85]Well, bad luck, eh? 运气不好?
  [00:27.78]All hope lost and he rides in at the last moment on a white horse. 所有希望都破灭的时候 他骑着白马出现了
  [00:32.52]No one will believe it. 没人会相信的
  [00:35.53]Promise me... 答应我...
  [00:38.13]Promise me you’ll finish the story. 答应我一定把故事写完
  [00:48.24]I guess this is it. 我看就是这样了
  [00:53.14]And I’m sorry it is. 很抱歉是这样
  [00:57.01]Yeah, me, too. 我也是
  [01:04.49]Sophie, I... 索菲 我...
  [01:10.16]I never should’ve kissed you. I was completely out of bounds. 我不该吻你的 我脑子疯掉了
  [01:18.84]You’re engaged and... 你已经订婚了 而且...
  [01:36.79]It’s time to go. 该走了
  [01:44.73]Goodbye, Charlie. 再见 查理
  [01:48.43]I’ll miss you. 我会想你的
  [01:57.47]Hi. It is time to... 嗨 现在应该...
  [02:01.08]I must get back to Victor. Sorry. 我得回去找维克多了 抱歉
  [02:05.38]Yes. Of course. 好的 当然
  [02:06.98]So, where’s Charlie? We’ll give you a drive there straight away. 查理哪去了?  我们马上就开车送你过去

  [02:10.09]No, I’m... 不 我...
  [02:12.09]Claire, I can’t take you away from this place, so... 克莱尔 我不能让你离开这儿 那么...
  [02:14.52]My son can drive you. 我儿子可以送你
  [02:18.56]Just a moment.       Yes. Grazie. 等等      好的
  [02:29.04]I’m so happy for you. 我真为你开心
  [02:34.88]Is something wrong? 出什么事了吗?
  [02:36.65]No! No. 没有 没有
  [02:39.25]No. It’s just, you know... 不 这只是 你知道...
  [02:44.09]And you’re leaving? 你要走了?
  [02:47.09]An angel brought you to me. 是天使让你来见我的
  [02:51.03]Thank you. 谢谢
  [02:54.16]Thank you. I’ll be eternally grateful. 谢谢你 真是太感谢你了
  [03:01.57]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [03:14.52]It’s very kind. Thank you. 太好了 谢谢你
  [03:17.82]Thank you so much. 太谢谢你了
  [03:21.22]You’re always welcome here.       Thank you. 随时欢迎你来      谢谢
  [03:24.83]Thank you, Lorenzo.       Ciao. 谢谢 洛伦佐      再会
  [03:26.83]Speak soon. 再联系
  [03:31.07]Bye. 拜
  [03:59.00]Darling, you’re family, 亲爱的 你不是外人
  [04:02.40]so I think you’ll understand why I’m telling you you’re a total idiot. 所以你应该明白我为什么说你是个大傻瓜
  [04:08.37]Okay, okay, then don’t sugarcoat it, Gran. 好的 别先扬后抑 奶奶
  [04:11.17]I won’t. 我不会的
  [04:12.48]How many Sophies do you think there are on this planet? 你觉得这个地球上有多少个索菲?
  [04:19.35]Don’t wait 50 years like I did. 别像我一样等上50年
  [04:25.29]Go. Go! Go! 去吧 去!
