听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 20(在线收听

  [00:17.02]但幸好有玻璃电梯 可以迅速往来各处... But luckily for us, we have the great glass elevator to speed things along...
  [00:27.53]迅速往来各处 Speed things along.
  [00:31.67]走吧 Come on.
  [00:39.48]往上飞出去?  这是什么房间? "Up and Out"? What kind of room is that?
  [00:42.32]站稳了 Hold on.
  [00:52.73]我的老天 Oh, my goodness.
  [00:54.66]我们速度要更快  否则冲不破 We’re gonna need to go much faster, otherwise we’ll just never break through.
  [00:58.40]冲破什么? Break through what?
  [00:60.20]我多年来一直期待按下那个钮 I’ve been longing to press that button for years.
  [00:63.37]走吧  往上飞出去 Well, here we go. Up and out.
  [00:66.47]-但你真的是要...  -没错 -But do you really mean...? -Yeah. I do.
  [00:69.04]但这是玻璃做的 But it’s made of glass.
  [00:70.71]玻璃会碎掉啦 It’ll smash into a million pieces.
  [01:48.28]奥古塔斯  请别再吃手指头了 Augustus, please don’t eat your fingers.
  [01:51.42]可是我很好吃耶 But I taste so good.
  [01:66.50]妈妈  我现在更灵活了耶 Look, Mother. I’m much more flexible now.
  [01:69.47]对  但变成蓝色了 Yes, but you’re blue.
  [02:34.46]爸爸  我要那种会飞的玻璃电梯 Daddy, I want a flying glass elevator.
  [02:37.90]维露卡  你今天只能洗个澡 这样就够了 Veruca, the only thing you’re getting today is a bath, and that’s final.
  [02:41.40]可是人家要嘛 But I want it.
  [02:60.06]你住哪里? Where do you live?

  [02:62.76]就在那里  那栋小房子 Right over there. That little house.
  [02:70.27]他们几时会回来? What time do you think they’ll be back?
  [02:72.24]很难说 Hard to know, dear.
  [03:25.55]好像有人敲门耶 I think there’s someone at the door.
  [03:28.35]妈妈 Hi, Mom.
  [03:32.69]妈!  爸!  我们回来了 Mom. Dad. We’re back.
  [03:35.13]-查理!  -查理! -Charlie. -Charlie.
  [03:38.16]天哪 Goodness.
  [03:41.60]这位是威利·旺卡 他送我们回来 This is Willy Wonka. He gave us a ride home.
  [03:44.77]我看到了 I see that.
  [03:46.34]你们想必就是这孩子的... You must be the boy’s...
  [03:49.64]-爸妈?  -对  就是那个 -Parents? -Yeah. That.
  [03:52.34]他说查理赢得了大奖 He says Charlie’s won something.
  [03:56.72]不只是普通的大奖 Not just some something.
  [03:58.42]而是有史以来最特别的大奖 The most "something" something of any something that’s ever been.
  [03:62.89]我要把整座工厂送给这个小男孩 I’m gonna give this little boy my entire factory.
  [03:67.86]你一定是在开玩笑吧 You must be joking.
  [03:70.10]没有  我是认真的 No, really. It’s true.
  [03:71.56]几个月前在我半年一次的剪发日... Because you see, a few months ago, I was having my semiannual haircut...
  [04:15.13]我发现了一件怪事 and I had the strangest revelation.
  [04:32.32]那根白头发反映出... In that one silver hair...
  [04:34.32]我毕生的心血结晶... I saw reflected my life’s work...

  [04:37.02]我的工厂和亲爱的奥柏伦柏人 my factory, my beloved Oompa-Loompas.
  [04:40.59]我死了以后谁来照顾他们? Who would watch over them after I was gone?
  [04:43.70]当时才我惊觉 I realized in that moment:
  [04:45.63]我一定要找个继承人 I must find a heir.
  [04:49.70]我找到了  查理 And I did, Charlie.
  [04:52.01]就是你 You.
  [04:55.58]所以你才发出那些金奖卷 That’s why you sent out the golden tickets.
  [04:59.51]奥柏伦柏人是什么? What are Oompa-Loompas?
  [04:61.58]我邀请五个小朋友来参观工厂... I invited five children to the factory...
  [04:63.78]最不讨人厌的就是最后赢家 and the one who was the least rotten would be the winner.
  [04:66.89]也就是你  查理 That’s you, Charlie.
  [04:68.79]你意下如何? So, what do you say?
  [04:70.52]你要不要抛下这一切 搬来工厂跟我住? Are you ready to leave all this behind and come live with me at the factory?
  [04:74.26]好啊 Sure. Of course.
