听电影学英语-足球尤物 13(在线收听

  [00:28.12]兄弟,太棒了 Dude, that’s awesome.
  [00:35.20]哥们... Dude.
  [00:40.84]- 那个,你要我来帮你么? - 不 - So, you want me to spot you? - No.
  [00:43.84]- 他是不是很可爱? - 杜克? 是啊 - Isn’t he cute? - Duke? Yeah.
  [00:47.52]不. 赛巴斯蒂安.他太酷了 No. Sebastian. He’s so cool.
  [00:52.52]但是他说我不是他喜欢的型 But he said I’m not his type.
  [00:53.20]- 不可能,所有人都喜欢你 - 他不是 - Impossible. You’re everyone’s type. - Not his.
  [00:55.16]我可以告诉你这种情况下 我们这种纯粹的凡人要怎么做 I could tell you what us mere mortals would do in this situation.
  [00:59.56]- 什么? - 让他吃醋 - What? - Make him jealous.
  [00:63.16]那你要怎么做? 假装喜欢别人? So, what do you do? You just pretend to like somebody else?
  [00:66.84]然后不知羞耻的利用他 And then use him shamelessly.
  [00:68.60]哇 Wow.
  [00:73.88]那个,你应该给维奥拉打个电话 So, you should call Viola up.
  [00:76.12]是啊,我想我会的 Yeah. I think I will.
  [00:80.52]嘿, 杜克. Hey, Duke.
  [00:82.20]- 赛巴斯蒂安. - 奥莉维亚. - Sebastian. - Olivia.
  [00:86.56]你今天抬举了多少磅? What’re you bench-pressing these days?
  [00:86.80]奥莉维亚. Olivia.
  [01:30.00]225. 让人印象深刻 225. Very impressive.
  [01:31.24]谢谢 Thanks.

  [01:34.92]那个, 杜克,你刚才不是要打电话么 So, Duke, about that call that you were gonna make.
  [01:36.40]- 你还打不打? - 是啊,谢谢 - You gonna make that? - Yeah. Thank you.
  [01:39.72]这个225你能举多少次? So how many reps can you do with that 225?
  [01:41.92]大概20...20个 Like 20... 20.
  [01:46.40]225比我重两倍还多 225 is more than twice what I weigh.
  [01:50.64]你能举我多少次? How many reps could you do with me?
  [01:52.20]四十 Forty.
  [01:61.48]你好? Hello?
  [01:62.76]赛巴斯蒂安 告诉我打电话给你 Sebastian to/d me to ca// you.
  [01:63.28]嗨,我是维奥拉. Hi, it’s Viola.
  [01:66.04]- 我很愿意和你吃晚饭 - 好的,什么? - I’d love to go to dinner. - Yeah. What?
  [01:70.12]我能不能一会打给你? Can I call you back?
  [01:72.60]因为我要... Because I gotta...
  [01:75.20]...换一下我的脚 ...change my feet.
  [01:79.08]那么,你今天晚上有什么计划么? So, do you have any plans tonight?
  [01:84.96]对不起 My bad.
  [01:86.92]我们刚才说的你今晚要做的事情怎么办? What about the thing that we talked about that you were going to do later?
  [02:30.40]什么事情?我没事可做 What thing? I’m thingless.
  [02:31.32]太好了!那么我们约会吧 在恺撒瑞欧,八点 Great! Then it’s a date. Cesario’s, 8:00.
  [02:34.68]- 到时候见 - 好的 - I’ll see you there. - OK.
  [02:39.04]- 再见 赛巴斯蒂安. - 再见 - Bye, Sebastian. - Later.
  [02:42.80]太好了 Yeah!
  [02:46.40]我要跟奥莉维亚约会了 I’m goir out with Olivia.
  [02:47.04]你做到了 You did it.

  [02:49.72]什么?! 我以为你现在喜欢维奥拉! What the hell?! I thought you liked Viola now!
  [02:51.16]兄弟,别这样,你也是个男人 Dude, come on. You’re a guy.
  [02:54.28]要是你会怎么做,学校最火辣的女孩 What would you do if the hottest girl in the school
  [02:60.92]上前来约你? came up to you and asked you on a date?
  [02:64.20]我马上就回来 I’ll be right back.
  [02:64.60]奥莉维亚? 嗨 我能不能跟你谈谈? Olivia? Hi. Can I talk to you for a second?
  [02:68.80]呵? 干什么? Moi? Whatever for?
  [02:70.84]是关于你和杜克的约会 It’s about your date with Duke.
  [02:72.16]我知道! 我真高兴听了你的话 你是对的,他真好 I know! I am so glad I listened to you. You’re right. He’s awesome.
  [02:78.20]他穿起短裤也很性感 And he looked so good in those shorts.
  [02:82.60]他不只是一块肉, 奥莉维亚. He’s not a piece of meat, Olivia.
  [02:85.60]他是个男人,有感情的男人 He’s a man. A man with feelings.
  [03:28.64]我是个有感情的女人 And I’m a woman with feelings.
  [03:32.92]我的感情似乎跟他的很配 And my feelings seem to match his.
  [03:35.92]你猜怎么着? You know what?
  [03:36.92]从一个完全客观的第三方观察者角度 Speaking as a completely objective third-party observer
  [03:39.36]在完全没有个人兴趣的情况下 with absolutely no personal interest in the matter,
  [03:44.96]我觉得你和杜克在一起并不是什么好主意 I’m not so sure that you and Duke are a good idea after all.
  [03:48.72]恩,谢谢你的关心 Well, thank you for your concern.
  [03:49.92]如果你真的那么担心,也许今晚你应该也来 And if you’re so worried, maybe you should come to Cesario’s tonight,
  [03:53.40]只是来观察我,我们可以再配一对 just to keep an eye on me. We could double.
  [03:57.80]我打赌 尤妮丝一定有空 I bet Eunice is available.
  [03:59.84]我绝对到,太不可思议了 I’m so there, it’s insane.
  [03:76.40]那什么,你喜欢起司么? So do you like... cheese?
  [03:84.80]- 嘿,你们俩,怎么样了? - 你可来了... - Hey, you two, what’s going on? - You’re here...
  [04:30.20]...还有尤妮丝. ...with Eunice.
  [04:30.56]不介意我们坐下? Mind if we join?
  [04:32.20]- 不,坐吧 - 不,不,不 - No. Sit down. - No, no, no.
  [04:35.88]翼龙小姐 Lady pterodactyl.
  [04:38.56]侍应! Waiter!
  [04:42.24]救我 Help.
  [04:46.08]那个.. So...
  [04:48.68]...我刚才正在和杜克讲 ...I was just telling Duke how great it is
  [04:49.68]他是学校里真正的男人 to meet a real man at this school.
  [04:51.36]你说了? You were?
  [04:53.64]那个,我正要说 Well, I was just about to.
  [04:56.32]有个男子汉在身边是多棒的事情,不是么尤妮丝? Isn’t it great to have a real man around, Eunice?
  [04:60.44]哦,当然 Oh, yes.
  [04:61.72]真正的男子汉好难找的 A real man is difficult to find.
  [04:66.44]好难 So difficult.
  [04:69.84]赛巴斯蒂安在约尤妮丝. 她肯定比我想的要火辣 Sebastiars with Eunice. She must be hotter than I thought.

  [04:74.12]为什么我一想约尤妮丝,你们就开我玩笑? How come when I wanted to ask out Eunice everyone made fun?
  [04:77.12]赛巴斯蒂安一喜欢上她,她就突然变酷妹了? Sebastian likes her, suddenly she’s cool?
  [04:77.20]你们这群混蛋,我恨高中生活 Screw you guys. I hate high school.
  [04:82.76]尤妮丝! 手挪开! Eunice! Hands!
  [04:86.16]你知道么? 今天过得很高兴 但是我必须要去... You know what? This has been real fun, but I have to go...
