听电影学英语-足球尤物 14(在线收听

  [00:29.84]...刮脸 ...shave.
  [00:32.72]好 OK.
  [00:35.88]那个,过得很愉快,我们以后再见 Well, this has been lovely. Let’s do it again sometime.
  [00:40.00]- 什么? - 很快,再见 - What? - Soon. Bye.
  [00:46.64]那个... So...
  [00:48.64]...你喜欢起司么? ...do you like cheese?
  [00:51.32]所有动物副产品中我的最爱 More than almost any other animal byproduct.
  [00:59.44]嘿,摩妮琪,这是,赛巴斯蒂安. Hey Monique, it’s Sebastian.
  [00:59.96]我不知道维奥拉有没有告诉你我在伦敦 I don’t know if Viola told you I’m in London,
  [00:63.32]但是我提前一天回来了 but I’m heading home a day early.
  [00:63.64]听着,我想了很久 Listen, I’ve been thinking,
  [00:68.32]我们需要谈谈 and we really need to talk.
  [00:70.60]女士们... Ladies...
  [00:71.00]女士们... Ladies...
  [00:73.00]女士们 Ladies.
  [00:75.36]大家好 Welcome.
  [00:78.12]我是谢丽尔·兰格丝特 斯特拉特福德少年联盟主席 My name is Cheryl Lancaster, president of the Stratford Junior League
  [00:82.40]以及今年新生社交季协调人 and coordinator of this year’s debutante season.
  [00:84.80]哦,谢谢 Oh, please.
  [01:27.40]谢谢,今天我们将回顾总的指导方针 Thank you. Today we’re gonna go over the guidelines
  [01:30.16]举办一场雍容优美的成人礼 for a graceful, ladylike entree into society.
  [01:34.76]狗娘... Son of a...
  [01:38.52]你好 Hello.
  [01:41.12]这里 Hello there.

  [01:48.96]- 嗨 - 确定她集体照的时候 - Hi. - Make sure she’s in the back
  [01:50.56]站在后面 for the group photo.
  [01:52.64]感谢你能来参加,维奥拉. Thank you for joining us, Viola.
  [01:57.28]杀了我 Kill me.
  [01:76.00]维奥拉? 亲爱的 Viola? Darling.
  [01:80.68]记住,好似你有个小秘密一样的咀嚼 Remember, chew like you have a secret.
  [02:31.12]对不起 Excuse me.
  [02:37.56]女士们 Ladies.
  [02:50.20]- 嗨 - 嘿 - Hi. - Hey.
  [02:52.56]嘿!你是上次在亲吻亭救了我的那个人? Hey! You’re the one that saved me in the kissing booth that one time?
  [02:57.56]- 嗨 - 嗨 - Hi. - Hi.
  [02:59.24]哦,世界真小,我是维奥拉. Oh, what a small world. I’m Viola.
  [02:62.52]奥莉维亚. Olivia.
  [02:64.48]- 很高兴见到你 - 我也是 - Nice to meet you. - You too.
  [02:71.00]那个... So...
  [02:73.28]我知道这不管我的事情 I know it’s none of my business,
  [02:74.64]但是你是不是在和那个杜克奥斯诺约会? but you went out with that Duke Orsino guy, right?
  [02:75.92]是啊,就一次 Yeah. Once.
  [02:81.04]- 你有没有亲他? - 没有,怎么了? - Did you kiss him? - No, why?
  [02:81.52]哦,没什么,只是... Oh, no. It’s nothing, but...
  [02:86.68]尽量能免就免 Just try to postpone it as long as possible.
  [03:28.36]他的唾液腺失调 He has this salivary gland condition.
  [03:31.84]是的,他不是太愿意提起来 Yeah. He doesn’t really like to talk about it,
  [03:36.80]但是我当时感觉就要被溺死了 but it felt like I was drowning.

  [03:40.12]真的? Really?
  [03:41.16]- 哦,我的天. - 我知道,那很令人讨厌 - Oh, my God. - I know. It was repulsive.
  [03:46.16]但是,嘿,祝你们俩能幸福 But, hey, every happiness to you both.
  [03:48.92]不,实际上,我不是真心喜欢杜克. No, actually, I don’t really like Duke.
  [03:53.80]我只是对他的室友,赛巴斯蒂安,相当的着迷 I have this huge thing for his roommate, Sebastian.
  [03:56.40]我只是想让赛巴斯蒂安嫉妒 And I was just trying to make Sebastian jealous.
  [03:68.64]哦,天啊 Oh, boy.
  [03:71.52]是啊,我知道这么利用别人非常不对 Yeah, I know it’s really wrong to use a person this way,
  [03:72.60]我也内心非常的愧疚 and I feel really terrible about it.
  [03:77.24]他特别的帅 He’s so handsome,
  [03:77.40]但是我真的非常,非常喜欢赛巴斯蒂安. But I really, really like Sebastian.
  [03:81.68]不是象好多男孩那样傻帅傻帅的 not the goonish handsome you see in a lot of guys.
  [03:83.24]他是那么的精巧,好比是,幽雅的帅气,你明白么? He’s a delicate, like, even refined handsome, you know?
  [04:28.72]哦,当他微笑的时候,我不能控制自己不看他 Oh, and when he smiles, I just can’t stop looking at him.
  [04:31.40]他太完美了 He’s just so wonderful.
  [04:35.24]你知道么, 奥莉维亚... You know, Olivia...
  [04:39.76]- 是叫奥莉维亚,对吧? - 是的 - It’s Olivia, right? - Yeah.
  [04:40.44]我觉得我要给你些建议 I’m gonna give you just a little advice.
  [04:44.92]- 好的 - 做事不要太绝! - OK. - Enough is enough!
  [04:46.68]你现在把自己越缠越乱 You are weaving a really tangled web.
  [04:50.68]好象一团乱麻 Like really, really tangled.
  [04:51.24]亲爱的……你不能再这样了! And, honey... you got to stop!
  [04:55.56]好? 你要告诉所有人事实真相 OK? So you just gotta tell everybody the truth.
  [04:57.52]要非常非常诚实 Be very, very honest.
  [04:57.64]用你自己的筹码去赢得胜利 Just let the chips fall where they may.
  [04:62.40]下次我再见到赛巴斯蒂安 我会直接上前去的 The next time I see Sebastian I’ll march right up to him.
  [04:62.52]- 你说得太对了 - 我知道 - You’re right. - I know.
  [04:67.68]你告诉他 You tell him.
  [04:67.88]- 你冲过去! - 然后我会告诉他我怎么想 - You march! - And I’ll tell him how I feel.
  [04:70.04]然后我会充满激情的吻他 Then I’ll kiss him so passionately,
  [04:72.32]让哪怕恨他的人都有幸福感 that even the people he hates will feel pleasure.
  [04:76.32]你好啊,维奥拉. Hello, Viola.
  [04:78.80]哦,这可不妙 Oh, this is not good.
  [04:80.68]你也好啊,你个小婊子 And hello to you, you little homewrecker.
  [04:83.16]- 你是谁? - 我是塞巴斯蒂安女朋友 - Who are you? - I am Sebastiars girlfriend.
