听电影学英语-撞车 02(在线收听

  [00:01.12]Yeah, me too. 哦 我也戒了
  [00:03.04]- What do you got? - Dead kid. - 你找到什么了? - 死了个孩子
  [00:17.96]Hey, Bob. 嗨 鲍勃
  [00:59.96]You get one free box of ammunition. What kind do you want? 你可以得到一盒免费的子弹 你想要哪种?
  [01:16.28]Yo, Osama! Plan a jihad on your own time. 奥萨玛 要组织你的圣战 别在这儿浪费我的时间
  [01:20.56]What do you want? 你想要什么?
  [01:25.64]- Are you making insult at me? - Am I making insult "at" you? - 你在污辱我吗? - 我污辱你?
  [01:28.12]- Is that the closest you can come to English? - Yes, I speak English! I am American citizen. - 那就是你达到的最合适的英语水平吗? - 是的 我说英语 我是美国公民
  [01:32.72]- Oh, God, here we go. - I have right like you. - 哦 天啊又来了 - 就像你一样
  [01:33.88]- I have right to buy gun. - Not in my store, you don’t! - 我有权利买枪 - 在我的店里 你买不到
  [01:36.28]- Andy, get him outta here now! - Go wait in the car. - 安迪 马上把他赶出去 - 去车里等着

  [01:39.08]Now. Get out! 快点 出去
  [01:39.32]- You’re an ignorant man! - I’m ignorant? You’re liberating my country - 你是一个愚蠢无知的人 - 我愚蠢无知? 你们解放了我的国家
  [01:44.32]and I’m flying 747 s into your mud huts and incinerating your friends? 我坐着747到你们的小窝棚里去 把你们都烧成灰了吗?
  [01:48.00]- Get the fuck out! - No, you get the fuck out! - 他妈的给我滚出去! - 不 你他妈的滚出去!
  [01:51.40]No, don’t touch me! He cheat me! 不 别碰我! 他骗了我!
  [01:52.48]- Andy, now! - Let’s go. - 安迪 快点 - 我们走吧
  [01:54.48]Okay. 好的
  [01:60.04]You can give me the gun or give me back the money. 你要么给我枪 要么给我退钱
  [02:03.04]And I am really hoping for the money. 我真希望你给我退钱
  [02:10.16]- What kind of ammunition do you want? - Whatever fits. - 你要什么样的弹药? - 随便吧
  [02:11.96]We got a lot of kinds. 我们有很多种
  [02:14.24]We got long colts, short colts, bull heads, 我们有长卡尔特 短卡尔特 平面孔型
  [02:18.12]flat nose, hollowpoints, wide cutters, 平凸弹头 空尖弹头 宽割弹头
  [02:19.80]and a dozen more that’ll fit any size hole. 还有很多合适的呢
  [02:24.92]Just depends upon how much bang you can handle. 就看你要多大杀伤力的了
  [02:29.76]I’ll take the ones in the red box. 我要那红盒子的
  [02:33.52]- You know what those are? - Can I have them? - 你知道那是什么吗? - 你能给我吗?
  [02:45.44]Did you see any white people waitin’ an hour and 32 minutes for a plate of spaghetti? 你知道白人吃意大利面条的时候要等上1小时32分钟吗?

  [02:51.84]And how many cups of coffee did we get? 我们喝了多少杯咖啡?
  [02:54.00]You don’t drink coffee! And I didn’t want any. 你没有喝咖啡 我不想喝
  [02:56.88]Man, that woman poured cup after cup to every single white person around us. 伙计 那个女人给我们周围的白人灌了一杯又一杯
  [02:60.36]But did she even ask you if you wanted any? 可她问过你要不要吗?
  [03:04.04]We didn’t get any coffee that you didn’t want and I didn’t order, 我们没有拿到咖啡是因为你不想喝 而且我也没点
  [03:06.32]and that’s evidence of racial discrimination? 那就是种族歧视的迹象吗?
  [03:06.64]Did you notice that our waitress was black? 你难道没有注意女招待是黑人吗?
  [03:09.04]And black women don’t think in stereotypes? 不见得黑人也会跟我们一样
  [03:13.32]You tell me. When was the last time you met one 你告诉我 上次你碰到一个女人
  [03:15.60]who didn’t think she knew everything about your lazy ass 你不开口
  [03:16.48]before you even opened your mouth, huh? 她不会知道你有什么坏毛病
  [03:19.84]That waitress sized us up in two seconds. 那个女招待打量我们两秒钟就知道我们是什么样的人了
  [03:20.56]We’re black, and black people don’t tip. She wasn’t gonna waste her time. 我们是黑人 黑人不给小费 她不想浪费她的时间
  [03:26.80]Somebody like that? Nothing you can do to change their mind. 有人喜欢那样吗? 你不可能改变他们的想法
  [03:27.20]How much did you leave? 你给了多少?
  [03:31.36]You expect me to pay for that kind of service? 那种服务质量你还期望我给小费吗?
  [03:33.60]What? What the fuck is you laughin’ at, man? 怎么了? 你他妈的笑什么?
  [03:36.64]I’m seriously starting to think that you’re jealous of Karen. 我真没想到你会吃凯伦的醋
  [03:39.92]Hardly. I’d just like to see you get through a meal without calling her or anyone else. 没有的事 我只是不想看到你在吃饭的时候打电话给别人
  [03:45.12]Okay, no more phone calls. As a matter of fact, you can hold the battery. 好 我不再打了 你可以把电池拿着
  [03:48.68]Okay? 好吗?
  [03:52.88]Ten bucks says she calls you in the car. 赌10美元 她会在车里给你打电话的
  [03:56.64]Wait, wait, wait. See what that woman just did? 等等 等等 看那个女人刚刚做了什么?
  [03:58.84]- You see that? - She’s cold. - 你看到了吗? - 她很冷
  [04:01.52]She got colder as soon as she saw us. 她一看到我们就更冷了
  [04:03.12]- Ah, come on, don’t start. - Man, look around you, man. - 行了 没完了你 - 伙计 看看你周围
  [04:07.08]You couldn’t find a whiter, safer or better - lit part of this city right now. 在这个城市的这个区 你找不到一个有更多白人的 更安全的 更好的地方了
  [04:09.36]But yet this white woman sees two black guys 可是这个白人妇女看到两个黑人

  [04:11.36]who look like UCLA students strolling down the sidewalk, 像加州大学洛杉矶分校 沿着人行道走过来的学生一样
  [04:16.60]and her reaction is blind fear? 她的反应就是莫名的恐慌?
  [04:17.72]Look at us, dog. Are we dressed like gangbangers? 看看我们 我们像黑帮分子吗?
  [04:19.12]Huh? No. Do we look threatening? No. 嗯? 不像吧 我们看上去具有威胁性吗? 不
  [04:23.88]Fact. If anybody should be scared around here, it’s us! 事实上 如果这儿有人该害怕的话 应该是我们
  [04:27.92]We’re the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of over - caffeinated white people 周围全是兴奋过度的白人 只有我们俩是黑人面孔
  [04:32.20]patrolled by the trigger - happy L.A.P.D. 还有四处巡逻的乱开枪的洛杉矶警察
  [04:34.40]So you tell me. Why aren’t we scared? 那你告诉我 为什么我们不害怕?
  [04:37.08]’Cause we got guns? 因为我们有枪?
  [04:40.28]You could be right. 你可能是对的
  [04:44.76]- Get the fuck outta the car! - Gimme the keys! - 他妈的滚出来 - 把钥匙给我
  [04:48.12]- Hurry up! Get down! - Okay, okay, okay, okay. - 快点 下来 - 好的 好的 好的
  [04:50.48]- No, no! Please! - Don’t look at me! Turn around! - 不 不 求你了 - 别看我 转过去
  [04:55.80]- Come on! Go! - We’re fine! Just keep moving! - 快点 走吧 - 我们没事 走吧
