听电影学英语-朱诺 06(在线收听

  [00:02.54]a tough, tough thing to do. 很难很难的事情
  [00:06.22]It’s probably tougher than you can understand right now. 比你现在想像的要难得多
  [00:09.38]Oh, I… I know. 哦,我知道
  [00:11.86]And I… it’s just that I’m not ready to be a mom. 我还没做好当妈妈的准备
  [00:15.58]Damn skippy, you’re not. 你当然不是
  [00:16.26]You don’t even remember 你连给“自由钟”吃药都记不住
  [00:17.70]That was once, and she did not die, if you recall.
  [00:17.94]to give Liberty Bell her breathing meds. 就那么一次,她又没事
  [00:22.70]Honey, had you considered 你有没有想过…
  [00:26.46]you know… the alternative? 其他的选择?
  [00:28.26]No. 没有
  [00:28.98]you’re a little Viking. 你真勇敢!
  [00:30.46]Well, 好吧
  [00:33.06]First things first. 现在的头等大事
  [00:35.14]All right, we have to get you healthy. 我们要保证你的健康
  [00:35.82]You need prenatal vitamins. 你要补充维他命

  [00:38.94]Incidentally, they do incredible things 顺带说一下
  [00:39.82]for your nails, so that’s a plus. 它们可能会影响你的指甲
  [00:43.10]Oh, and we need to schedule a doctor’s appointment. 我们还要预约医生
  [00:43.46]Figure out where you’re going to deliver. 看看你什么时候临产
  [00:46.66]Juno, I’m coming with you to meet this… adoption couple. 朱诺,我带你去见那对夫妻
  [00:48.86]You’re just a kid. 你还是个孩子
  [00:51.22]I don’t want you to get ripped off 我不想你单独去招架一对想孩子发疯的夫妻
  [00:52.14]by a couple of baby-starved wing nuts. 谢谢,老爸
  [00:54.90]Thanks, Dad.
  [00:55.42]Boy, I thought you were the kind of girl 我原来以为你是个知道自己该干什么的女孩
  [00:57.70]who knew when to say when.
  [01:04.66]I don’t really know what kind of girl I am. 我自己都不知道我是什么样的女孩
  [01:20.38]Whoa. 哇哦
  [01:22.14]You think this is my fault? 你觉得这是我的错吗?
  [01:22.38]Just tell it to me straight, Bren. 坦白和我说,布兰达
  [01:25.02]I think kids get bored and they have intercourse. 孩子们做这些是因为太空虚了
  [01:27.82]I am not ready to be a Pop Pop. 我还没想当爷爷呢
  [01:28.30]And I thinkJune bug was a dummy about it, Mac. 我觉得她做了件傻事,麦克
  [01:31.42]You’re not gonna be a Pop Pop. 你不会当爷爷的
  [01:31.58]Somebody else is gonna find a precious blessing from Jesus 即使情况一团糟
  [01:36.98]in this garbage dump of a situation. 主也会保佑我们所有人的
  [01:39.54]Did you see that coming when she sat us down here? 她让我们坐下的时候你想到了吗?
  [01:43.34]Yeah, but I was hoping she was expelled or into hard drugs. 我以为她是吸大麻或者被退学了
  [01:45.42]That was my first instinct, too, or a DWI. 我的第一反应和你一样,或者以为是酒后驾车
  [01:46.70]Anything but this. 就没想到是这个
  [01:49.46]And I’m gonna punch that Bleeker kid in the wiener 下次我看到布里克那孩子

  [01:51.46]next time I see him. 一定要狠狠扁他一顿
  [01:53.82]You know it wasn’t his idea. 你知道肯定不是他主动的
  [01:54.06]Mac. Come on. 麦克,别这样
  [03:02.66]Hi. 嗨
  [03:08.14]Mr.MacGuff, hi. 你一定是朱诺和麦古菲先生
  [03:08.70]It’s, uh, Vanessa, right? Is that… 凡丽莎,对吗?
  [03:08.82]Vanessa Loring. 我是凡丽莎·洛林
  [03:13.18]Thanks for having me and my irresponsible child 谢谢招待我和这不懂事的孩子
  [03:15.34]Oh, no, thank you. Thank you.
  [03:17.46]Come on in. 快请进
  [03:19.86]Can I take your coat or your hat? 把你们的外套给我吧
  [03:22.54]Oh, wicked pic in the PennySaver, by the way. 对了,顺便说一句
  [03:23.22]Oh, yeah, sure. Thanks. 哦,谢谢
  [03:26.10]Super classy, not like those people 广告上你们的照片很赞
  [03:29.10]Honestly, who do they think they’re fooling? 老实说,他们能骗到谁啊
  [03:29.22]with the fake woods in the background. 背后还放上些假的树
  [03:32.46]You found us in the PennySaver? 你在免费广告找到我们?
  [03:34.34]Hi. Mark Loring. I’m the husband. 嗨,我是马克·洛林,她丈夫
  [03:35.54]-Mac MacGuff -Nice to meet you. Hi. -麦克·麦古菲 -很高兴见到你
  [03:37.02]How you doing? 你好吗?
  [03:40.02]This is Gerta Rauss, our, um, attorney. 这位是戈塔·罗斯,我们的律师
  [03:43.50]Gerta Rauss. 戈塔·罗斯
  [03:45.18]Hi. Nice to meet you. 嗨,见到你很高兴
  [03:49.26]Like the city in Alaska. 阿拉斯加的一个城市名?
  [03:50.46]And this, of course, is Juno. 那么她就是朱诺
  [03:53.54]No. 不是
  [03:54.82]No? 不是?
  [03:56.02]Hon? Shall we sit down, get to know one another? 大家坐下来,加深相互了解吧
  [03:56.50]Well, I thought I’d get some drinks. 好啊,我去取些饮料
  [03:59.50]What would anyone like? 大家都要喝什么?
  [04:01.02]I have Pellegrino or vitamin water or… 圣培露果汁汽水,维生素饮料或者…
  [04:02.90]I’ll have a Maker’s Mark, please. Up. 那我来杯子威士忌
  [04:03.58]orange juice with… 橙汁…
  [04:06.46]She’s kidding. 她在讲笑
  [04:10.34]June bug has a wonderful sense of humor, 我女儿有很棒的幽默感
  [04:12.82]I’ll sit down. 我还是坐下好了
  [04:13.14]just one of her many genetic gifts. 是我遗传给他的众多优点之一
  [04:16.62]So, Juno, first off, how far along are you? 首先,朱诺,告诉我多大了
  [04:21.30]I’m a junior. 我在读高中
  [04:23.38]No, I mean, in your pregnancy. 不,我是指,孩子多大了
  [04:26.54]Um, well, actually my stepmom 这个,事实上昨天我继妈
  [04:27.34]Oh, right. 哦,是的
  [04:28.02]took me yesterday to the doctor, and they said I was 12 weeks. 带我去了医院检查,他们说有12周了
  [04:32.38]That’s great. That’s marvelous. 太棒了,难以置信
  [04:32.62]So you’re into your second trimester. 你现在处于妊娠中期的三周
  [04:34.78]Uh… yeah. 呃,是吧
  [04:38.86]Apparently. I’m due on May fourth. 预产期五月四号
  [04:40.34]Great. 棒极了
  [04:41.62]My girlfriends tell me 我的女朋友告诉我
  [04:43.42]that the first couple of months are the hardest. 前几个月最难过

  [04:47.02]I didn’t notice it at all, actually. 都没咋留意
  [04:49.30]Uh, I’m more concerned about when they have to put 我更关心他们会放一些
  [04:50.42]that, like, elastic band, you know, 像弹性带子之类的
  [04:53.78]in the front of my jeans. 在我牛仔裤前面
  [04:57.14]Oh, you’re lucky it’s not you. 你该庆幸不是你自己
