听电影学英语-朱诺 12(在线收听

  [00:02.48]we’re just, like, ready to rock. 我们就能随时摇滚了
  [00:04.36]And, I mean, we could… 同时,我们也
  [00:05.16]we could always get back together, too. 我们也能继续交往
  [00:08.12]It’s an option. 可以考虑一下
  [00:13.40]Oh… were we together? 呃,咱们交往过吗?
  [00:16.76]Yeah, we were once, you know… that… that time. 是啊,我们曾经,那时候…
  [00:29.20]What about Katrina De Voort? 你觉得卡特里娜·德·沃克怎么样?
  [00:31.20]You could totally go out with Katrina De Voort. 你完全可以约卡特里娜·德·沃克出去
  [00:32.68]I don’t like Katrina. 我不喜欢卡特里娜
  [00:34.20]She smells like soup. 她有股汤的味道
  [00:34.64]I mean, have you ever smelled her? 你有闻过她吗?
  [00:35.96]And her whole house smells like soup. 她们家的房子都散发着汤的味道
  [00:47.20]Okay… 好吧…
  [00:49.68]So we have custard and cheesecake. 我们有果冻黄还有奶酪黄

  [00:51.88]They’re yellow. 都是黄色而已
  [00:55.84]Right. I wanted to pick something that was gender-neutral 对,在有小孩之前,我想选中性点的颜色
  [01:00.44]until we get the baby and then we can just add 之后我们可以
  [01:01.88]a more decisive palette. 加上更合适的颜料
  [01:02.00]Why does everybody think yellow is gender-neutral? 为什么大家都认为黄色是中性?
  [01:05.08]-I don’t know any guy with a yellow bedroom -It’s for babies. -我认识的男人没一个睡黄色卧房 -是给宝宝的
  [01:10.88]I’m thinking more custard. 我想更多果冻黄
  [01:13.52]I don’t know, maybe I should I should paint a larger swatch 拿不定主意,或许我该先刷出来,看看样板
  [01:13.64]Just with this light. 就配上这种光线
  [01:17.92]or just try it on a different wall… 或在别的墙上试试看
  [01:21.40]Or you can wait a few more months. 或者再等几个月再说
  [01:23.96]Like the baby’s going to come storming in here 好像宝宝会马上冲进来
  [01:26.36]demanding dessert-colored walls. 要求一个沙漠色房子似的
  [01:30.40]What to Expect says that readying the baby’s room 专家说的,准备宝宝的房间
  [01:36.00]is an important process for the woman. 是对一个女人很重要的步骤
  [01:38.20]Especially if you’re adopting. 特别是收养时
  [01:39.16]It’s called "nesting." 他们叫做“筑巢”
  [01:42.56]Nesting? 筑巢?
  [01:42.68]Yeah. 是
  [01:46.92]Are you going to build a crib out of sticks and spit? 你要用口水和树枝搭个窝?
  [01:49.44]Hmm? 嗯?
  [01:50.24]Well, you should read the book. 你应该看看那书
  [01:51.32]I flagged the daddy chapters. They’re… 我也翻过写父亲的那几章,他们…
  [01:54.96]I think it’s too early to paint. 我认为现在刷为时过早
  [01:55.48]That’s my opinion. 那就是我的意见
  [01:59.16]I disagree. 我不同意
  [02:04.20]This wall is going to need something. 这面墙要一些东西
  [02:09.88]Our first family photo right in the middle. 正中间挂我们的第一张全家照
  [02:11.48]Right up there. 就在那
  [02:15.76]Can you see it? 能想像到吗?
  [02:23.24]Yum! This pretzel tastes like a friggin’ donut. 唉呀!这脆饼吃起来像该死的甜甜圈

  [02:26.40]Well, share the love, sweetie. 快乐要分享,甜心
  [02:27.20]She’s assaulting me. 她在暗杀我
  [02:27.80]No, you can’t have any. 不,你一点都别想吃
  [02:30.96]She’s denying me fresh-baked goodness. 她不肯接受我的好意
  [02:33.16]-Oh, my God -What? -哦,天哪 -什么?
  [02:34.92]That’s her. 是她
  [02:37.76]That’s Vanessa Loring. 那是凡丽莎·洛林
  [02:39.80]Of the PennySaver Lorings? 广告上的洛林夫妇?
  [02:42.32]Dude, she’s, like, really pretty. 她还挺漂亮的
  [02:46.20]You sound, like, totally shocked or something. 还用说?你好像大吃一惊
  [02:47.68]She’s totally going to, like, steal that little kid for her collection. 她像要把那小孩偷回去收藏
  [02:53.96]Right? Seriously. 是吧,没夸张
  [03:06.16]Ah… 啊…
  [03:15.32]Oh, I could so go for, like, a huge cookie right now 现在的我能吞下一块硕大的饼干
  [03:16.12]with, like, a lamb kebab simultaneously. 同时还少不了羊肉串
  [03:21.20]God, spermie, must you always feed? 难以置信,是不是得一直把你喂着?
  [03:24.88]It’s like never ending, pretty much, you know. 好像永无止境一样
  [03:27.84]-Hi -Hi, Juno. -嗨 -嗨,朱诺
  [03:28.52]Juno! 朱诺!
  [03:30.20]Vanessa, what, what brings you to the mall today? 凡丽莎,今天怎么来这逛了?
  [03:32.12]I was just shopping, you know, with my girlfriends, and… 我在买东西,和几个女朋友一起…
  [03:35.56]You’re gay? 你是同性恋?
  [03:37.48]Okay. 好
  [03:38.16]-No -Oh, please, just ignore her. -不 -请当她不存在
  [03:40.08]Well, how are you feeling? 你感觉如何?
  [03:40.24]Great. Everything’s stupendous, you know. 大好,一切都大大的超出期待
  [03:45.04]Oh, coming in on that snooze button. 按下这个待机按钮可以进去
  [03:47.40]Wow. It’s incredible. 哇,太不可思议了
  [03:49.00]Huh. Oh, God. 哦,天啊
  [03:53.60]What? 什么?
  [03:55.20]Kicking… kicking away. 踢… 宝宝在踢我
  [03:58.92]Could… could I feel it? 能让我感觉一下么?
  [04:00.60]Are you kidding? 那还用说?
  [04:04.12]Oh. 哦
  [04:04.68]God, that’s cool. 酷得很
  [04:07.52]Everyone’s just, like, grabbing my belly all the time. 每个人都不时地抓下我的肚子
  [04:07.60]It’s crazy, but I’m a legend, you know. 很疯狂,但我成了个传奇
  [04:09.36]They call me the cautionary whale. 他们叫我警戒的鲸鱼
  [04:16.52]I can’t feel anything. 我什么都感觉不到
  [04:21.04]It’s not moving for me. 他不为我而动
  [04:24.08]Well, you should try talking to it, 你可以试下和他说话
  [04:26.88]’cause, like, supposedly they can hear you 理论上说他们能听到你
  [04:28.20]even though it’s all, like, 10,000 leagues under the sea. 尽管听上就像在海底10,000米一样
  [04:43.20]Hi, baby. 嗨,宝宝
  [04:49.04]Um… 嗯…
  [04:51.04]It’s me. 是我
  [04:51.60]It’s… Vanessa. 我是凡丽莎
  [04:59.48]I can’t wait to meet you. 等不及想见到你了
