听电影学英语-朱诺 17(在线收听

  [00:04.68]I just… I need to know that it’s possible 我只想知道,有没有可能
  [00:09.16]that two people can stay happy together forever. 两个人能永远幸福的生活在一起
  [00:13.08]Well, it’s not easy, that’s for sure. 首先可以肯定,做到这样并不容易
  [00:17.16]And, uh, I don’t have the best track record in the world, 还有么,就本人而言,虽然排不上全球第一
  [00:19.08]I know, but… 我有自知之明,但是…
  [00:19.88]I’ve been with your stepmother for ten years now, 我和你的继母在一起已经十年了
  [00:22.84]and, um, I’m proud to say, we’re very happy. 可以很骄傲的说,我们非常幸福
  [00:27.24]Look… 听着…
  [00:28.72]in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person 我认为你所能做的就是找一个爱人
  [00:33.48]who loves you for exactly what you are. 他爱的正是你原来的样子,不加修饰
  [00:38.84]Good mood, bad mood… 不论你心情是好是坏…
  [00:39.32]ugly, pretty… 是丑陋还是美丽…
  [00:43.32]handsome, what have you. 还是帅气,不管你是什么样
  [00:43.72]The right person’s still gonna think 爱你的人总会觉得
  [00:45.32]the sun shines out your ass. 你的身上永远阳光灿烂
  [00:51.68]That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with. 发现那种人,就该抓紧了别放
  [00:55.24]Yeah. 对哦

  [00:59.36]Yeah, and I think I’ve found that person. 我想我已经找到那个人了
  [01:02.72]Yeah, sure you have- your dear old D-A-D. 当然啦,你有一位最最亲爱的老爸
  [01:07.68]You know I’ll always be there to love you and support you 不论你演的是哪一出
  [01:09.08]no matter what kind of pickle you’re in. 我会一直无条件的爱你支持你
  [01:12.88]Obviously. 这点显而易见
  [01:19.00]Dad, I think I’m just gonna like… shove out for a sec, 爸,我现在只想… 再出去转一圈
  [01:22.00]but I won’t be home late. 保证不会很晚回来
  [01:22.76]Okay. 好吧
  [01:24.60]You were talking about me, right? 你刚才说的人是我吧?
  [01:27.16]Oh, yeah. 哦,当然是你
  [01:39.60]-Come on! -Tic tac ahoy! -快点! -作战行动成功!
  [01:50.92]∮The flower said, "I wish I was a tree"∮ ∮花儿说:“我想变成一棵树”∮
  [01:52.48]∮The tree said, "I wish I could be a different kind of tree"∮ ∮树儿说:“我想变成别的树”∮(粉笔书:查收邮件)
  [01:57.68]∮The cat wished that it was a bee∮ ∮猫儿希望变成一只小蜜蜂∮
  [02:01.84]∮The turtle wished that it could fly∮ ∮龟儿希望自己能插翅高飞∮
  [02:02.44]∮Really high into the sky∮ ∮在高高的蓝天上适意遨游∮
  [02:06.04]∮Over rooftops and then dive deep into the sea∮ ∮掠过摩天楼,俯身入深海∮
  [02:09.32]∮And in the sea there is a fish∮ ∮深深大海中,有一条小鱼∮
  [02:12.40]∮A fish that has a secret wish∮ ∮一条小小鱼,有个小心愿∮
  [02:13.28]∮A wish to be a big cactus with a pink flower on it∮ ∮变成仙人球,头顶小粉花∮
  [02:20.64]∮And in the sea there is a fish∮ ∮深深大海中,有一条小鱼∮

  [02:20.84]∮A fish that has a secret wish∮ ∮一条小小鱼,有个小心愿∮
  [02:23.80]∮A wish to be a big cactus with a pink flower on it…∮ ∮变成仙人球,头顶小粉花∮
  [02:27.92]Hey, did you put, like, 嘿,你是不是…
  [02:29.56]a hundred things of tic tacs in my mailbox? 在我的邮箱里塞了几百盒薄荷糖?
  [02:33.00]Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was me. 哦,是的,那是我干的
  [02:35.16]Well, you know, they’re your fave, 那不是你的最爱么
  [02:35.96]Why? 为什么啊?
  [02:38.36]and, uh, I mean, you can never have too many of your favorite 而且,吃这个你从来也不嫌多的
  [02:40.00]So, I just thought I’d… 所以,我才…
  [02:41.44]one-calorie breath mints. 超低热量清新口气薄荷糖同志
  [02:42.20]Yeah, well, thanks. 哦,那好吧,谢啦
  [02:44.00]I, uh, I think I’m pretty much set 我想这阵子我不用愁了
  [02:46.68]until college on the tic tac front. 这么多薄荷糖,吃到大学都没问题
  [02:47.96]You know, Bleek, I was thinking… 布里克,我在想…
  [02:49.04]and I’m sorry I was such a huge bitch to you. 我很抱歉,对你那么凶
  [02:54.36]You don’t deserve it. 你没那么可气
  [02:54.52]It’s okay, you know… it’s okay. 没关系的,…真的没关系
  [02:57.80]And also, um… 还有就是…
  [03:02.60]I think I’m in love with you. 我想我是爱着你
  [03:07.84]You mean, as friends? 你是说朋友之间的那种爱?
  [03:09.04]No. I mean, for real. 不,我是说男女之间的那种
  [03:12.96]’Cause you’re, like, the coolest person I’ve ever met, 因为在我见过的人里,你是最酷的
  [03:16.80]and you don’t even have to try. 而且你根本不需要刻意装酷
  [03:18.40]I try really hard, actually. 其实我装酷装得可累了
  [03:23.08]You’re, like, naturally smart, 你身上有种天生的聪明劲
  [03:23.16]and you’re not like everyone else. 有一点你和别人都不一样
  [03:25.32]You don’t stare at my stomach all the time. 你从不盯着我的肚子看…
  [03:28.36]You look at my face, and every time I see you, 而是看着我的脸,每一次我见到你
  [03:32.32]the baby starts kicking super hard. 我肚里的娃娃就开始死命的踢
  [03:37.16]It does? 真的啊?
  [03:46.64]Wizard. 奇怪啊
  [03:48.68]I think it’s ’cause my heart starts pounding 我想大概是因为,每次当我看到你
  [03:53.08]every time I see you. 我的心就开始扑腾扑腾的猛跳
  [03:54.56]Mine, too. 我的也是
  [03:57.56]That’s all I could ask for. 有了这些,我就满足了
  [04:01.44]You’re golden, man. 你太完美了,哥们儿
  [04:08.52]Can we make out now? 要不现在亲热一下?
  [04:09.88]Yeah. 好啊
  [04:11.80]∮I like boys with strong convictions∮ ∮我喜欢信念坚定的男孩∮
  [04:15.84]∮And convicts with perfect diction∮ ∮用完美的措辞说出信念∮
  [04:16.04]∮Underdogs with good intentions∮ ∮我爱一片好心的失意者∮
  [04:18.96]∮Amputees with stamp collections∮ ∮还有喜欢集邮的截肢者∮
  [04:22.04]∮I like boys that like their mothers∮ ∮我喜欢依恋母亲的男孩∮
  [04:23.28]∮And I have a thing for…∮ ∮还偏爱…∮

  [04:23.40]Hey, you know, 嘿,知道么
  [04:25.48]you could go into early labor sucking face like that. 照那种姿势继续啃下去,你说不定会提早分娩哦
  [04:28.88]∮We’re not lovers∮ ∮我们不是情人∮
  [04:34.36]∮You’re so nice∮ ∮你是那么的可爱∮
  [04:36.44]∮And you’re so smart∮ ∮你是那么的天才∮
  [04:40.08]∮You’re such a good friend, I have to break your heart∮ ∮你是我的好朋友,我却执意伤你的心∮
  [04:45.56]∮I’ll tell you that I love you∮ ∮因为我告诉你,我爱着你∮
  [04:47.76]∮Just pretend I didn’t tear your world apart…∮ ∮就当作世界还没被割裂∮
  [04:47.96]∮Then I’ll tear your world apart∮ ∮你的世界从此被我割裂∮
  [04:51.72]Dad! 爸!
  [04:52.80]What?! 咋了?!
  [04:55.60]Dad, either I just peed my pants or, um… 爸,要么就是我尿裤子了,要么…
  [04:59.60]Or?! 要么什么?!
