UNIT 4 My Neighbourhood Lesson 31:I Need a Map!(在线收听

[ti:UNIT 4 My Neighbourhood Lesson 31:I Need a Map!]
[0:00.976]UNIT 4 第四单元
[0:02.759]My Neighbourhood 我周围的地区
[0:05.008]Lesson 31: 第31课:
[0:07.299]I Need a Map! 我需要一张地图!
[0:09.463]October 23 10月23日
[0:11.925]Dear Mom and Dad, 亲爱的爸爸妈妈:
[0:13.325]How are you? I'm doing very well. 你们好吗?我做得很好。
[0:16.338]I'm working very hard at school. 我在学校学习非常努力。
[0:18.969]This week, I got to know my neighbourhood. 这周,我开始知道我周围的地区。
[0:22.067]Jenny and I walked to school on Monday. 我和珍妮周一是步行去的学校。
[0:24.613]She showed me her favourite places. 她带我到了她最喜欢的一些地方。
[0:27.329]There's a bakery near our house. 我们家附近有一家面包店。
[0:29.450]When we walk to school, we go by the bakery. 当我们去学校时,我们经过那家面包店。
[0:33.015]Sometimes, we buy bread there. 有时,我们到那儿买面包。
[0:35.688]Jenny likes to buy books at the bookstore. 珍妮喜欢到书店买书。
[0:38.828]It's on our way to school, too. 它也在去学校的路上。
[0:41.459]Past the bookstore, there's a beautiful park. 经过书店,有一个美丽的公园。
[0:44.600]You would love it there. 你们会喜欢那儿的。
[0:46.636]But it isn't always easy to live in a new neighbourhood. 但是居住在一个新的地方并不总是件容易的事。
[0:50.243]Yesterday, I got lost. 昨天,我迷路了。
[0:52.577]I was going to meet Danny at the cinema. 我打算去电影院和丹尼见面。
[0:55.420]A young woman helped me. 一个年轻的女人帮了我。
[0:57.330]She knew the way. 她知道该如何走。
[0:59.155]Tomorrow, I'm going to ask Uncle David to buy me a map of the city. 明天,我要大卫叔叔给我买张地图。
[1:03.865]I will keep it in my backpack. 我将会把它装在背包中。
[1:06.029]Then I won't get lost again. 那时我就不会再迷路了。
[1:08.321]Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. 感恩节很好玩。
[1:10.612]I met all of my Canadian cousins. 我见到了所有的加拿大堂兄弟姐妹们。
[1:13.158]It's a big family! 真是一个大家庭!
[1:15.068]I miss you very much, but I'm happy here in Canada. 我非常想念你们,但我在加拿大非常快乐。
[1:18.887]I will be glad when you come to Canada, too. 当你们也来到加拿大时我会很高兴的。
[1:22.027]I will write again soon. 我会很快再写信的。
[1:24.361]Love, 爱你们的,
[1:25.125]Brian 布赖恩
[1:26.568]There! Now I'll put my letter in an envelope and post it! 好了!现在我要把信装进信封寄出去了!
[1:31.490]LET'S DO IT!
[1:33.145]One of your friends from another city is coming to see you.
[1:39.001]Write an e-mail to him or her giving directions to your house.
[1:45.215]Be careful! You don't want your friend to get lost!
