UNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 59:Who Are You?](在线收听

[ti:UNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 59:Who Are You?]
[0:00.616]UNIT 8 第八单元
[0:02.088]Celebrating Me! 赞美我!
[0:04.073]Lesson 59: 第59课:
[0:06.194]Who Are You? 你是谁?
[0:07.905]I see you are already working on your reports. 我看你已经在写你的报告了。
[0:12.080]Do you need any help? 你需要什么帮助吗?
[0:14.510]It's hard to write about myself. 写自己很难。
[0:16.871]I don't know what to say in my report. 我不知道在报告中说什么。
[0:19.917]But you are one of my best students. 但你是我最好的学生之一。
[0:22.860]I'm proud of you. 我为你感到自豪。
[0:24.742]I hope you are proud of yourself! 我希望你为自己感到自豪!
[0:27.616]Ms. Liu's right. 刘老师说得很对。
[0:29.532]You have many talents and many personal strengths. 你有很多才华和个人长处。
[0:34.802]You can write lots of good things about yourself! 你可以写关于你的很多好事!
[0:38.977]Have you written anything, Wang Mei? 王梅,你写了什么?
[0:41.578]Yes! I have already written three things: 是的!我已经写了三件事:
[0:45.958]I work hard at home and school; 我在家和学校很努力;
[0:49.551]I am very talented at mathematics; 我对数学很有天分;
[0:52.871]I help my friends. 我帮助朋友。
[0:55.061]My classmates chose me as a leader in the Young Pioneers. 我的同学选我做少先队干部。
[1:00.776]Wang Mei has the right idea! 王梅的主意很好!
[1:03.992]Li Ming, you are a unique person. 李明,你是独一无二的人。
[1:07.346]Think about the things that make you special. 想想使你与众不同的那些事。
[1:10.665]Then describe them. 然后描述它们。
[1:12.924]I think everyone can write about themselves. 我想人人都可以写自己。
[1:16.688]You might use these words to begin the sentences in your report. 你可以使用这些话作为报告的起始句。
[1:21.924]You can also choose your own words! 你也可以选择自己的话来写!
[1:25.380]Learning Tips 学习小帖士
[1:27.570]be talented (adj.): be filled with talent: showing talent Be talented (adj. ): 天才的,有才能的
[1:34.927]He is a very talented musician. 他是一个天才音乐家。
[1:43.072]Everyone is special. What makes you special?
[1:47.418]Describe yourself and why you are unique.
[1:51.627]Write a report about yourself with drawings or photographs.
[1:56.554]Here are some ideas of thins to write about.
[2:00.729]What are your personal strengths?
[2:03.227]Something "personal" is something about yourself!
[2:07.104]Do you have any talents?
[2:09.329]A talent is something special you can do.
[2:12.990]What makes you happy?
[2:15.009]What is your pride?
