UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 3 Are You an Athlete?(在线收听

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 3 Are You an Athlete?]
[0:02.045]UNIT 1 第一单元
[0:03.456]The Olympics 奥运会
[0:05.596]Lesson 3: 第三课:
[0:07.134]Are You an Athlete? 你是一名运动员吗?
[0:13.601]Are you and your classmates good athletes?
[0:17.964]At the Olympics, athletes compete in "events":
[0:22.323]swimming, running, soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and many others.
[0:31.477]In small groups, design some events.
[0:36.176]What do you need to bring to class for the event?
[0:39.736]What do you need to make?
[0:42.234]Then, make a poster that describes, in English, how to do the event.
[0:48.832]On the last day of the project, get your event ready and put up your poster.
[0:54.695]Every group in the class will try each event.
[0:59.250]Jump over Danny? 跳过丹尼?
[1:00.886]Good Luck! 祝你好运!
[1:02.947]Who has a good idea for an event? 谁能想出一个好的比赛项目?
[1:05.980]What about this? 这个怎么样?
[1:07.378]We ask each group to run across the soccer field. 我们让每一组跑过这个足球场。
[1:11.064]We show the groups where to start and where to stop. 我们告诉各组从哪里开始在哪里停止,
[1:14.895]We give them a watch. 并给他们一块表。
[1:16.303]After they run, they write down how many seconds they needed. 他们跑之后,记下需要多少时间。
[1:20.517]I like that event! 我喜欢那个比赛!
[1:22.639]What about this event: "Jump over the Dinosaur"? “跳恐龙”比赛怎么样?
[1:26.656]I don't know, Danny. 丹尼,我不知道。
[1:28.396]You're the only dinosaur I know, and you're two metres tall! 你是我唯一认识的恐龙,而且你有两米高!
[1:32.765]Yes, I know! 是的,我知道!
[1:34.359]Good luck, Jenny! 祝你好运,詹妮!
[1:35.332]Good luck, Brian! 好运,布赖恩!
[1:37.144]Thank you, Danny. 谢谢, 丹尼。
[1:38.252]The same to you. 你也一样。
[1:39.971]I think you're too tall, Danny! 丹尼,我觉得你太高了!
[1:42.859]You can do the following in your classroom Olympics. 在教室奥运会上你们可以做下面的运动
[1:47.270]Jump Rope 跳绳
[1:49.051]Can you skip sixty times without stopping? 你能连续跳60个吗?
[1:52.830]Sit-ups and Push-ups 仰卧起坐与俯卧撑
[1:55.046]How many can you do in one minute? 一分钟之内你能做多少个?
[1:58.100]sit-ups 仰卧起坐
[1:59.963]push-ups 俯卧撑
[2:02.138]Ball Toss 抛球
[2:04.115]Get a small box. 拿一个小盒子,
[2:05.844]Tape it to the floor. 用胶带把它粘到地板上。
[2:07.366]Stand three metres away. 站在三米外,
[2:09.561]Try to throw ten tennis balls into the box. 试着将十个网球扔到盒子里。
[2:12.988]How many can you get in? 你能投进几个?
[2:15.722]Long Jump 跳远
[2:17.357]How far can you jump? 你能跳多远?
[2:19.490]Start by standing still. 先静止站立,
[2:21.716]Then jump as far as you can. 然后尽量往远处跳。
[2:24.719]Ball Kick 踢球
[2:26.384]In the school yard or the field, kick a soccer ball as far as you can. 在学校的操场上或球场上,尽可能把足球踢得最远。
[2:31.064]Try two more times. 多试两次。
[2:32.876]Can you kick the ball farther? 你能将球踢得更远吗?
[2:34.869]Learning Tips 学习贴士
[2:36.547]two more times: 再两次:
[2:38.345]another two times 另两次
