UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 10 Where's the Highes(在线收听

[ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 10 Where's the Highest Hotel?]
[0:00.571]UNIT 2 第二单元
[0:01.606]Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽
[0:04.254]Lesson 10: 第十课:
[0:05.797]Where's the Highest Hotel? 最高的酒店在哪里?
[0:08.250]THINK ABOUT IT!
[0:10.115]Do you like travelling?
[0:12.283]Where have you travelled to?
[0:14.917]What famous buildings or structures do you know?
[0:19.627]Tell your class something about them.
[0:22.191]China has many world records for its buildings and structures. 中国在建筑和工程方面有很多世界记录。
[0:26.193]World's highest hotel. 世界最高的酒店。
[0:28.130]Since 1999, the highest hotel in the world is the Grand Hyatt Shanghai in Pudong. 自1999年以来,世界上最高的酒店就是上海浦东的凯悦大酒店。
[0:34.680]It is located on the top 35 floors of the 88-storey Jin Mao Tower. 它位于88层金茂大厦的顶上35层。
[0:39.807]This tower is the tallest building in China and one of the tallest in the world. 这座塔是中国最高的建筑,也是世界上最高的塔之一。
[0:45.521]What is the tallest building in the world? 世界上最高的建筑是什么?
[0:48.829]World's longest structure. 世界最长的工程。
[0:50.687]The Great Wall of China is more than 7 240 kilometres long. 中国的长城有7240多千米长,
[0:55.787]It is the longest structure in the world. 是世界上最长的工程。
[0:58.041]In some places, the wall is 9.75 metres thick. 在一些地方,城墙有9.75米厚。
[1:02.548]The first person to walk the whole length of the Great Wall was Liu Yutian. 第一个徒步走完长城的人是刘雨田。
[1:07.187]He walked for two years! 他走了两年!
[1:09.191]Can astronauts see the Great Wall from space? 宇航员能从太空中看见长城吗?
[1:12.920]Some people say yes; some people say no. 一些人说能,一些人说不能。
[1:16.519]What do you think? 你是怎么认为的?
[1:18.252]The Great Wall of China is famous around the world. 中国的长城举世闻名。
[1:22.216]World's biggest dam. 世界上最大的大坝。
[1:24.074]Since 1990, about 250 000 workers have worked on the Three Gorges Dam. 自1990年以来,约有250000名工人在修建三峡大坝。
[1:30.400]The dam will cost about 205 billion yuan. 大坝将耗资约2050亿元。
[1:33.814]China hopes to finish the dam by 2009. 中国希望到2009年能竣工。
[1:37.148]Then the Three Gorges Dam will set a new world record. 那时三峡大坝将会创造一项新的世界记录。
[1:40.549]It will be the world's biggest dam. 它将是世界上最大的大坝。
[1:42.894]The Three Gorges Dam will be about 2.3 kilometres long and almost 185 metres tall. 三峡大坝将有2.3千米长,差不多185米高。
[1:49.919]Do you understand these words: tall, wide and thick? 你明白这些词吗:高、宽、厚?
[1:55.623]Let's look at this book. 让我们看看这本书。
[1:58.106]LET'S DO IT!
[1:59.876]Did you notice the numbers below?
[2:03.049]Each number is part of the description of a building or structure.
[2:08.673]Write down what each number describes and report to the rest of the class!
[2:37.524]7 240
[2:40.793]250 000
