UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 15 My Favourite Recor(在线收听

[ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 15 My Favourite Record]
[0:00.650]UNIT 2 第二单元
[0:01.615]Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽
[0:04.268]Lesson 15: 第十五课:
[0:06.260]My Favourite Record 我最喜欢的记录
[0:08.577]To: 收信人:
[0:09.519][email protected]
[0:12.771]From: 发信人:
[0:13.541][email protected]
[0:16.751]Subject: 主题:
[0:17.724]Class Records 班级记录
[0:19.330]Date: 日期:
[0:20.166]12/10 10月12日
[0:21.518]3:46 PM 下午3:46
[0:24.176]Dear Li Ming, 亲爱的李明,
[0:25.696]This week in school, we made a list of records for our class. 这周,我们在学校给我们班做了一张记录表。
[0:30.155]My favourite record was "best paper airplane." 我最喜欢的记录是“最好的纸飞机。”
[0:33.956]Mine flew farther than Jenny's airplane. 我的比詹妮的飞得远,
[0:37.022]But Brian's flew the farthest. 但布赖恩的飞得最远。
[0:39.141]He was so proud. 他是那么的自豪。
[0:41.399]My friend Sandra won the record for largest book. 我的朋友桑德拉获得了拥有最大书的记录。
[0:44.878]How large was it? 它有多大?
[0:46.536]It was 60 centimetres tall, 40 centimetres wide and almost 21 centimetres thick! 它有60厘米长、40厘米宽、将近21厘米厚!
[0:54.673]It was full of her family's photographs. 里面装满了她的家庭照片。
[0:57.589]Brian has a book about world records. 布赖恩有一本关于世界记录的书。
[1:00.228]Some records are amazing! 一些记录很令人震惊!
[1:02.532]One man pulled a train with his teeth! 有一个人用他的牙齿拉动火车!
[1:05.463]One man lifted a bus! 有一个人举起了一辆公共汽车!
[1:07.621]By the way, it's your birthday soon, isn't it? 顺便问一句,你的生日快到了,是吗?
[1:11.325]Shall I mail you some birthday cake in an envelope? 我要用信封给你邮寄些生日蛋糕吗?
[1:14.810]Danny 丹尼
[1:16.212]To: 收信人:
[1:16.805][email protected]
[1:19.666]From: 发信人:
[1:20.498][email protected]
[1:23.614]Subject: 主题:
[1:24.785]Re: Class Records 回复:班级记录
[1:27.192]Date: 日期:
[1:28.033]13/10 10月13日
[1:29.656]10:02 PM 晚上10:02
[1:31.982]Hi, Danny, 嗨,丹尼,
[1:32.949]It was such a nice surprise to see your e-mail! 看到你的邮件真是惊讶!
[1:35.934]You haven't sent me an e-mail since last spring! 自从去年春天,你就没有给我发邮件了!
[1:39.075]You want to mail me birthday cake? 你想给我邮寄生日蛋糕吗?
[1:41.103]That's very kind of you, but you can't mail cake in an envelope. 你真是太好了,但你不能用信封邮寄蛋糕。
[1:45.364]Please send me a birthday card! 请给我寄张生日贺卡吧!
[1:47.425]I liked reading about your class records. 我喜欢看关于你们的班级记录。
[1:50.080]Brian's airplane won! 布赖恩的飞机赢了!
[1:51.753]That's great! 太好了!
[1:53.006]I was surprised to read about the man who pulled the train. 读到有人拉火车我很吃惊。
[1:56.106]That train must have weighed more than one thousand kilos! 那列火车想必重达1000多千克!
[1:59.370]Well, it's time for me to go to bed. 好了,我该睡觉了。
[2:01.719]I'll brush my teeth very well tonight. 今晚我要好好地刷刷牙。
[2:04.217]Some day, I might have to pull a train with them! 有一天,我可能要和他们一起拉火车!
[2:07.646]Li Ming 李明
[2:08.996]Danny had fun with his class records. 丹尼因他们的班级记录而快乐。
[2:11.469]Did you have fun with yours? 你会因此而快乐吗?
[2:13.750]LET'S DO IT!
[2:15.906]Have you ever been on a trip?
[2:19.323]Have you ever gone to visit relatives?
[2:22.624]Write a short passage to tell something about one of these trips.
[2:28.405]When and where did you do?
[2:31.341]What did you do?
[2:33.498]How did you go?
[2:35.719]Who did you go with?
[2:38.240]Why did you go to that place?
[2:41.604]Was it a good trip or a bad one?
