UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 39 Guess My Hero, Danny!(在线收听

[ti:UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 39 Guess My Hero, Danny!]
[0:00.773]UNIT 5 第五单元
[0:02.177]Great People 伟人
[0:04.008]Lesson 39: 第三十九课:
[0:05.748]Guess My Hero, Danny! 丹尼,猜猜我的英雄!
[0:08.135]Monday, November 12 11月12日,星期一
[0:10.508]Dear Danny, 亲爱的丹尼,
[0:11.718]This week in class, we talked about success. 这周课上我们讨论了成功这个话题。
[0:14.996]We studied famous people and talked about our favourite heroes. 我们学习了名人,讨论了我们喜爱的英雄。
[0:19.065]Earlier this year, I had told Ms. Liu that I would like to help her teach our English class. 今年初,我曾告诉刘老师说我想帮她教我们的英语课。
[0:24.663]On Monday, she asked me to make an example of a crossword puzzle. 周一,她让我写一道纵横字谜的例子。
[0:28.866]I thought it would be fun since I had done a lot of crossword puzzles when I was in Canada. 我想那一定很有趣,因为我在加拿大的时候曾做过很多纵横字谜。
[0:33.808]But whom would my puzzle be about? 但我的谜语是关于谁的呢?
[0:36.111]Day after day, I asked myself that question. 我一天天地问自己这个问题。
[0:39.238]I thought about it as I walked to school. 上学的路上我在想,
[0:41.878]I thought about it later as I walked home. 回家的路上我也在想。
[0:44.719]Then I had a great idea. 然后我有了一个好主意。
[0:46.938]My puzzle wouldn't be about somebody famous. 我的字谜不是关于名人的,
[0:49.829]But it would be about somebody who wants to be famous. 而是关于一个想出名的人。
[0:53.292]I'm sending you the puzzle so you can try to guess who it is. 我把字谜发给你,你可以用心猜猜他是谁。
[0:57.378]Li Ming 李明
[0:58.739]Tuesday, November 20 11月20日,星期二
[1:01.278]Hi, Li Ming, 嗨,李明,
[1:02.824]I loved your puzzle! 我喜欢你的字谜!
[1:04.522]You chose a very good hero. 你选了一个非常棒的英雄。
[1:06.691]I hope he will be famous someday! 我希望他有一天能成名!
[1:09.549]I showed the puzzle to Jenny and Brian as we ate our lunch today. 我们在吃午饭时,我把字谜给詹妮和布赖恩看。
[1:13.533]I told them that the puzzle was about a very great person. 我告诉他们字谜是关于一个非常著名的人。
[1:17.534]I said that this person was born in the same year as they were. 我说这个人与他们出生在同一年。
[1:21.552]They couldn't guess, so I helped them. 他们猜不出来,于是我就帮助他们。
[1:24.444]I said that the person's favourite food was a donut. 我说这个人最喜欢的食物是油炸圈饼。
[1:28.092]Five minutes later, they had finished the whole puzzle. 五分钟后,他们完成了所有的字谜。
[1:31.894]I told them that you had made it for me. 我告诉他们是你给我做的这个。
[1:34.853]Thanks, Li Ming. 谢谢,李明。
[1:36.165]Your puzzle was fun! 你的字谜很有趣!
[1:38.131]Danny 丹尼
[1:40.031]LET'S DO IT!
[1:41.421]Write a paragraph introducing your mother or father.
[1:46.524]Tell why you are proud of her or him.
[1:50.246]Try using these phrases:
[1:52.689]·I'm proud of my mother / father because _____.
[1:56.298]·Once, my mother / father _____.
