洪恩环境英语第八册练习 Review Two(在线收听

  Review Tow.For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and a piece of paper.
  Some people are interested in archaeology,
  but they aren't professional archaeologists.
  They're amateurs.Listen as Jake interviews some amateur archaeologists.
  So why did you become an amateur archaeologist?
  I became an amateur archaeologist because I'm enthusiastic about history.
  And I want to spend a lot of time outdoors.
  Right now all I can do is go on little digs,
  but someday I'd like to go on a really important expedition.
  And you?
  In the future,I hope to play an important role in scientific research.
  I might have a chance to discover something important.
  But first I need ot get experience at a dig with professional archaeologists.
  That should be very interesting.
  What about you?
  It msut be exciting to uncover treasures under the ground.
  Even though I might have to pay an expedition fee,
  I'll do it because someday I might be able to find a valuable object
  that could make me rich.
  Now listen and repat.
  amateur      archaeologist
  amateur archaeologist
  I became
  an amateur archaeologist
  I became an amateur archaeologist.
  enthusiastic  about history
  enthusiastic about history
  I'm enthusiastic about history.
  I became an amateur archaeologist because I'm enthusiastic about history.
  scientific   research
  in scientific research
  an important role
  an important role in
  an important role in scientific research
  I hope   I hope to play
  I hope to play an important role
  I hope to play an important role in scientific research.
  professional   archaeologists
  professional archaeologists
  at a dig  at a dig with
  at a dig with professional archaeologists
  to get experience
  I need to get experience
  but first I need to get experience
  But first I need to get experience at a dig
  But first I need to get experience at a dig with professional archaeologists.
  You know that some verbs are followed by an infinitive.
  For example,we say...
  I hope to be an archaeologist.
  Notice that we say"hope to be,
  "But other verbs are followed by the base form of a verb.
  For example,we say...
  I can learn interesting things on a dig.
  Notic that we say"can learn.
  "Now you're going to hear the beginning of a sentence,like
  "I hope"or"I can."Complete the sentence with either"
  to be an archaeologist"if the verb takes an infinitive,
  or"be an archaeologist"if the verb takes the base form.
  For example,You hear...
  I hope.       And you say...
  I hope be an archaeologist.
  When you hear...       I can.
  You say..              I can be an archaeologist.
  Ready?Let's begin.
  I hope.           I hope to be an archaeologist.
  I can.            I can be an archaeologist.
  I should.         I should be an archaeologist.
  I'd like.         I'd like to be an archaeologist.
  I want.           I want to be an archaeologist.
  I might.          I might be an archaeologist.
  I'm not able.     I'm not able to be an archaeologist.
  I will.           I will be an archaeologist.
  Now take your pencil and a piece of paper.
  You're going to hear some statements about experts
  and the fields of study they work in.
  First listen.Don't write anything.Ready?
  An archaeologist works in archaeology.
  An anthropologist works in anthropology.
  A dentist works in dentistry.
  An economist works in economics.
  Some experts are called sociologists,psychologists,geologists,and zoologists.
  Their fields of study are called sociology,psychology,geology,and zoology.
  Other fields of study are called chemistry,art,journalism,and physics.
  The experts in those fields are called chemists,artists,journalists,and physicists.
  A botanist works in botany,a linguist works in linguistics,
  and a pharmacist works in pharmacy.
  Now get ready to write.
  You will hear a pair of words,like "Archaeology.. archaeologist"
  The first word is the name of the field of study,
  and the second word is the expert who works in that field.
  After you hear each pair of words,
  say those words and then write them next to each other on your paper.
  Ready?Let's begin.
  Archaeology...       archaeologist.
  Anthropology..       anthropologist.
  Now check a dictionary or your Study Guide
  to see if you spelled these words correctly.
  Now listen to these words again and repeat.
  archaeology          archaeologist
  anthropology         anthropologist
  sociology            sociologist
  psychology           psychologist
  geology              geologist
  zoology              zoologist
  dentistry            dentist
  economics            economist
  chemistry            chemist
  art                  artist
  journalism           journalist
  physics              physicist
  botany               botanist
  linguistics          linguist
  pharmacy             pharmacist
  This is the end of Review Two.
