听电影学英语-重返17岁 10(在线收听

  [00:02.08]- Hey, guys. MAGGIE: Oh. - 让让 - 噢
  [00:02.28]Okay, settle down. Take your seats. 好了,大家安静,做好
  [00:06.76]Thank you, thank you. Thank you, Stan. Thank you. 谢谢,谢谢,斯坦,坐下,谢谢
  [00:08.12]Okay, today we will be continuing our discussion on human sexuality. 好,今天我们将继续讨论人类性行为
  [00:15.48]And as we discussed, the official school policy is abstinence. 就像先前讨论过的 官方的政策思想是节制
  [00:21.00]Now, that is very sensible. 嗯,那是很明智的
  [00:22.52]I’m glad that someone here has their head screwed on straight. 真高兴在这里还有人脑袋是清楚的
  [00:26.00]I think all of us should make a pact to abstain from sex. 我想我们大家都应该来签署一个协定 拒绝婚前性行为
  [00:29.20]Now, who’s with me, you guys? Come on. 现在,谁和我一起,伙计们,快点
  [00:31.56]Oh, my God. 噢,我的天
  [00:37.88]- Maggie? - Hm? - 玛姬? - 嗯?
  [00:39.72]DELL: However, let’s get real. 然而,让我们回到现实来
  [00:40.76]I know asking high school seniors to be abstinent... 我明白要高中生禁欲…
  [00:45.60]...is like asking a porcupine to poop goat cheese. Yuck. …就像要猫不偷腥,呸!
  [00:47.76]So since the majority of you are or will become sexually active at some point... 既然你们大部分人现在或未来都有可能 在某个时间点上发生性行为
  [00:53.64]But that point should be way, way in the future, right? 但这个时间点应该是在 很遥远的未来才对
  [00:58.48]Well, the official school position... 好吧,官方的立场是…
  [01:00.16]...is that we prepare you for safe sex now. …我们将会为你们准备 安全性行为的知识
  [01:05.52]So please take one and pass it down. 每人拿一个,往后传

  [01:13.04]I have needs. 我需求量很大
  [01:15.04]- You don’t need these. DELL: Stan, give one to Mark. - 你不需要这些 - 斯坦,给马克一个
  [01:21.72]No. No, you know what, he’s right. He’s right. I don’t need one. 不,不,他说的没错,我可不需要
  [01:24.08]You know why I don’t need one? Because there’s no one I’m in love with. 你们知道我为什么不需要吗? 因为我现在并没有恋爱对象
  [01:27.76]It’s called "making love," isn’t it? 它被称为“做爱”,不是吗?
  [01:30.60]Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think that means you do it with someone you love. 也许我的思想有点过时,但是我就觉得 性爱是该和你所爱的人做才对
  [01:35.12]And preferably when you’re married. 而且最好是在结婚之后
  [01:39.16]You know, when you’re ready to take that love and turn it into a baby. 在你决定将你们的爱情 结晶为一个小宝贝的时候
  [01:45.32]Because that’s what love is. 因为那才是真正的爱情
  [01:48.68]It’s that first moment when you hold your baby girl... 那是你第一次抱起你的宝贝小女儿…
  [01:52.36]...and you didn’t know that anything could be so small or so delicate. …而你从未曾想象到她竟是如此的 精巧与脆弱

  [01:55.20]And you feel that tiny heart beat... 而且你能感受到她小小的心脏在跳动…
  [02:00.24]...and you know that you couldn’t love anything more in the whole world. …让你觉得世上再也没有什么东西能 令你如此的爱怜
  [02:04.24]And you hope that you can do right by that little girl... 而且你会希望能够常伴这个小女孩…
  [02:08.44]...and always be there to catch her when she falls, and that nothing ever hurts her. …无论何时都陪伴在她身边 当她跌倒或是要受到伤害时呵护着她
  [02:13.28]Not a broken arm... 不管是受伤…
  [02:18.12]...or a bad dream... …还是做噩梦…
  [02:22.96]...or a broken heart. 亦或是心碎
  [02:28.36]- I don’t want these. Just take them. LAUREN: Me either. - 我不想要这个,拿走它 - 我也是
  [02:32.04]Are you serious? 你是说真的吗?
  [02:33.36]Great, fine, wonderful. 好,很好,棒极了
  [02:37.72]Now I got enough for the whole weekend. 现在我有足够用一周的了
  [02:37.88]More for me. 全都给我好了
  [02:45.92]Oh, my God! 噢,我的天啊!
  [02:48.08]- Stan! - Boys, stop it! - 斯坦! - 孩子们,快停下!
  [02:48.92]Break it up! Get off him, Stan! 快分开!停下,斯坦!
  [02:52.28]Put those phones away! Stop it! 把手机收起来!住手!
  [02:56.44]- Stop hitting him! DELL: No fighting! - 别再打他了! - 别打了!
  [03:00.12]- You like that? - You’re gonna go to jail again. - 你喜欢这样吗? - 你会再被抓进去的
  [03:06.48]BOY: Look at that. He slapped him like a mother. 快看这个,他就像他老妈在打他
  [03:09.16]GIRL: That thing sucks. 真是太差劲了
  [03:12.84]- Oh! - Oh, that’s wrong. - 噢! - 这可不好
  [03:15.52]Yo, check this out. My cousin in New York sent it to me. 快看这个,我纽约的表哥传给我的
  [03:29.40]I hope I’m not late for our meeting. 我希望我没来迟了
  [03:31.76]Busted for fighting, nice. Who won? 突然大打出手,真不赖,谁赢了?
  [03:35.92]You know, it was actually pretty even. 你知道,其实不相伯仲
  [03:37.80]Really? 真的吗?
  [03:40.28]On YouTube it looked like you got your ass kicked. 从YouTube上看起来好像是你被揍了
  [03:41.32]I saw it a couple times. 我看了好几次了
  [03:43.64]- What are you wearing? - Hm? - 你穿的是什么东西? - 嗯?
  [03:47.00]- Beckham. - No, what? - 贝克汉姆 - 什么?
  [03:49.84]Oh, the clothes. Oh, right. 噢,你是说这衣服,噢,好吧
  [03:50.68]To the untrained eye, I look like a total idiot. 在世俗的眼光下 会认为我的穿着像笨蛋
  [03:54.68]Ah. But it’s actually a seduction technique known as "peacocking." 啊,但是它实际上是一种类似于 “孔雀开屏”的吸引方式
  [03:58.36]My outfit serves the dual function of icebreaker and attention-getter. 我身上的行头有二种功能,一是能够 打破冰冷的气氛,二是能够吸引目光
  [04:06.88]You can go in now. 你可以进去了
  [04:08.40]Watch. 看着
  [04:14.76]Are you peacocking? 你正在表演孔雀开屏吗?

  [04:17.96]Really? You think that’s gonna work? 真的吗?你认为这会有用吗?
  [04:20.12]I think it just might. 我以为应该有用
  [04:31.84]Is that? Mrs. O’Donnell! How you doing? 是你吗?奥唐纳太太,你好吗?
  [04:35.10]I’m good. How are you? 我很好,你呢?
  [04:36.68]Hello, how are you? 嗨,你好吗?
  [04:39.36]Good. 不错
  [04:41.52]Wow. This is gonna take some getting used to. 噢,我想我得花点时间才能习惯
  [04:43.20]You’re Ned’s son? 你是奈德的儿子?
  [04:45.40]Yeah. Yeah. Ned gave birth to me. 嗯,是的,奈德赐予了我生命
  [04:49.08]Well, he didn’t give birth... You know what I meant. 好吧,我不是说他生下了我… 你知道我的意思
  [04:51.40]You’re doing some gardening. 你打算做一些园艺工作吗?
  [04:55.24]- I’m redoing the backyard. - Oh. - 我在整修后院 - 噢
  [04:56.92]You want to see? 要来看看吗?
  [04:58.96]Yeah, sure. I got some time. 好呀,当然,我现在没什么事
