听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球 02(在线收听

  [00:02.20]对付这种病 我有特效药 John There are over-The-Counter remedies for that, john.
  [00:07.43]你果然有问题 So there is a problem.
  [00:08.80]不 No.
  [00:10.60]我只是喜欢时不时地搬家 I just like to move on now and then.
  [00:12.93]这是个人问题 It’s a personal thing.
  [00:15.73]我不是想打听 Well, not to pry.
  [00:25.30]不好意思 我没什么可招待你们的 I’m sorry I don’t have more to offer you.
  [00:28.20]要聊天的话 后边有些凳子 Got conversation, some seats for your behinds,
  [00:30.76]还有 呃  And, uh...
  [00:35.56]他是不是又岔开话题了? Harry: is he ducking out on us again?
  [00:39.50]我有这个 ...I do have this.
  [00:41.20]哦 吼吼 尊尼获加绿 Oh ho ho! Johnny walker green!
  [00:45.86]我都不知道包装是绿色的 Didn’t even know they made it in green.
  [00:48.66]他们该付你多少? What do they pay you?
  [00:50.13]好东西要大家分享 Nothing is too good for my friends.
  [00:52.10]不过 对不起 现在这儿只有塑料杯子 But I’m sorry We are down to plastic cups now.
  [00:55.10]我会原谅这种亵渎的 That’s a sacrilege I’ll tolerate.
  [00:57.10]我来招待大家 I will do the honors.
  [00:58.78]哦 来吧 Oh, come to papa.
  [01:02.00]这儿 杯子 杯子 Ooh! Here, cups, cups.
  [01:03.53]开始了 There we go.
  [01:04.60]到这儿来 Step on in here.
  [01:05.73]给你满上 There ya go...
  [01:06.80]这杯给寿星 让让 安特 One for the birthday boy Excuse me. Art?
  [01:09.30]不 不是我 No, not for me.
  [01:10.43]哦 不 我不会喝 Oh, no, I don’t drink.

  [01:11.83]亲爱的 我们不查身份证 We’re not gonna card you, darling.
  [01:13.90]行了 至少得加入我们吧 All right, here, join the circle at least.
  [01:15.93]长命百岁 财源滚滚 Well, to long life and good fortune
  [01:20.63]敬我们的好朋友 To our esteemed friend
  [01:22.20]和同事 John Oldman And colleague, john oldman.
  [01:24.15]祝他找到不应得的幸福 May he find undeserved bliss
  [01:26.06]不论他走到哪里 Wherever he goes.
  [01:27.30]干 干 Here, here.
  [01:28.30]祝你健康(俄语) <i>Skael. Na zdorovye.</i>
  [01:30.21]考虑欠佳的John One off the top, john.
  [01:37.16]嗯! 哦 这酒好 Mm! Oh, that’s good.
  [01:38.93]失陪一下 Excuse me.
  [01:42.33]John 我们都很舍不得你 John, we’re all sorry to see you go.
  [01:45.73]真的 Truly.
  [01:49.30]好吧 告别就到此为止 Okay. Now we’re done with that,
  [01:51.43]剩下的时间我们干什么? What do we do for the rest of the afternoon?
  [01:53.46]有人有话题聊吗? Anyone got a good topic?
  [01:55.28]别如这个? 嘿 Like this, maybe? Heh.
  [01:57.06]那是什么? What is that?
  [01:58.10]那是块鹦鹉喙状的錾刀 It’s a burin of a parrot beak.
  [02:00.86]从凿子的刀口来看 Inclined chisel point...
  [02:02.71]可能是马格德林早期(距今约1.6-1万年) Probably early magdalenian.
  [02:04.77]- 我能看看吗?- 当然 Art: may I see that? Sure.

  [02:12.86]对 的确是 Yes indeed, that’s what it is.
  [02:15.83]什么是錾刀? What’s a burin?
  [02:17.06]錾刀是一种打火石 A burin is a flint tool
  [02:18.73]用来给木头和鹿骨打孔 For grooving wood and bone, antlers especially,
  [02:21.36]或是做鱼叉和鱼枪的头 To make spear and harpoon points.
  [02:23.86]马格德林时期还没有出现打火石 Magdalenians weren’t noted for flint work,
  [02:25.90]所以这是个很好的实例 So this is a very nice specimen.
  [02:27.66]什么是马格德林? Okay, what’s a magdalenian?
  [02:30.16]是晚期的克鲁马努人(距今3.1-4万年) A later cro-Magnon,
  [02:31.60]还没有掌握技术 Without gettin’ technical.
  [02:32.93]这是旧石器时代早期的最后文明 It’s the final culture of the upper paleolithic.
  [02:36.10]石头为证 是吧 安特? If stones could speak, eh, art?
  [02:37.92]你从哪儿弄来的 John? So where’d you get that, john?
  [02:39.66]随便你们信不信 从旧货店淘来的 0.25美元 Believe it or not, from a thrift shop A quarter.
  [02:42.26]你太幸运了 You lucky dog!
  [02:43.83]我也要去找找这种东西 I gotta go digging for this kind of stuff.
  [02:46.13]我能  Can I, uh...?
  [02:47.36]行 Yeah.
  [02:51.76]啊 Huh.
  [02:57.93]也许  Maybe...
  [02:59.66]我很高兴你们这么做 I’m glad you did this.
  [03:01.26]做什么?你是说过来看你? Did what? You mean come over?
  [03:04.10]也许? Maybe?
  [03:05.83]确实 Definitely.
  [03:07.15]哦 谢谢 Gee, thanks.
  [03:08.51]我们也是 Well, so are we.
  [03:09.83]我们也是 So are we.
  [03:11.26]我们不能让你就这么溜了 We couldn’t let you just run off.
  [03:13.43]谢谢 Thanks.
  [03:16.63]John 怎么了? John, what is up, huh?
  [03:18.43]难道你是全美最大的逃犯? Are you on america’s most wanted?
  [03:19.96]我们不会揭发你的 We won’t turn you in.
  [03:21.13]是啊 说吧 Yeah, come on, out with it.
  [03:22.53]我们都是你的朋友 You’re among friends.
  [03:23.53]八卦的朋友 Snoopy friends.
  [03:24.80]还是算了 Forget it.
  [03:25.83]你现在在故作神秘 You are creating the mystery here.
  [03:27.50]很显然 你想告诉我们什么 说吧! Obviously, you have something you’d like to say. Say it!
  [03:31.43]也许我  Well, maybe I...
  [03:34.20]10 9 8 7   Ten, nine, eight, seven...
  [03:35.46]哈里 够了 Harry, stop.
  [03:38.00]我想我确实有些事 想要告诉你们 There is something I’m tempted to tell you, I think.
  [03:40.90]我从来没试过 我不知道能不能行 I’ve never done this before, and I wonder how it’ll pan out.
  [03:47.66]我能不能问你们一个傻问题 I wonder if I could ask you a silly question.
  [03:50.00]John 我们是老师  John, we’re teachers.
  [03:51.00]我们整天都在回答傻问题 We answer silly questions all the time.
  [03:52.96]嘿 Hey!
  [03:54.06]如果有人从旧石器时代 What if a man from the upper paleolithic
  [03:57.76]活到今天 Survived until the present day?
  [03:59.60]"活到今天" 什么意思? What do you mean, survived?

  [04:01.40]长生不老? Never died?
  [04:02.73]是的 那么他会长什么样? Yes. What would he be like?
  [04:04.83]我认识一些人 Well, I know some guys.
  [04:06.36]你们见过奥扎克族人吗? You ever been to the ozarks?
  [04:08.21]这个点子不错 It’s an interesting idea.
  [04:10.00]怎么 你在写科幻小说吗? What, are you working on a science fiction story?
  [04:12.53]假设我在写 那他会长什么样? Say I am. What would he be like?
  [04:14.80]相当疲劳 Pretty tired.
  [04:17.97]说真的 Well, seriously,
  [04:19.76]就像安特的书名写的那样 As art’s book title suggests,
  [04:21.96]他和我们基本无异 He might be like any of us.
  [04:24.13]丹 一个穴居人? Dan. A caveman?
  [04:25.43]从解剖学上来说 Well, there’s no anatomical difference
  [04:27.28]克鲁马努人和我们无异 Between, say, a cro-Magnon and us.
  [04:29.06]除了一条原则 我们更高一些 Except that as a rule, we’ve grown taller.
  [04:31.50]在自然选择学上 高有什么好处? What’s the selective advantage of height?
  [04:33.86]能在高耸的草丛里看到食肉动物 亲爱的 Better to see predators in tall grass, my dear.
  [04:36.63]实际上 高瘦的人 Actually, tall and skinny
  [04:38.93]在炎热的气候里更能有效散热 Radiates heat more effectively in warmer climates.
  [04:41.83]对于穴居人来说 And as for neanderthals,
  [04:43.13]我是说 我们都见过类人猿 I mean, we’ve all seen apish people.
  [04:44.86]我们仍然有那种遗传特点 That strain’s still with us.
  [04:46.10]但他仍然是个穴居人 But he’d be a caveman.
  [04:48.23]不 他不会 No, he wouldn’t.
  [04:49.26]John假设的那个穴居人 John’s hypothetical man
  [04:50.30]已经活了1’4000年  Would have lived through 140 centuries...
  [04:52.10]是的 大约 Yeah, roughly.
  [04:53.50]不断适应周围环境 ...and changed with every one of them.
  [04:55.91]假设他有正常人的智力 I mean, assuming normal intelligence.
  [04:58.26]我们认为旧石器时代的人 Well, we think men of the upper paleolithic
  [05:00.76]已经具备和我们同样的智力水平 Were as intelligent as we are.
