听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球 09(在线收听

  [00:01.60]经常 Often.
  [00:02.63]你有愧疚感吗? Have you ever felt guilt about that-
  [00:05.06]类似对生者的愧疚? Something akin to survivor’s guilt?
  [00:07.35]从严格的心理学角度说吗? In the strict psychological sense?
  [00:09.60]我有 I suppose I have.
  [00:10.96]是的 Yeah.
  [00:13.53]但我能做什么呢? But what can I do about it?
  [00:17.63]确实 Indeed.
  [00:20.23]抱歉 女士 I’m sorry, ma’am.
  [00:21.50]先生们 我  Gentlemen, I’m-
  [00:22.70]我得留下这张沙发 I’m gonna keep the couch.
  [00:24.66]谢谢 Thanks.
  [00:25.63]女士们?威尔?哦 不用  Ladies? Will? Oh, no...
  [00:27.83]你们有心脏病 别抱怨 You’ve got a heart condition. Don’t grump about it.
  [00:30.50]嘿 换个话题如何 威尔? Hey, how about changing the subject, will?
  [00:32.30]死亡到此为止 Enough with the - With the dying.
  [00:34.10]但这是生的对立面 哈里 But this is the flip side of his coin, harry.
  [00:37.83]我很好奇他的感受 I’m very curious to know his feelings.
  [00:40.63]你不介意我问他父亲的事吧? Would you prefer I asked him about his father?
  [00:43.56]我以为你要问 I thought you always started with
  [00:45.00]"说说你的母亲吧" "Tell me about your mother. "
  [00:46.36]可是史前社会是父系的 Yes, but prehistory was strongly patriarchal.
  [00:49.43]你肯定记得你的父亲 Surely you remember your father.

  [00:52.58]我只记得一个轮廓 I seem to remember a figure,
  [00:55.66]也许是个长兄 或是族长 Perhaps an older brother, a social father, maybe.
  [00:58.63]没关系 Well, no matter.
  [01:00.33]我也记不太清我的 I can scarcely remember mine.
  [01:04.20]你对此有没有 Do you feel a vacancy
  [01:06.76]感到空虚 In your life about that, john,
  [01:08.81]想用一张脸 一个声音 Something you wish could be filled
  [01:10.83]一个影像来填充? By a face, a voice, an image?
  [01:16.10]现在不会了 Not at this late date.
  [01:17.60]有没有人令你 There must be someone- Probably many-
  [01:19.93]非常珍惜 尊敬 That you valued intensely.
  [01:21.66]爱过的? Loved.
  [01:23.06]你看着他们老去 死亡 You saw them age and die-
  [01:26.60]朋友 同事 妻子 A friend, a colleague, a wife.
  [01:30.06]你应该有过妻子和孩子吧? Certainly you’ve had wives and children?
  [01:33.40]我得迁徙 I’d move on.
  [01:34.80]我必须得迁徙 I had to move on.
  [01:36.63]他成了历史上最大的重婚者 Making him history’s biggest bigamist.
  [01:40.43]你这一生中有没有想过 Have you ever in your life thought
  [01:43.13]"本该是我"? "It should have been me"?
  [01:47.00]也许 Maybe.
  [01:48.10]安特和我说 Yeah, art has told me
  [01:49.60]你的一些族人 That some of your early fellows
  [01:51.40]怕你在偷走他们的生命 Feared you were stealing their lives.
  [01:54.11]你有没有想过也许你真是那样? Have you thought that perhaps you were?
  [01:56.80]也许你现在也是 Perhaps you are!

  [01:58.26]传说中经常出现 There have always been legends of such a thing,
  [02:01.50]一种生物 非人类 A creature not quite human
  [02:03.56]吸人生命来存活 Taking not the blood, but the life force itself?
  [02:07.66]老天啊 威尔 Dan: my god, will.
  [02:08.96]也许是无意识的 Unconsciously, perhaps,
  [02:11.43]通过某种生物或心理途径 By some biological or psychic mechanism
  [02:15.46]我们现在只能猜测 That we can only guess at.
  [02:17.46]我不是指你会故意那么做 I’m not saying you would do such a thing deliberately.
  [02:20.50]我也不是说你知道这种方法 I’m not saying that you would even know how to...
  [02:23.56]有这可能性吗? Would you?
  [02:26.40]这种生物会害怕吗? But would such a thing be fair?
  [02:29.33]那么你现在是相信我了? So you believe me now?
  [02:31.00]我只是拓展了你所说的 I’m only exploring what you have said.
  [02:34.36]我相信与否并不重要 Whether I believe it or not is of no importance.
  [02:38.30]我们会死  We will die...
  [02:40.11]你活着 You will live.
  [02:41.86]你会参加我的葬礼吗 John? Will you come to my funeral, john?
  [02:44.03]嘿 威尔  Dan: hey, will...
  [02:45.32]你过头了 You’ve gone too far.
  [02:46.53]John没有选择他是谁的权利 John didn’t ask to be what he is.
  [02:49.23]我们也没有选择听到这个故事 And we did not ask to hear about it.
  [02:51.90]但如果是真的 But if it were true,
  [02:53.43]我们之中有谁会不嫉妒 Is there one among us who would not feel envy,
  [02:56.53]甚至有点嫉恨? Even perhaps a touch of hatred?
  [03:00.76]你告诉了我们真相 John You told us of yourself, john.
  [03:02.75]你能体会我们的感受吗? Can you imagine how we feel?
  [03:04.70]我从没想过 I never thought of that.
  [03:06.81]你也许不会死 Since you may not die,
  [03:08.86]而我们注定要死  While we most assuredly will...
  [03:11.66]这之中肯定有原因 没有吗? There must be a reason for that, no?
  [03:13.86]也许你是个中高手 Perhaps you are an expert.
  [03:17.10]呃 这就行了 Oldman先生 再见 Uh, that’s it, mr. Oldman. Have a good one.
  [03:19.66]谢谢 再见 Thank you. You too.
  [03:25.13]或者说你是个吸血鬼 John? Or are you a vampire, john?
  [03:28.33]或是其他怪物 Even an unknowing one.
  [03:31.03]你是否骄傲地站在 Do you stand alive and tall
  [03:32.73]你亲手填满的墓园内? In a graveyard that you helped to fill?
  [03:34.90]你太过分了 Dan: that’s going too far.
  [03:36.40]无趣 也许寂寞 因为你的心 Bored, perhaps lonely, because your heart
  [03:39.33]再也装不下任何宝藏 Cannot keep its treasures.
  [03:41.38]这就是你吗? Is that what you’re doing?
  [03:44.76]你是否已经误入歧途? Have you led a wrongful life?
  [03:47.83]那么 也许  Well, then, perhaps...
  [03:50.96]该是时候了 It is time to die.
  [03:54.53]等一下 Wait a minute, now.

  [03:55.80]听着 我不知道John在做什么 Look, I don’t know what john is doing,
  [03:57.80]但我一点也不喜欢你所做的 But I sure as hell don’t like what you’re doing.
  [04:00.26]把枪给我 不然我会拧断你的手臂 Give me that gun or I’m gonna break your goddamn arm.
  [04:02.73]你的口气像我们的足球教练 丹 You sound like our football coach, dan.
  [04:06.06]你觉得呢 John? What do you think, john?
  [04:08.03]手臂上来一枪? A shot to the arm?
  [04:10.00]也许我们能目睹它愈合 Perhaps we could watch it heal.
  [04:12.93]脑袋上来一枪 A bullet in the head-
  [04:15.11]会发生什么呢? What exactly will happen?
  [04:23.20]我还有试卷要改 I have papers to correct.
  [04:25.40]尽管我不喜欢这个工作 As much as I dislike that job,
  [04:28.15]但也比待在这里好 It’ll be preferable to this.
  [04:32.43]你们慢慢享受 I leave you with it.
  [04:36.83]耶稣·基督啊 Jesus christ.
  [04:39.16]刚才发生了什么? What the hell was that all about?
  [04:41.13]他哪儿来的枪? Where’d he get a gun?
  [04:42.43]你刚才命悬一线啊 John He had you on the ropes, john.
  [04:44.05]你真的那么聪明吗? Are you really so damn smart?
  [04:45.63]这不像平时的威尔 It’s not like will.
  [04:48.83]玛丽昨天去世了 Mary passed away yesterday.
