听电影学英语-征婚广告 02(在线收听

  [00:03.52]That was one race, and I’ve made some adjustments, charlie. 只比过一次,而且我已经做了改进
  [00:04.48]- Wood boats can win, trust me on that. - They can’t win. -木船能赢,相信我 -赢不了
  [00:09.28]That’s why people don’t want them. 所以才没人要
  [00:10.36]They can’t win, but they lose beautifully. 赢不了也能输得漂亮
  [00:13.16]And the whole experience is just better. Look at this. 有完整的经验才会更好,看这条
  [00:14.40]I’m making these boats the exact same way... 我用的方法 和葡萄牙人制造探险船的一样
  [00:18.92]...the Spanish and the Portuguese made their ships of exploration.
  [00:22.88]There’s a continuity at stake here, charlie. 这是一个传承的问题,查理
  [00:24.80]This is more than a boat. 这不只是一条船
  [00:27.88]- This is a time machine. - Lf you paid this much attention to Lisa... -这是架时间机器 -要是你对莉莎也这么用心...
  [00:29.12]...you’d still be together. - This is true. -你们就不会散 -这我承认
  [00:31.04]But you know what? If I had to do it it all over again, I wouldn’t. 但知道吗?我并不想重来一次
  [00:38.28]I wouldn’t. Lisa taught me about sadness... 不想, 莉莎让我明白了人类品行上的...
  [00:41.08]...about human frailty... ...可悲之处...
  [00:43.88]...and how unbearably fleeting happiness can be. 以及什么是好景不常,情何以堪
  [00:45.84]- I’m gonna owe her for the rest of my life. - Oh, you’ll be paying. Monthly. -我终生感谢她 -对,你得付赡养费

  [00:48.80]Hope you don’t mind that I brought Mother Teresa. 但愿你不介意我把特蕾莎带来
  [00:51.68]Are you kidding? I love this girl. Mother Teresa, do you have a friend for me? 开玩笑,我喜欢它, 特蕾莎,你有朋友介绍给我吗?
  [00:57.60]Hey, is everything all right at home? 家里一切还好吧?
  [00:59.36]Yeah, Jennifer just gets tired of all the family gatherings. 是的,不过詹妮弗厌烦了家庭聚会
  [01:03.56]Too many old stories. It makes her feel left out. 老故事让她觉得被冷落了
  [01:04.20]Yeah. Kevin used to say that. 凯文也说过
  [01:07.84]- I still say it. - I say it too. -我还是要说 -我也是
  [01:08.08]It seems hard now, Sarah, I know... 目前是不太好受, 但你也得到了重新开始的机会
  [01:13.08]Thank you, but in the marketplace of available women... 谢谢,但在单身女人市场上--
  [01:17.64]Any guy would be lucky to get you. You’re smart, you’re funny... 谁得到你都该庆幸,你聪明,幽默...
  [01:21.56]...even pretty when you’re not wallowing in self-pity. 不自怜自艾的时候还很漂亮
  [01:23.00]You’re not the wallower in the family. Carol is the wallower. 卡萝比你更自怜自艾
  [01:23.12]Am I wallowing? Really? 我有吗?
  [01:28.88]Me? I never wallow. I suffer in silence. 我?我从不那样,我总是默默忍受
  [01:29.00]- No, that’s christine. - Thank you, Michael. -不,那是克瑞斯蒂 -谢谢,迈克

  [01:33.28]No, no.
  [01:36.04]- Sylvia Plath. - This is why people... 这就是人们不想再拥有大家庭的原因
  [01:37.52]...don’t have large families anymore.
  [01:41.24]- Bye. I love you. - Bye. -再见,我爱你 -再见
  [01:41.48]- Bye, Bill. - Love you, carol. -再见,比尔 -我爱你,卡萝
  [01:46.12]- See you, Dad. - Thank you, I think. -再见,爸 -谢谢
  [01:47.48]- See you later, Dad. - Bye, Daddy. 再见,爸
  [01:48.16]Bye, chris. Bye. 再见,克瑞丝
  [01:50.76]There’s someone special waiting for you, Sarah. 肯定有个特别的人在等你,莎拉
  [01:51.04]Bye. 再见
  [01:54.24]I know it. Someone worthy. 我知道,一个配得上你的人
  [01:58.40]Kevin was not, on his best day... 凯文是身在福中不知福
  [02:03.00]...good enough for you, sweetheart. 对你来说是好事
  [02:06.04]Now you tell me. 现在才说
  [02:27.84]Why not? 干嘛不试试?
  [02:28.92]You know I love you and I love Lisa, but I think you’re both better off. 我爱你也爱莉莎, 但分开对你俩都好
  [02:34.40]We sure weren’t making each other happy there at the end. 最终我们肯定没能让彼此幸福
  [02:38.56]Or the beginning. 也许开始就是
  [02:39.44]Or the middle. 也许一直都是
  [02:42.16]I mean, don’t get me wrong, we all wanted to sleep with Lisa, but marriage... 别误会,我是说 我们都想和莉莎上床,但结婚...
  [02:46.52]- That’s not right. - I said that out loud, didn’t I? -这可不对 -我不该说是吧?
  [02:50.52]- You did. - I better strike that from the record. -你已经说了 -那我从"记录中撤回"
  [02:51.08]No, lawyers get to do that. I’m instructing you to disregard that. 律师可以这样做,你就当没听见
  [02:55.04]I think women have the whole thing planned. 我认为女人有一整套计划
  [02:57.88]Really, the whole thing. 真的,全盘计划
  [03:01.92]An epic narrative in their heads. You know my theory about this? 她们脑子里有个剧本, 懂我意思吗?
  [03:03.80]When you meet, they have the whole story written. 她们一早就写好了
  [03:07.52]But you don’t get to read it. 但你没看过
  [03:09.16]But if you go off script... 可一旦你偏离了原作...
  [03:10.96]...right? They write you out of the story. 懂吗?你就得退场
  [03:15.36]I got written out of Act 3. 我第三幕就退场了
  [03:17.36]Now you’re in Act 4, where I get you banged every night of the week. 现在你在第四幕, 我会让你夜夜狂欢
  [03:19.64]Charlie, I’m toast. I just got shredded. I am... 查理,我刚被撕成碎片,我--
  [03:21.72]- It’s time, healing time. I’m on the bench. - Hey. Hey. 该疗伤了,我在替补席
  [03:24.48]I’m out of the game. Bench me, bench me. 我退出了比赛,让我歇会,歇会
  [03:29.16]- Hey. - Benched. 歇会
  [04:15.88]I’ll be right with you. 马上来
  [04:20.64]- Hi. Can I help you? - Single chicken breast, please. -要点什么? -请给我一块鸡胸肉

  [04:23.64]For an extra 75 cents, you can get the whole fryer here. 再加75美分你能买下整只炸鸡
  [04:25.56]Two breasts, two thighs and a wing. 鸡胸,鸡腿,鸡翅都有
  [04:27.44]Thank you. I don’t know when I’d eat all that. 谢谢,我吃不了那么多
  [04:28.08]- It’s just an extra 75 cents. - It’s not the 75 cents. -只要多加75美分 -不是钱的事
  [04:33.12]I hate to see food go bad. 我讨厌看着食物坏掉
  [04:35.28]We got a hundred recipes. You can cook them, freeze them and... 有办法解决, 可以煮熟,冷藏以及--
  [04:36.64]Look, listen to me, mister. I’m divorced, okay? 听着,先生,我离婚了,明白吗?
  [04:40.96]I eat alone, usually standing over the sink. 一个人吃饭,就在水槽边
  [04:44.20]I don’t want chicken hanging around, okay? 我不想到处都是鸡肉,懂吗?
  [04:45.48]- Okay. - Thank you. -懂了 -谢谢
