听电影学英语-战鸽快飞 01(在线收听

  [00:24.60]I think I saw something. 我觉得看到个什么东西
  [00:27.76]Steady, Iads, we’re almost home. 伙计,别慌, 我们马上就到家了
  [00:29.16]Just a few flaps more 再多扇几下翅膀
  [00:32.84]and we’II be over the White CIiffs of Dover. 我们就要越过多佛白崖了
  [00:37.40]Falcon! 猎鹰!
  [00:39.24]-Five o’clock! -Bank Ieft, dip thirty! - 在五点钟方向! - 向左倾斜,下降至30!
  [00:47.60]Stay with me, Private. Private? 跟我保持一线,士兵! 士兵?
  [01:04.16]Wing Commander Gutsy, this just came from near Dover. 飞行指挥官高茨 从多佛附近收到电报
  [01:10.16]No one made it back. 没有人能回来?
  [01:10.52]No one? But... 没有人?不过...
  [01:11.36]-Those were our top flyers. -I’m sorry, sir. - 这些都是我们最好的飞行员了 - 长官,我很抱歉
  [01:15.36]I’m just the messenger pigeon. 我只是信鸽
  [01:17.20]If we don’t find more birds fast, 如果不能找到飞得快的鸽子
  [01:22.08]our goose is going to be cooked. 我们就都要变成煮熟的鸭子了
  [02:08.24]Birds on the march. 行军鸟儿
  [02:10.08]Across the nation and the globe, 在我们的国家和全世界各地
  [02:13.08]pigeons are taking wing in the fight for freedom. 战鸽子正挥动翅膀为自由而战
  [02:16.12]Delivering top-secret messages from behind enemy lines, 穿越敌人的封锁线传递机密情报
  [02:21.28]these fine-feathered aviators 这些优秀的飞行员

  [02:21.64]are the pride of the allied forces. 他们都是盟军的骄傲
  [02:27.80]The Royal Homing Pigeon Service leads the way. 皇家信鸽更是这些战鸽中的佼佼者
  [02:31.00]or just cutting wise, 或者只运用智慧
  [02:31.68]Cutting through enemy lines 他们穿插于敌人的封锁线
  [02:34.68]these proud pigeons are the model of birdhood. 他们是鸟类的楷模
  [02:37.68]But don ’t forget the doves. 不过别忘了其他鸽子
  [02:39.88]War Bond Birds play a vital role 这些鼓励捐款的鸟儿 扮演了至关重要的角色
  [02:43.04]raising seeds for the troops. 他们为军队培育充足的种子
  [02:45.88]Wait a minute, ahoy, mates! 伙计们,等一下
  [02:48.24]Nursing Doves at two o ’clock. 两点钟方向来的是护士鸽
  [02:48.80]Now, that’s what I call a task force. 现在,这才是是我们的特遣部队
  [02:51.96]Luxury birdbaths? Why not? 奢侈的鸟浴缸? 干吗不呢?
  [02:55.80]These hearty heroes need to look their best. 这些热血英雄需要 做出最好的表现
  [02:57.80]Of course, not just any pigeon can make the cut. 当然不是所有的鸽子 都能顺利通过敌区
  [03:02.84]But there’s always room for a few brave recruits. 但是对于那些勇敢的候选者 我们有足够的名额
  [03:05.16]And there they go, on another exciting mission. 他们出发了,又是一个紧张的任务!
  [03:11.84]Homing pigeons, we salute you. 顺利返回,鸽子们! 我们向你们敬礼!
  [03:17.12]This is the shot, boys, watch this. 就是这一杆了,哥们,看好
  [03:20.36]-Two in the corner. -Felix. - 2号进底袋 - 菲力克斯
  [03:21.56]-Valiant, do you mind? -Sorry. - 瓦兰特,你没事吧 - 对不起

  [03:26.20]Felix, Felix. 菲力克斯,菲力克斯
  [03:27.04]I could do it, I could do that, Felix. 我一定能行 我能行的,菲力克斯
  [03:29.08]-Do what, Iaddie? -Be one of those brave recruits. - 小家伙,你要做什么? - 成为勇敢的战鸽新兵
  [03:32.92]Taking wing in the fight for freedom. 用我的翅膀参加自由之战
  [03:36.08]-I know I could. -Valiant. - 我相信我能行 - 瓦兰特
  [03:39.60]Did I ever tell you, when I was your age, 我有没有跟你说过 当我像你这么大的时候
  [03:41.60]I was already on the shores of France? 我已经在法兰西的海岸上了?
  [03:44.44]Aquatic Brigade, Gull Division. 水上旅,海鸥分队
  [03:46.36]If it weren’t for my wood Ieg and shrapnel in my poop deck, 如果不是因为我这个断掉的腿 和“尾甲板”的弹片
  [03:51.48]I’d be out there right now. 我现在肯定在前线了
  [03:52.68]Right, I’m just what they’re Iooking for. 对的,我就是他们要找的...
  [03:56.32]A pigeon with that something extra. 具有一定特长的鸽子
  [03:59.84]It’s not a bloke’s wingspan that counts, 这不取决于哪个家伙的翅膀长度
  [04:02.04]it’s the size of his spirit! 而取决于精神的力量!
  [04:05.20]Hey, everybody! Look outside! 各位! 看外面是什么!
  [04:07.56]Look at that, a corkscrew! 看,旋转降落!
  [04:19.16]Royal Homing Pigeon Service. 皇家信鸽
  [04:23.64]Magnificent devils! 太神气了!
  [04:35.84]Wing Commander Gutsy. 飞行指挥官高茨
  [04:36.48]The most decorated pigeon ever. 得到勋章最多的鸽子
  [04:38.16]Thank you very much. 非常感谢
  [04:40.00]-Much obliged, thank you. -Come and have a drink. - 实在不敢当,谢谢你 - 进来喝点东西吧
  [04:44.44]-What’II it be, boys? -Bug juice. - 兄弟,要喝点什么? - 虫汁?
  [04:47.80]-Shaken, not stirred. -The RHPS drinks on the house. - 摇的,不要搅得 - RHPS牌子的免费饮料
  [04:50.80]Bug juice, shaken, not stirred. 虫汁 摇的,不是不是搅的
  [04:55.16]"Merci beaucoup, ma chrie". "Merci beaucoup, ma chrie" 非常感谢,我亲爱的(法语)
  [04:59.16]He spoke French. 他会说法语
