听电影学英语-缘分天注定 14(在线收听

  [00:26.92]# Like the sky round the moon #
  [00:32.40]# This is how love has found you #
  [00:37.24]# Now you know what to do #
  [00:42.88]# When you know ##
  [00:47.60]Oh. Look at those stars.
  [00:51.72]They all have names, you know. 都有名字
  [00:53.52]I don’t know what that is. 不知道有什么名堂
  [00:71.12]It’s Cassiopeia. 仙后座
  [00:76.16]The... stars in the sky. 那个星座…
  [00:80.20]It’s Cassiopeia. 叫仙后座
  [01:32.64]You realize with the time delay, if our return flight takes off more than ten minutes late, 假如回航班机稍迟起飞…
  [01:36.92]I miss my own wedding, okay? 我就赶不上自己的婚礼
  [01:38.72]- Does that bother you in the slightest? - You are a jackass. 你毫不担心?
  [01:41.60]- Well, thank you. - You are. You-- 过奖 你是啊
  [01:46.08]Y-Y-You’re my hero, you know? 我视你为英雄,知道嘛?
  [01:48.76]You’re like my oracle and shit, you know? 你给我启发
  [01:50.64]You’re out there, man, and you’re making it happen. 你主动去实现梦想
  [01:56.24]Courtney moved out. 郭妮走了
  [01:63.08]- What? - Yeah. It’s-- Look, man. 什么?  我们…

  [01:65.80]We’d been fighting for a really long time. 我们一直吵个不停
  [01:69.96]Why didn’t you tell me? 为什么不告诉我?
  [01:71.48]We didn’t want to ruin your wedding, man. 你在办喜事
  [01:73.32]- Didn’t want to rain on your parade, man. - What the hell happened? 不想扫你兴 发生什么事?
  [01:77.60]We just-- 总而言之,感情丢淡了
  [01:79.44]We let it slip away, you know?
  [01:80.96]That’s the point. It-- You know, it died.
  [02:25.76]- We died. - What was the cause of death? 完蛋  死因是什么?
  [02:28.12]Not enough of all of this, of this, of this. 不足够这个,不足够这个
  [02:34.88]And not enough, you know? Do you-- 这个
  [02:37.60]Do you remember the philosopher Epictetus? You remember what he said? 古希腊贤者爱比克泰德说过…
  [02:39.32]He said, "If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid." “择善固执…”
  [02:46.04]That’s what you’ve done. 你身心力行他的理念
  [02:48.44]- I work hard at it. - Now I want to be a jackass. 我尽力而为
  [02:52.24]You know? You’re the shit! 知道吗?
  [02:58.04]That would be me, the shit. 正是我,盏鬼之人
  [02:60.84](Dean) Yeah. He’s the shit. Okay. 对,他好鬼盏
  [02:82.04]## (Soft Rock)
  [03:41.12]You know what, old buddy? On second thought, maybe you should call first. 你还是先打个电话去吧
  [03:45.40]- What are you talking about? - Give her a ring. It’s more polite that way. 什么?  比较有礼貌

  [03:47.24]Calling her gives her a chance to clean up. 让她先打扫一下
  [03:48.76]I don’t care how clean her house is! 房间怎样我不介意 她会介意
  [03:50.60]- She might. - What are you talking about? 搞什么鬼?你刚才还大赞特赞我
  [03:52.44]- You told me to go! You said I was your hero! - I forbid you to look.
  [03:57.00]- You can’t look! - Why are you hanging on? 不准你看
  [03:60.16]- I don’t want you to get hurt. Don’t get hurt! - You’re hurting me! 为什么扯住我?  你会心痛
  [03:60.20]我不会  不要心痛
  [04:40.20]I think that went very well. 愉快的会面
  [04:44.80]Didn’t-- Didn’t she say that everything happens for a reason? 她不是说过凡事都有原因吗?
  [04:45.76]- Yeah, she did. - Well, maybe we’re laying here because--
  [04:49.08]Because why? 我们躺在这里,或者因为…
  [04:53.80]Because you don’t want to be standing somewhere else. 因为你不想站在证婚人前
  [04:67.68]I see. Yeah. We’re crawling. We’re crawling. 明白,我们爬回车上去
  [04:71.80]Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. 我是机长
  [04:71.92]I’m sorry to report that we’re gonna be on the ground a little longer... 天气恶劣,我们要稍迟起飞
  [04:75.68]due to some bad weather heading this way.
  [04:77.36]The air traffic controller has put us on hold, 正在等候指挥中心指示
  [04:79.04]so in the mean time, I’ve asked the cabin attendants to start the movie. 机舱服务员会播放电影
  [04:84.96]- Hey, you getting ready? - Yeah. 你在打扮?
