听电影学英语-勇敢的心 17(在线收听

  [00:01.26]would you be willing to trade 你们是否愿意
  [00:03.78]all the days from this day to that 用这一切来换今天
  [00:06.26]for one chance  just one chance 为一个机会  就这么一个机会
  [00:08.74]to come back here and tell our enemies 回到这 告诉我们的敌人
  [00:11.62]that they may take our lives, 他们或许会杀死我们
  [00:16.30]but they’ll never take our freedom! 但他们夺不去我们的自由!
  [00:46.90]They seem quite optimistic to me. 我认为他们相当乐观
  [00:47.82]Maybe they do want to fight. 也许他们真愿意出战
  [00:48.10]Confrontation might be a foregone conclusion, milord, 对峙也许是预料中的结果
  [00:52.18]but, nonetheless, 但虽然如此
  [00:55.18]I think we should deliver the king’s terms. 我们该传达国王的条件
  [00:56.06]The king’s terms? He’ll never live up to them. 国王条件?他决不给他们兑现的
  [00:57.74]Milord, I think... 吾王  我想
  [01:01.62]All right. Offer them the terms. 好吧  将条件说给他们
  [01:06.06]Shall we go and meet them? 我们要去会见他们吗?
  [01:07.66]Let me do the talking. 我来跟他们谈
  [01:10.74]Agreed. 好
  [01:17.14]Fine speech. 讲的好
  [01:19.30]Now what do we do? 现在怎么做?
  [01:24.30]Just be yourselves. 一如我们所计划的
  [01:25.74]I’m going to pick a fi ght. 去兴风作浪
  [01:26.06]Where are you going? 你去哪?
  [01:35.58]Well, we didn’t get dressed up for nothing. 我们不是没理由全副武装的
  [01:41.58]Mornay, Lochlan, Craig. 莫瑞  卢克兰  克格
  [01:47.46]Here are the king’s terms 这是国王的条件
  [01:52.42]Lead this army off the field 将军队带离战场
  [01:56.26]and he will give you each estates in Yorkshire, 他会把约克郡的土地赐给你们
  [02:01.86]including hereditary title, 还包括世袭头衔
  [02:05.54]from which you will pay... 而你们所要付出的
  [02:07.94]from which you will pay him an annual duty 只是给他年税
  [02:10.10]I have an offer foryou. 我有个提议
  [02:12.38]Cheltham, this is William Wallace. 他是威廉华莱士
  [02:13.70]From which you will pay the king an annual duty... 你们要付给他年税
  [02:17.06]I said I have an offer foryou. 我说我有个提议
  [02:21.42]You disrespect a banner oftruce? 你对休战不敬
  [02:21.66]From his king? Absolutely. 对他的国王?绝对
  [02:24.30]Here are Scotland’s terms... 苏格兰开的条件是
  [02:26.58]Lower your flags 降下你们的旗子
  [02:29.18]and march straight back to England, 回你们的英格兰
  [02:32.18]stopping at every home you pass by 每遇民舍就停下来
  [02:32.30]to beg forgiveness  for 100 years oftheft   rape   and murder. 为百年来的杀人掳掠求恕
  [02:37.34]Do that, and your men shall live. 这样做  你们就能活
  [02:38.70]Do it not, and every one of you will die today. 不做  你们今天全会死
  [02:51.38]You are outmatched. 你太嚣张了
  [02:52.06]You have no heavy cavalry. 你并没有重装骑兵

  [02:55.42]In two centuries, no army has won... 两世纪来  没有军队能打赢
  [02:57.62]I’m not finished! 我还没说完
  [03:01.02]Before we let you leave, 在让你们离开前
  [03:03.42]your commander must cross that field, 你们统领必须穿过战场
  [03:05.66]present himself before this army, 站在这军队前
  [03:07.46]put his head between his legs, 将他的头夹在大腿里
  [03:09.46]and kiss his own arse. 亲屁股
  [03:22.30]I’d say that was rather less cordial than he’s used to. 他平时的态度更诚挚
  [03:24.18]Be ready and do exactly as I say. 准备照我话做
  [03:28.42]On my signal, 听我信号
  [03:28.94]ride round behind our position and flank them. 你骑到我们后面去攻击他们 夹杀他们!
  [03:32.50]We must not divide our forces. 我们必须通知先锋部队
  [03:33.02]Do it, and let the English see you do it. 快去  让英格兰军看到你的动作
  [03:35.78]They’ll think we run away. 他们会认为我们要逃跑了
  [03:37.66]Take out their archers. I’ll meet you in the middle. 杀了他们的弓箭手  我来战场上会你
  [04:09.90]Insolent bastard. 无礼的混帐
  [04:10.46]I want this Wallace’s heart on a plate. 我要将这个华莱士的心放这盘上
  [04:13.46]Archers. 弓箭手
  [04:13.86]Archers! Archers! 弓箭手! 弓箭手!
  [04:15.62]Archers! 弓箭手!
  [04:21.50]Archers, forward! 弓箭手 放箭!
