听电影学英语-勇敢的心 24(在线收听

  [00:23.50]Ah, my son’s loyal wife returns 我儿媳妇安返没被异教徒杀了
  [00:25.50]unkilled by the heathen. 没被异教徒杀了
  [00:27.50]So he accepted our bribe? 那他接受了我们的贿赂?
  [00:31.66]No, he did not. 没有  他没接受
  [00:34.18]Then why does he stay? 那他为何按兵不动?
  [00:37.26]My scouts tell me that he has not advanced. 我的哨兵传达  他未再前进
  [00:40.02]He waits for you at York. 他在约克等你
  [00:42.30]He says he will attack no more towns or cities 他说他不再进军攻城
  [00:45.30]if you are man enough to come and face him. 只要你有胆去和他会面
  [00:48.38]Did he? 是吗?
  [00:50.46]The Welsh bowmen will not be detected 威尔士的弓箭手不会被发现
  [00:56.34]arriving so far around his flank. 已到达他的面
  [00:58.34]The main force of our armies from France 从法国调徵的主力
  [01:01.38]will land here to the north of Edinburgh. 会在爱丁堡北部登陆
  [01:03.66]Conscripts from Ireland will approach from the southwest to here. 爱尔兰的徵兵会自西南方攻进
  [01:11.42]Welsh bowmen? Troops from France? Irish conscripts? 威尔士的弓箭手  法国步兵  爱尔兰徵兵
  [01:15.42]Even if you dispatch them today, 就算今天抵达
  [01:17.42]they’d take weeks to assemble. 也需数周纠集
  [01:18.90]I dispatched them before I sent your wife. 早在派你老婆去谈判前我早就支调安排了
  [01:26.46]So our little ruse succeeded. 我们的策略成功
  [01:29.90]And while this upstart 这自傲家伙
  [01:30.34]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [01:32.90]awaits my arrival in York, 在约克等的同时
  [01:34.22]my forces will have arrived in Edinburgh behind him. 我的军力会在爱丁堡切断路
  [01:39.38]You spoke with this, uh, Wallace in private. 你曾跟这个 华莱士私底下谈过话
  [01:50.50]what kind of man is he? 他是一个怎么样的人?
  [01:52.98]A mindless barbarian. 一个没脑的野蛮人
  [01:56.30]Not a king like you, milord. 不像吾王您
  [02:03.34]You may return to your embroidery. 你可以回房了
  [02:04.34]Humbly, milord. 是  吾王
  [02:07.34]You brought back the money, of course. 你把钱都带回来了?
  [02:14.38]No. I gave it to ease the suffering of the children of this war. 没  我赠给受此战事扰害的孩童们
  [02:20.94]That’s what happens when you send a woman. 这就是派女人办事的后果
  [02:26.42]I thought that generosity 原以为此慷慨行为
  [02:29.46]to those you mean to rule. 更显您德政
  [02:35.46]My greatness will be better demonstrated 我德政的昭显
  [02:40.22]when Wallace returns to Scotland 是当华莱士滚回苏格兰时
  [02:42.98]and finds his country in ashes. 发现他的国家已一片灰烬
  [02:47.94]William! 威廉
  [02:50.26]There’s riders approaching! 有骑士来
  [02:59.10]Personal escort of the princess. 是王妃的帖身侍女
  [03:10.34]I didn’t think you were in the tent that long. 你在帐蓬里没待那么久
  [03:17.38]Mademoiselle. 小姐
  [03:20.38]Un message de ma maitresse. 王妃要我交给你

  [03:22.34]Merci. 谢谢
  [03:49.22]It’s true! English ships are moving up from the south! 是真的!英格兰军船从南方迫进
  [03:50.58]I don’t know about the Welsh yet, 我不知道威尔士的情形
  [03:53.86]but the Irish have landed! 但爱尔兰军已经登陆
  [03:55.86]I had to see it before I could believe it. 要亲眼看到才会相信
  [03:59.26]Why are the Irish fighting with the English? 爱尔兰人为何要帮他们作战?
  [04:00.70]Didn’t I tell you before? It’s my island. 我不是跟你说过? 是我的岛
  [04:01.14]I wouldn’t worry about them. 别担心他们
  [04:07.18]Hamish, ride ahead to Edinburgh 汉密许  骑马至爱丁堡
  [04:07.98]Order it. 命他们集合
  [04:09.18]and assemble the council. 去召集开会
  [04:15.22]Your island? 你的岛?
  [04:18.34]My island! Yup! 我的岛!!
  [04:22.02]No, please, gentlemen! 肃静  各位!
  [04:24.10]Lords, Craig is right! 大人  克格说的没错
  [04:24.98]This time our only option 目前只有谈判一途
  [04:29.78]Unless you want to see Edinburgh razed to the ground... 除非要见到爱丁堡夷为平地
  [04:39.18]My army has marched for more days 军队远征的时日
  [04:40.18]than I can remember, 多过我所记忆
  [04:42.38]and we still have preparations to make, 我们仍有时间准备
  [04:43.26]so I’ll make this plain. 仔细听好
  [04:46.18]We require every soldier you can summon... 我们召集所有的士兵
  [04:51.22]your personal escorts, even yourselves... 帖身侍卫、甚至你自己
  [04:54.10]and we need them now. 我们现在需要这些兵源
  [04:56.22]With such a force arrayed against us, 大敌当前
  [04:58.26]it’s time to discuss other options. 我们必须另谋他策
  [04:59.58]Other options? 另谋他策?
