听电影学英语-足球老爹 05(在线收听

  [00:02.52]I’d have an extra $5? 这样我会多出5美金来
  [00:30.08]I’m Byong Sun. 我是孙伯洋
  [00:36.24]Oh, that’s sweet. That’s very sweet. 哦,很好 很亲切
  [00:39.00]Anything that relates to soccer? 谈点跟足球有关系的好吗?
  [00:42.80]You know, maybe you and Ambrose could--could team up. 你知道,也许你和安布罗斯能很好的合作
  [00:54.84]Uh, pass it to--to someone else. 恩,传给另外一个人吧
  [00:58.08]I’m Mark Avery. 我是马克 艾弗里
  [00:59.48]You know, I like to keep my pimp hands strong. 你知道,我很想让我拉皮条的手强壮
  [01:03.36]W-What does that mean? 那是什么意思?
  [01:06.92]I heard it on a rap video once. 我有一次在说唱碟里听的
  [01:12.12]Great. Okay, yeah. I’d love to hear one. Shoot. 太好了,好 来讲一个听听,开始
  [01:23.72](all laughing)
  [01:35.24]Uh, you know what? Let’s just do some drills. 恩,接下来呢 让我们开始训练
  [01:37.24]Now, this one, 这个呢
  [01:46.68]and stops 3 feet from the first player. 然后在离第一个球员大概三尺的地方停下来
  [01:56.32]∮∮(Holla by Baha Men playing)
  [02:09.64]The kids were just running around. 那些孩子们到处跑
  [02:14.52]And I don’t even know what a whirling dervish is, 我都不知道秃驴是什么
  [02:24.16]My dad. He’s a coach. He knows the game. 但我爸爸,他是个教练 他了解比赛
  [02:27.84]He’s confident, he’s smart, 他很自信,很聪明
  [02:37.08]and forceful tactics if need be. 如果需要的话 会用一些手段
  [02:42.88]In fact, I don’t know anyone like that. 实际上,我不知道还有谁跟他一样
  [03:10.32]Here, I’ll get rid of it, honey. 好了,我来处理它,亲爱的
  [03:14.60]Anyway, uh, l-I’m coaching my son’s soccer team. 是这样子的,我在执教我儿子的足球队
  [03:17.88]And--And l--I didn’t know if you might be willing to help. 恩,恩,我不知道你愿不愿意帮忙
  [03:21.12]Actually, uh, l--I want you to assistant coach. 实际上,呃,我想请你当我的助教
  [03:25.52]Your assistant coach? 你的助教?
  [03:29.68]You’re right. Silly idea. 是的,我知道,很蠢的主意
  [03:38.60]You mean I get to coach against your dad? 你的意思是我带队跟你爸爸比赛?
  [03:43.88]Nobody’s smokin’! 没人抽烟
  [03:46.88]So, like, it’s me and you against your old man? 所以, 也就是说是你和我来对付你的老爹?
  [03:54.36]I’ll throw this out the window, honey. 我会把这个从窗户里扔出去的,亲爱的
  [04:08.84](people chattering) 给我杯水
  [04:22.64]Chicago Bears? 芝加哥熊队(一只棒球队)?
  [04:41.44]I’m gonna push you guys like you’ve never been pushed before. 我是来训练你们这群 从来都没有被好好训练过的家伙们的
  [04:45.84]Some of you are gonna wish I was dead. 你们中的某些人会恨死我的
  [05:00.92]When it’s over... When it’s over... - 当训练结束以后 - 当训练结束以后
