听电影学英语-落跑新娘 14(在线收听

  [00:05.98](Female Singer) ∮ Today ∮
  [00:10.50]∮ We took a walk up the street ∮
  [00:15.18]∮ We picked a flower and climbed the hill ∮
  [00:19.26](Maggie) He’s been drinking more and more since my mom passed away. 我妈死后他就越喝越多了
  [00:21.42](Ike) That’s when you quit school to come back here? 所以你放弃念大学回家里来?
  [00:24.30]Yeah. I had to come run the store for my dad. 是啊!要替我打理店铺嘛
  [00:27.90](Ike) My dad had a small printing business. 我父亲做一点小生意
  [00:30.94]He wanted me to become a classical musician. 他希望我成为古典音乐家
  [00:36.02]My mother wanted me to be a novelist. 我母亲要我成为小说家
  [00:40.30]They were 0-for-two. 结果两大皆空
  [00:43.62]More? 还想听吗?
  [00:46.06]So, l, uh-- I became a reporter. 结果我当了记者
  [00:54.86]Not quite a novelist.  算不上是个小说家
  [00:56.26]But as we all know, 可是我们谁都知道
  [00:56.70]journalism is literature in a hurry. 新闻是匆匆下笔的文学
  [01:01.94]∮ I never saw blue like that before ∮
  [01:08.78]∮ Across the sky ∮
  [01:13.02](Ike) What? What is this? 什么回事?
  [01:15.30]What kind of gas did you put in here? Diesel? 你入了什么油?柴油?
  [01:16.78]I don’t know. 我拿起最近车子的油泵
  [01:16.90]The pump closest to the car. 我不知是什么油…
  [01:22.94]This car takes unleaded.  这辆车子要用无铅汽油
  [01:27.42]Your filter is clogged. 滤油缸塞住了
  [01:27.66](Ike) Can you fix it? 你懂得修理吗?
  [01:29.70]- I’m gonna need to get some tools.  我需要一些工具才行
  [01:31.38]Kind of isolated here. 这里四野无人
  [01:31.90]- Oh, good. 噢,老天!
  [01:35.14]Yeah, it’s nice. 对,真妙!
  [01:39.98]Well, if there’s one thing us New Yorkers know how to do, that’s hail a cab. 我们纽约客只懂得挥手叫的士
  [01:45.14]If there’s no cab, we walk. 没有的士就只得走路
  [01:46.14]Uh, well, if we saved the battery here, 如果省下一些电力…
  [01:50.70]there’s a place just down the way. 下边还有个地方可去
  [01:54.06]We country girls cut across the field. It’s quicker. 我们乡下妹懂得抄捷径,会快些
  [02:02.02]Oh, be careful of snakes. 小心蛇呀!
  [02:05.90]- What?  你说什么?
  [02:07.98]- Snakes. 蛇呀!
  [02:09.50]I don’t like snakes. 我很讨厌蛇的
  [02:11.50]Walk nice. They won’t get ya. 走得斯文些,蛇就不会来咬你
  [02:19.42]What’re you-- What’re you doing? Snake dance? 你干嘛,跳蛇舞?
  [02:20.78]I’m scaring the snakes. 我是把蛇吓走嘛
  [02:24.58]- You’re scaring me.  你是吓到了我
  [02:26.98]- (Chuckles) I’m scaring myself. 我连自己也吓怕了
  [02:33.02]Do you think there’s one right person for everybody? 是不是每个人都会有个合意的人
  [02:37.02](Sighs) No, but I think attraction... 不一定
  [02:37.34]is too often mistaken for rightness. 人总是把魅力误解为合意

  [02:41.66]Attraction is very misleading. 魅力这两个字很容易被误解
  [02:45.86]- Yes, it is. - Yeah. 的确是啊
  [02:47.54]- And it doesn’t mean anything. - No. 没什么特别意思的
  [02:50.06]No, no. It doesn’t mean anything. It means-- 意思只是…
  [03:03.14]I, uh, 我
  [03:06.66]suddenly forgot how to climb a fence. 我突然连怎样爬篱笆也忘记了
  [03:23.86]- Lionel, do you have tools? - Hey, Maggie! 龙利,你有工具吗?
  [03:27.82]What’re you gonna do? Bust out of another wedding? (Ike Laughs) 美姬,你又在婚礼逃跑吗?
  [03:31.66]Sure are well-known around here. 你在这一带真是名闻遐迩
  [03:36.06](Ike) No, Fish, it’s almost done. I swear. 菲莎,稿快写好了
  [03:40.06]This story’s taken a very interesting turn. 内容精彩,峰回路转
  [03:40.66]I’ve got one more interview to do in New York. I’ll see you later. 还须在纽约多做一次访问
  [03:45.14]∮ From my head to my heart ∮ 再见
  [03:46.90]∮ Can’t seem to find a way They’re so far apart ∮
  [03:53.54]You could’ve told me that you were fianc?number three. 你本可告诉我你就是第三位新郎
  [03:58.26]And end up in the papers? 让你写在报纸上吗?
  [04:00.54]I’ve been humiliated enough already to last a lifetime. Thank you. 那件事令我毕生受辱
  [04:03.10]I was traveling around, 美姬认识我时
  [04:07.22]studying the reproductive and migratory patterns of locusts... when Maggie met me. 我到处遨游研究蝗虫的栖移习惯
  [04:12.86]Tell me, George. Why do you think she ran? 你认为她干嘛会逃跑呢?
  [04:13.82]Just like you said. What did you call her? A man-eater? 你讲过啦,专吃男人嘛
  [04:18.70]Devouring death goddess. All right? 择人而噬的死亡女神,对吗?
  [04:20.98]That’s what I said. I don’t think that’s why she ran. 我认为这都不是她逃跑的原因
  [04:25.90]Why do you think she ran? 那她干嘛要逃跑呢?
  [04:25.94]I don’t know. I’m working on it. I was on the wrong track. 我不知道,我当日的结论是错了
  [04:30.34]- Are you defending her? - No, no. 你这算是维护她吗?
  [04:31.82]I call it like I see it. I’m a journalist. I’m a truth-teller. 不,我只是直言无讳 我是记者,要讲事实
  [04:37.58]- Unbelievable! - What? 真是不可思议
  [04:37.62]She got to you, too, like a moth to a flame. 你被她迷倒了,像灯蛾扑火
  [04:42.98]- Please!  别胡扯了
  [04:43.70]-Join the club. 加入我这一团吧
  [04:44.98]- What are you talking about?  你说什么?
  [04:45.46]- You need this much more than I do. 你比我还需要多喝两杯
  [04:47.74]I am a journalist. 我是记者
  [04:47.82]I’m doing an article. Look. See? I’m being paid. 我在写稿,我是有钱收的
  [04:50.34]This will be published. A cover story. 这篇稿会被刊出
  [04:51.98]You’ll get the all facts in the article. 你在那篇稿里会看到全部事实

  [04:56.18]Do you know what kind of eggs she liked? 她喜欢怎样吃蛋?
  [04:58.30]Poached, same as me. 煮熟的,跟我一样
