听电影学英语-返老还童 08(在线收听

  [00:01.84]Here, you light it 你来点火柴
  [00:04.56]BENJAMIN; I’m not supposed to play with matches 我不应该玩火柴
  [00:07.12]DAISY; Don’t be a chicken. Light it 别这么胆小,快点啦
  [00:18.52]I’ll tell you a secret if you’ll tell me one 你说一个秘密,我也说一个
  [00:21.92]BENJAMIN; Okay 好
  [00:24.64]DAISY; I saw my mama kissing another man 我看到我妈亲另外一个男人
  [00:27.88]Her face was red from it 她的脸变得好红
  [00:33.36]Your turn 该你了
  [00:37.44](IN NORMal VOICE) I’m not as old as I look 我不像我看起来那么老
  [00:38.20]I thought so 我想也是
  [00:42.72](IN NORMal VOICE) You don’t-- You don’t seem like an old person 你看起来不像一个老人
  [00:46.48]-Like my grandma. -I’m not - 像我奶奶那样 - 我并不老
  [00:50.24]Are you sick? 你是生病吗?
  [00:52.88]Well, I heard Mama and Tizzy whispering 我听到妈妈和提兹说悄悄话
  [00:56.72]They said I was gonna die soon, but... 他们说我很快会死,不过
  [00:57.64]...maybe not 也许不会
  [01:01.88]You’re odd 你好古怪
  [01:04.96]You’re different than anybody I’ve ever met 你跟我见过的人都不一样
  [01:11.36]Okay 可以
  [01:11.76]May I? 可以吗?
  [01:18.20]What are you doing under there? 你们在底下干嘛?
  [01:22.20]You come right out here and get back up to bed 给我出来,回去睡觉
  [01:24.48]It’s after midnight! 都过了午夜了!
  [01:26.52]You are not to be playing together 你们不应该玩在一块儿
  [01:28.92]DAISY; Yes, ma’am 是,奶奶
  [01:32.68]You’re too young to be wandering around in the night on your own 你太小,不该半夜到处乱跑
  [01:32.84]MRS. FULLER; Now you get back to bed, little lady 乖乖回去睡觉
  [01:39.04]And you ought to be ashamed of yourself 你也应该感到羞耻
  [02:00.72]QUEENIE; You are a different child 你是个不一样的小孩
  [02:03.44]A man child 一个大人小孩
  [02:05.32]And, baby, people aren’t gonna understand just how different you are 大家不会了解你有多么不同
  [02:15.48]What’s wrong with me, Mama? 妈,我有什么病?
  [02:18.92]Come here 过来
  [02:22.52]God hasn’t said yet, baby 上帝还没告诉我们
  [02:28.20]Now go on to bed, hear? And behave yourself 回去睡觉吧,要乖一点哦
  [02:32.84]Go on. Say your prayers, hear? 去吧,记得要祷告
  [02:47.96]Did I ever tell you I’ve been struck by lightning seven times? 我说过我被闪电打中七次吗?
  [02:53.64]Once when I was repairing a leak on the roof 有一次我在修理屋顶
  [02:59.60]Once I was just crossing the road to get the mail 有一次我只是过马路拿信
  [03:20.04]BENJAMIN; I never forgot her... 我永远忘不了
  [03:20.44]" ...bIue eyes." 她的碧眼
  [03:23.56]Mom? 妈?
  [03:26.20]Did you get that this Benjamin loved you from the first time that he saw you? 你知道班哲明对你一见钟情吗?
  [03:30.80]-Mm-hm. -Not many people experience that 很少人有这种经验

  [03:35.96]-Want me to go on? -Hm 要我继续读吗?
  [03:38.92]He crosses something out 他把一些内容涂掉
  [03:41.04]BENJAMIN; When that baby came... 妈妈生了宝宝后
  [03:42.92]...things were different 一切都不同
  [03:53.88]Babies were born, people died 有人生小孩,有人过身
  [03:56.16]A lot of folks been through that old house 很多人住过那栋老屋
  [04:03.00]I’ve come to say goodbye. I’m going away 我来道别,我要走了
  [04:04.32]Going? 走?
  [04:08.16]Where? 走去哪里?
  [04:08.96]I haven’t figured that out yet... 我还没想到
  [04:09.76]...but I’ll send you a postcard when I get there 不过到了会寄明信片给你
  [04:13.76]What about your friend, the tall lady? 你高高的朋友呢?
  [04:16.00]That’s what happens with tall people sometimes 长得高的人经常会这么对我
  [04:16.24]We are not friends anymore 她不把我当朋友了
  [04:21.12]Well... 那就
  [04:23.28]...goodbye 再见了
  [04:42.84]Spent a lot of time by myself that year 那年我常常一个人独处
  [04:47.24]WOMAN; Hello? 有人吗?
  [04:51.04]BENJAMIN; Hi. -I’m moving in today - 你好 - 我今天要搬进来
  [04:52.40]Welcome. We’ve been expecting you 欢迎,我们在等你
  [04:53.52]Can you please show her up to Mrs. Rousseau’s old room? 带她到以前罗素太太的房间
  [04:58.40]I’m sorry, but we usually don’t allow dogs in the house 抱歉,这里通常不准养狗
  [05:00.56]Well, she’s old as the hills. She’s almost blind 她是只老狗,而且几乎失明
