听电影学英语-返老还童 28(在线收听

  [00:02.04]-You ready? MAN; Thank you - 准备好了吗? - 多谢
  [00:03.24]-All right? MAN; Yes - 可以吗? - 好的
  [00:04.80]ELIZABETH; Thank you all 多谢大家
  [00:15.96]BENJAMIN; In the spring, on a day like any other.... 那年春天再平凡不过的一天
  [00:19.40]I’ll be back in an hour 我一小时后回来
  [00:26.40]Honey? 甜心?
  [00:30.24]Gotta call an ambulance 你得叫救护车
  [00:36.72]The baby’s coming 我要生了
  [00:39.92]Operator, I need an ambulance 总机,帮我叫救护车
  [00:40.60]DAISY; The baby’s coming. -27 1 4 Napoleon - 我要生了! - 拿破仑街2714号
  [00:50.32]WOMAN; There you go. Keep breathing 很好,继续呼吸
  [00:52.32]Deep breath. Push 深呼吸,用力
  [00:57.68]Gonna go again. Breathe 再来一次,呼吸
  [01:05.04]There we go 对了,很好
  [01:22.16]Everyone’s fine. She’s a perfectly healthy baby girl 没事,她是个健康的女婴
  [01:33.40]Honey? 甜心?
  [01:37.24]BENJAMIN; She gave birth to a 5 pound, 4 ounce baby girl 她生了一个5磅4盎斯的女婴
  [01:56.52]Did you count the toes? 你数过她的脚趾吗?
  [02:02.92]She’s perfect 她很完美
  [02:04.80]"And we named her for my mother, Caroline." 我们以我母亲替她取名卡罗兰
  [02:12.12]This Benjamin was my father? 班哲明是我的爸爸?
  [02:14.64]And this is how you tell me? 你到现在才让我知道?
  [02:21.20]Excuse me 对不起
  [02:33.40]MAN (ON TV) ; --because all the ingredients are there for a major storm... 这会是一场超级咙风
  [02:37.88]...possibly even up to a Category Five 很可能是5级咙风
  [02:45.72]Hey. I know it’s hard. You can’t smoke in here 我知道很难熬,但都是不能吸烟
  [02:53.52]Nobody can tell where it’s gonna hit 没人知道咙风会侵袭哪里
  [02:54.76]We have to go with the guidance we have, incorporate that information... 不过我们一有最新消息
  [03:00.68]...and then pass it along to you 就会向大家宣布
  [03:07.00]"You grew as the doctor had promised; normal and healthy." 你像医生说的一样 正常健康地长大
  [03:22.04]You’re gonna have to find a real father for her 你得替她找个正常父亲
  [03:29.16]What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
  [03:31.00]She’s gonna need someone to grow old with 她需要能陪她长大的父亲
  [03:34.68]She’ll learn to accept whatever happens. She loves you 她爱你,会学着接受这一切
  [03:35.12]Honey, she needs a father, not a playmate 她需要父亲,不是玩伴
  [03:43.40]-Is my age beginning to bother you? -Of course not - 你开始嫌我老了,是吗? - 当然不是
  [03:43.80]DAISY; Is it me? -Of course not - 是因为我吗? - 当然不是
  [03:47.40]Is that what you’re telling me? 是这样吗?
  [03:49.28]You can’t raise the both of us 你不能同时养我们
  [04:00.80]BENJAMIN; It was your first birthday 这是你的一岁生日
  [04:01.76]We had a party for you 我们替你办了生日派对

  [04:05.88]House was filled with children 屋子全是小朋友
  [04:07.48]-How are you? -Hey, man - 你好 - 嘿,老兄
  [04:09.36]Before you turn around, they’ll be in high school, dating 你一眨眼,他们就上高中了 然后开始约会
  [04:45.80]I sold the summer house on Lake Pontchartrain 我卖掉庞恰特雷恩湖的别墅
  [04:50.20]I sold Button’s Buttons 也卖掉巴顿钮扣厂
  [04:52.68]I sold my father’s sailboat, put it all into a savings account 然后卖掉我父亲的帆船 把这些钱存在银行
  [04:58.52]And so that you and your mother might have a life... 好让你和你母亲过好日子
